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Your Best Life-Changing Decision

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Woodland Friendo

4:40 pm, Apr 12 2015
Posts: 98

Today's been a pretty boring Sunday for me, so I decided to rummage around and necropost anything interesting for the first time ever. I'll probably be doing that more in the future...

Back in middle school, I tried out for a science team that had limited membership. We all took the required test, and I failed miserably compared to the other geniuses there. Time went on, and I slowly came to learn that art happened to be my "true passion," especially when I got accepted into an art class of around 20 other kids, out of the 100+ that tried out in my school. Eventually, when it came time in high school to apply to colleges + universities, every school I applied to was strictly for art.
While I'm keeping an open mind, I'm currently aiming to work on concept art for 2-D video games as a future profession. biggrin


5:11 pm, Apr 12 2015
Posts: 380

Hey, on the plus side, necroposting in Chatter Box is way, way less annoying than some other forums (especially "I'm looking for...").

My best life-changing decision was attending MIT. Just finished my Master's there in September 2014!

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10:20 pm, Apr 14 2015
Posts: 1698

Back in 2006, I put on some cat-ears and went to my first anime convention. It has changed my entire life. I love cosplaying. I don't think I would as happy without it. It got me out of a dark period in my life of finding out my identity and my place on earth.

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Seinen is RIGHT

1:13 am, Apr 15 2015
Posts: 2409

My mother did mine. Our move from Russia to Germany in 1997 improved our living condition by an uncountable amount and you wouldn’t be reading this post now otherwise.

My own decision would be to try for 1,5 years straight to get into my current profession.
I wrote about 150 letters of application but my foot is in the door now.
I am pretty much set for life and only need to chill for a few years in college next year or so and then the really big bucks await.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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