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New List: "Authors"

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17 years ago
Posts: 65

I'm not too sure if this has been suggested yet, but i would be wholly helpful if Manga Updates could simply add an 'Authors' list.

Like the Reading, Wish, Complete and Unfinished lists, just a list to keep track of authors.

For example, I like to keep watch on my favourite authors for new releases and the like, and if I want some good manga, I'd go check out different authors instead of sieving through the huge manga database.

Oh, and a "Scanlators" list would be useful, too.


... Last edited by .Kaii 17 years ago
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Mad With a Hat

17 years ago
Posts: 4764

I think it was suggested, but I'd like something like this too...


Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
[color=black]And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

Click 'n Play!

If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.

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Radical Dreamer

17 years ago
Posts: 42

Absolutely, I support this idea.

An authors list could show, for example, the number of series by that author I have in my reading or completed list. It could also show an average of my ratings for those series.

This would certainly aid in finding readers of similar taste, and encourage group discusion.

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16 years ago
Posts: 2596

Hm... I'd like to ask... is there any suggestion out there for telling the status of the manga on the mangaka list?

Like when you click Series Info [link on the navi] , there will be like exclaimation mark for unfinished beside the series name, or other marks showing completed and reading... I wonder if that could show on the mangaka's page also? Cause' on the mangaka page it also show the works done by them... O--O;; Hope that make sense somehow? xD

More clearly... Ex:

I finished Red River, so there is a checkmark beside it everytime I search for the series etc.. Now when I click on Chie S. (the mangaka of the series) and scrolled down to the 'manga done by this mangaka' part.. It doesn't show the checkmark beside Red River ^^;;; So yeah...

I don't even know if it's okay I post here. So I apologize first? :/

Post #194574 - Reply To (#194564) by chueisha
Post #194574 - Reply To (#194564) by chueisha
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sleepy ghost

16 years ago
Posts: 1140

Quote from chueisha

Hm... I'd like to ask... is there any suggestion out there for telling the status of the manga on the mangaka list?

Like when you click Series Info [link on the navi] , there will be like exclaimation mark for unfinished beside the series name, or other marks showing completed and reading... I wonder if that could show on the mangaka's page also? Cause' on the mangaka page it also show the works done by them... O--O;; Hope that make sense somehow? xD

More clearly... Ex:

I finished Red River, so there is a checkmark beside it everytime I search for the series etc.. Now when I click on Chie S. (the mangaka of the series) and scrolled down to the 'manga done by this mangaka' part.. It doesn't show the checkmark beside Red River ^^;;; So yeah...

I don't even know if it's okay I post here. So I apologize first? :/

There's actually a suggestion thread specifically on that topic:


"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."

  • Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
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16 years ago
Posts: 2596

Oh I see, thanks. Lucky I didn't make a new topic ^^

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Inactive Phantom

16 years ago
Posts: 1078

I'd like this idea if it came to fruition. Even just a "Favourite Authors" type thing. It'd be dead handy...


16 years ago
Posts: 2

yes, I've been wanting a list like this all the time I've been here! Both scanlators and authors list. 🙂 it'd make my manga browsing a lot easier.

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16 years ago
Posts: 2596

I know this is again, off-topic, but it was somewhat inspired while browsing the mangaka's page... I don't want to risk making a new thread and getting it locked just because somebody already suggested it... Erm, don't kill me if somebody already suggested this but, when you search for a manga, is it possible to have the word "completed" or "not completed" beside the series name? Like when you click the series, it said No or Yes for Completion, but just for convenience, have the No or Yes beside it? xD Or completed and not completed? ><;;

Post #242151 - Reply To (#216349) by chueisha
Post #242151 - Reply To (#216349) by chueisha
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16 years ago
Posts: 288

Quote from chueisha

I know this is again, off-topic, but it was somewhat inspired while browsing the mangaka's page... I don't want to risk making a new thread and getting it locked just because somebody already suggested it... Erm, don't kill me if somebody already suggested this but, when you search for a manga, is it possible to have the word "completed" or "not completed" beside the series name? Like when you click the series, it said No or Yes for Completion, but just for convenience, have the No or Yes beside it? xD Or completed and not completed? ><;;

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about..When you search a series there are checkmarks to indicate whether you've completed it or not...

Oh wait
You mean have the option ON the search page? =\ That sounds like a lot of cluttery space.
And I don't know how often i'd use this because i'd have to click on the series to see what it was about and check if I finished it or not.

I also second the author list, but I don't think a scanlator list is necessary. And while i'm here, can I suggest those awesome list icons be on the scanlator's page?

Post #242156 - Reply To (#242151) by Pomegranate
Post #242156 - Reply To (#242151) by Pomegranate
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16 years ago
Posts: 6221

Quote from Pomegranate

Quote from chueisha

I know this is again, off-topic, but it was somewhat inspired while browsing the mangaka's page... I don't want to risk making a new thread and getting it locked just because somebody already suggested it... Erm, don't kill me if somebody already suggested this but, when you search for a manga, is it possible to have the word "completed" or "not completed" beside the series name? Like when you click the series, it said No or Yes for Completion, but just for convenience, have the No or Yes beside it? xD Or completed and not completed? ><;;

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about..When you search a series there are checkmarks to indicate whether you've completed it or not...

Oh wait
You mean have the option ON the search page? =\ That sounds like a lot of cluttery space.
And I don't know how often i'd use this because i'd have to click on the series to see what it was about and check if I finished it or not.

I think it's pretty useful especially when placed on the author page or my reading/wish lists since I now only read completely scanslated manga(with a few exceptions) and when browsing through my list or a favored mangaka, I can see if this particular manga is completely scanslated then I pick it up.


16 years ago
Posts: 5


there are several mangaka (and manhwa-ka/manhua-ka?) id like to keep track of. a notice whenever a new series is being added on mangaupdates would be really really neat!

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16 years ago
Posts: 437

There are a lot of topics suggesting this... (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
Anyway, yes, I would like to have a list for mangaka also--it would make it easier to keep track of my favorite mangaka, to check for any new works they've released, and also it would be cool to see what others' favorite mangaka are.

Quote from chueisha

Erm, don't kill me if somebody already suggested this but, when you search for a manga, is it possible to have the word "completed" or "not completed" beside the series name? Like when you click the series, it said No or Yes for Completion, but just for convenience, have the No or Yes beside it? xD Or completed and not completed? ><;;

So you mean something to signify whether a manga has been completed and/or completely scanlated, which would be seen on the list of series.
Sure, that would be nice. I mean, for completely scanned stuff, you can check the box for "only show completely scanned series" in the advanced search, but in the list of works under publishers or mangaka or scanlators, that doesn't help. Something simple--like the series name in bold (and be dispayed that way on every list) if the series is complete, and then maybe a checkmark or a star after the name (after is better than before, I think, so that it isn't confused with the other list icons) if the series is completely scanned--would be very nice.

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15 years ago
Posts: 8

I guess I'm for the original idea of having an author's list. I'd like to be able to "save" my favorite mangaka is a list to see whenever they draw/write something new comes up or to save some clicking when trying to remember who wrote what. I'm frequent the manga pimp when it comes to recs for my friends so being able to quickly look at my list of favorite mangaka is nice.

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