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New Poll - Why MangaUpdates?

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7:04 am, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 10691

A little more personal poll (at least for us) this time. Suggested by member StarlightDreams. So why visit us?

You can discuss this poll on our forums here:

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you vote/rate (on any site) for the series you read?
Yes, I care a lot for it and I do it systematically - votes: 1181 (15.6%)
Yes, but I don't give much thought to what I score - votes: 593 (7.9%)
Depends, I vote if I really like/hate the manga - votes: 3849 (51%)
No, I don't care - votes: 1928 (25.5%)
There were 7551 total votes.
The poll ended: December 27th 2008

Not many votes...And the winner is kinda sad. This is why we get a lot of people voting for 1 and 10.

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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8:35 am, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 86

I voted for the database on the new one. Definitely my favorite part of the site. I've just found it the most comfortable to use, out of all things out there.

The lists and how they help keep up with updates are important too, but many sites do that. So the above is the actual reason I picked this site over others. It's just the best source of quick info on series and where to find the releases, IMO.

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8:49 am, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 838

There are other sites? Every other manga site I know don't have updated databases, descriptions, user reviews and rating systems in such a clutter free environment.

Post #532375 - Reply to (#532374) by drunkguy

9:30 am, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 31

I second that, may have found this site by accident, definitely one of my top 10 sites

Gosh It Bloody Ard To Be English
Post #532376 - Reply to (#532375) by leon2lil
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11:42 am, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 87

Third. smile Love this site.

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12:55 pm, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 216

I think a good listing and database goes hand in hand; you can't have one without the other. Sure the listing system could be good, but what's the point if practically every manga isn't in the database.

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3:05 pm, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 65

Do you want to know how I foudn it or why I use it?

Actually, I could put my vote in any of the last 5.

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Post #532379

3:12 pm, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 83

I like to rate the manga, partly because I need something to reflect that just because I read such and such title, it does not equate that I liked it. I think on my profile it lists that "naikan likes Yaoi (### titles) Drama (##) Comedy (##)", which is misleading because of ## amt of yaoi titles I've read, I hated most of them, whereas out of the shounen or horror manga I've read, I liked most of them. Plus most yaoi titles being oneshots or 1 volume versus non-yaoi titles I read being >30 volumes skews the count. Just wait until I start keeping track of hentai. bigrazz

As for why I joined mangaupdates, I like the lists, plus the other features. I get the most mileage from using the lists, but that I could filter or highlight new releases, do advanced searches, etc., really won me over. smile

Post #532380
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11:11 pm, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 4

I don't bother to rate on any site which doesn't clearly define what the rating is supposed to mean. When the ranking criteria are explicit, I'm more motivated to add my 2 cents.

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11:48 pm, Dec 27 2008
Posts: 23

This was a hard one.... Though I just happened to find it through google one day.... I love the database and the lists here~! I also use it very much to find new manga to read and keep track up updated releases.... Can't say I use the forum myself really, but overall this site has a whole lot to offer that others don't have at all....

Thanks to the Japanese, I have been deprived of any left over paycheck cash since high school.... >.<'
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Crazed stalker

9:46 am, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 75

Also voted for the database but actually I wanted to vote for more than one option. I have MU as my start page on both Firefox and IE. This place is just so great and practical!

"I'm up for anything... as long as it involves handcuffs"

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Post #532383
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1:39 pm, Dec 28 2008
Posts: 173

The datalist is great and all, but have you tried to keep up with like 200 scanlated manga at the same time?
The personal reading list is a godsend!
Not that the database is bad, it's the best for manga out there.


2:32 am, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 15

I found this site through Google when I was looking up releases of some manga & I find it really helpful.
I write down all the mangas that I read & am in the middle of & I rate (not all the time, but for the ones that I enjoyed) on the site that I read them in.
I try to go back to this site & rate it here... but I just don't have the energy to do that =P
Nevertheless, I love this site & think it's great.
I'm here every week to take a new poll =D

/*/Just Be You. Life's Too Short To Be Anyone Else/*/
Post #532385

1:23 pm, Dec 31 2008
Posts: 18

Until AniDB starts tracking manga I'm stuck using this meh site.

Post #532386
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11:43 pm, Jan 3 2009
Posts: 1

I actually remember MU starting in the "early" days, as the oh-so-little sister of BU, and from day one I enjoyed the mixed review/vote/dl system. But honestly, as long as MU has a dl feature, what did you expect? Leechers will always only start to talk/act, if they feel strongly about something.

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