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Post #280174
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3:31 pm, Apr 24 2009
Posts: 3120


Post #280176 - Reply to (#280084) by CuthienSilmeriel
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3:38 pm, Apr 24 2009
Posts: 183

Quote from CuthienSilmeriel
I'm more flexible than the bible allows though. I believe any person who sincerely repents of their sins will be forgiven regradless of religion or denomination. I think all religions that believe in a higher being are worshipping the same being but by different names and in different ways. I don't preach either, I think faith needs to be found and to be found someone needs to be looking for it. My best friend is an atheist and no amount of preaching will ever convert her if she doesn't want to be converted so I see no point in trying to force my beliefs on others.

I feel the exact same way. I'm Orthodox Christian and a lot of people are shocked since I'm in support of LGBT and stem cell research etc. I don't think that if you're not Christian you're screwed in the after life or anything, if you're a good person and not evil than it doesn't matter. Religion is more of a guide and sometimes a form of hope for those who need it. I think some people just take it overboard and should learn to be more accepting because I agree with CuthienSilmeriel that if you're nonreligious but still a good person it shouldn't matter if you believe in God or not.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
Post #280254 - Reply to (#280161) by turha

7:10 pm, Apr 24 2009
Posts: 678

Quote from turha
Quote from jrdragon2003
Quote from KennEH!
The whole science can't prove god exists therefore can't be real always seemed so silly to me. If something created everything in existence, even science, then how could you possibly use it to prove the existence of it?

i've always had that type of thought in my mind too. cause honestly what exactly could be possibly looking for in order to prove the existence of a higher power. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step..." but in this case where is that first step going to be taken? don't get me wrong i have nothing wrong with people who don't believe in a higher being or their philosophy, since i think Atheists do have a better usage of logic than most religions out there. but i think that the proof mantra doesn't hold that much weight as the claims of blind faith.

Atheism is not a religion, its simply the belief that god dosn't exist.

A religion is an organized approach to human spirituality which usually encompasses a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural or transcendent quality, that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power or truth.[1] It may be expressed through prayer, ritual, meditation, music and art, among other things. It may focus on specific supernatural, metaphysical, and moral claims about reality (the cosmos and human nature) which may yield a set of religious laws, ethics, and a particular lifestyle. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience.

The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction. "Religion" is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system,"[2] but it is more socially defined than personal convictions, and it entails specific behaviors, respectively.
Quoted from wikipedia-

Religion belongs to the subcategories of theism, atheism is the exact opposite of that.

A simple disbelief in something dosnt classify as a religion.

lol i should have phrased it a little better, i didn't mean to describe it a religion. i know the concrete definition of it, what i was trying to describe was really the theory behind it. sorry if it got confusing there. bigrazz

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Post #280433
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The Gorilla King

2:11 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 1117

I'm a muslim~<3 don't kill mee!!! XD

wow some really long posts up there <_>;;

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Post #280435 - Reply to (#280433) by ranmaru
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2:16 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 2050

Quote from ranmaru
I'm a muslim~<3 don't kill mee!!! XD

err that's silly..why would anyone kill you? I'm a muslim too none

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3:23 am, Apr 25 2009
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and is not like we can...

even thought is my dream to cause a heart attack and long distance kill someone (just to prove it can be done)

anyway... Muslims have a cool faith and on the average are quite devoted to it (not saying like fanatics or Zealots)

All the people that bash them, should try to understand them before anything else... after all Christians did/do their share of things that normal people consider stupid and inhuman >_>

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Post #280455

3:42 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 1762

I haven't belonged to an organized religion in a very long time, I have yet to find one that works for me.

This pretty much sums up my feelings:
"it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant."

Post #280456
a mere human

3:44 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 32


Post #280460 - Reply to (#280435) by Hermit-chan
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4:02 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 62

Quote from Hermit-chan
Quote from ranmaru
I'm a muslim~<3 don't kill mee!!! XD

err that's silly..why would anyone kill you? I'm a muslim too none

Lol yeah, why??
and me too... I pray and all that.. actually even wear a scarf bigrazz

"I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy."
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Lost in the Snow

4:10 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 143

I'm mostly Agnostic... tilting towards Atheistic beliefs. What does that make me??roll eyes
Well, my Family is into Hinduism... but I'm the only one here in my family who won't follow...
Actually, I don't follow/like any religion and prefer to follow my own ideas/beliefs or simply put... -> My Own Religion ... cool
I believe what I have to believe... and reject the unwanted and (mostly) bad stuff.

However, I also do not hate other religions. I respect them and the people who follow them. After all, they have their reasons for faith. And I'm a full supporter of Secularism. smile wink grin

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8:58 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 3342

I don't have a religion. But I have beliefs.
I believe every living thing has a soul, that the "Higher Power" lies within, and that once your dead that's it.

I guess that's close to Taoism...

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Post #280542

9:07 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 4

Roman Catholic

Post #280625
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12:00 pm, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 1975

I'm Catholic though i wanna try being Buddhist or that religion in China called Confucianism
--->im not sure if they still have Confucianism,though.I think thye do,but in rural areas<---

Post #280629 - Reply to (#280625) by Yenoh
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I am the Devil

12:06 pm, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 2081

Quote from Yenoh
I'm Catholic though i wanna try being Buddhist or that religion in China called Confucianism
--->im not sure if they still have Confucianism,though.I think thye do,but in rural areas<---

they do. and not even only in china. some guy in my physics class follows it and hes from india (well close enough to china)

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Inactive Phantom

3:51 pm, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 1078

Born a Catholic, and lightly raised as one, up until around the age of thirteen, where I started thinking about it. It all just hit me in one go really; the realisation of how silly the concept of a god is, and all that poppycock.
Fully Atheist now, and presumably forever.

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