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is baku-man not popular here/ ch. 103 spoilers

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The Coolest

6:12 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 891

im jus wondering if bakuman is not popular here, or not popular enuff for people to talk and discuss about. cuz no theards like how naruto,bleach,one piece, or even HOTD, cuz i wanted to talk bout recent chapters but no one ever writes bak so its like im talkin into the air.....but anyways bak to the chapter:

like last chapter, everyone is focused on Peace to do well and get into JUMP and stuff and it will, but i think it will be better thn PCP which results in gettin anime. thts why i feel bad for masriho(idk spelled rite), cuz he cant get anime even tho theres been proposal.
also i think he will either write and draw a new story or draw a story wit no texts and thn see wat happens. i think tht cuz of wat he said in this chapter, and im jus hoping they get an anime, esp him cuz he suffered enuff, they both suffered....let them get an anime soon.

wat do you guys/gals think....anyone tht reads bakuman or has read this post. smile

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6:31 pm, Oct 2 2010
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I find Bakuman to be very repetitive, so I do not really like it. I mean its already been what 103 chapters and they still haven't got an anime yet. I just feel like this is going to be like naruto, where we will never live to see the day he becomes hokage.

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7:05 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 252

Chinolal got it right it is kind of repetitive, but I do think they will be a anime just not with pcp...

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Post #411715

7:36 pm, Oct 2 2010
Posts: 490

It's not so much unpopular as hard to discuss. I mean there's the occasional twist, but most of them are like "Whoa didn't see it coming." but then there's nothing to talk about.

Like he's drawing another series while Takagi is writing one. It's like "Yeah okay." And now we're just waiting to see. And as to your "Series with no text" that still has a story, except in that case the story has to be there without any words which can be hard to think through, like some of Nihei's oneshots. It's actually harder to write. More likely he'll be doing art for one of the authors who can't draw that we were told about in this chapter as clear set-up.

Post #411793
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4:12 am, Oct 3 2010
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I don't mind Bakuman being repetitive, but I'm really annoyed with Takagi's and Mashiro's attitude to writing manga. At first it was their childhood dream - they dreamed about getting an anime, and it was okay. But now they are doing everything just for the sake of being popular. They don't want to create a very good manga, they want a manga that can get an anime. I prefer Niizuma Eiji's attitude - he doesn't think about popularity, he just does what he likes and what he's good at.

Chapter 103 proved what I've been suspecting for a long time - while Takagi is fine writing a teenage superheroes/comedy/gag manga, Mashiro is wasting his talent doing that. He should draw something darker and more complicated.

Post #411795
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4:42 am, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 264

I find this arc annoying. I don't know why. Just, the guy that draw the story of the dog (don't even wanna remember his name), I just want him to go to paris like his parents says and never come back.

On the other side, I'm really glad Mashiro wants to draw a new story even not with Akito. I wonder if Akito will have a problem with that? But then again, isn't their dream Akito writes, Mashiro draws et Azuki doing the voice for THEIR serie?
It would be fun if Akito ditch the dog thing and decide to write de the second story Mashiro wants to draw... or not... More like expected.

But now that I think about it, Akito's rival (what's her name again? The one that work with niizuma) wants to do new story and must find the artist! Go Mashiro go! With her you'll get an anime

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5:09 am, Oct 3 2010
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Well they may just ditch their partnership if they split ways, which I don't really want to see.

And yes, Niizuma Eiji is superb, out of everyone else, probably he hasn't lost sight of what he really wants.

Part of the repetitiveness isn't so bad though; that's what actually makes Bakuman realistic. Though it gets annoying at times, I'd prefer it like this than if a ghost suddenly appeared in front of them or something... like W-Juliet. -_-"

Post #411807
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5:56 am, Oct 3 2010
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What I see happening is that their manga will stagnate in quality, never getting better but maintaining its current quality.
Eiji won't like that. He knows they can do much better than that.
So I think in the very near future, Eiji will cash in the deal he got at the start, that when he becomes the most popular author in jump, he can end one serie he doesn't like.
He will end PCP and it's back to the drawing board for Mashiro and Takagi.

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The Coolest

6:18 pm, Oct 3 2010
Posts: 891

wow lot of ppl answered bak...kool.
i agree it is repeatative but life is repeatative too...u kno. but i like this manga, idk i find it interesting, cuz i cant draw or write mangas...or stories lol...i can write poems tho lool

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6:40 pm, Oct 3 2010
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I personally love it, and suspect a lot more people like it than you'd think. It's one of the few I read weekly.

Interesting theory by The Guy. I have to say that I wouldn't be too surprised if that happened. It looks like we'll see a slight parting of ways of the protagonists (with their second series) before we see that happen though. Kind of annoying how we don't know anything about these unknown authors who end up 1st or 2nd place every week though.

Post #412278 - Reply to (#412037) by Spawnblade
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The Coolest

9:55 am, Oct 4 2010
Posts: 891

Quote from Spawnblade
I personally love it, and suspect a lot more people like it than you'd think. It's one of the few I read weekly.

Interesting theory by The Guy. I have to say that I wouldn't be too surprised if that happened. It looks like we'll see a slight parting of ways of the protagonists (with their second series) before we see that happen though. Kind of annoying how we don't know anything about these unknown authors who end up 1st or 2nd place every week though.

ur probably rite about more ppl like it...and i think there will be a little parting, and thn they will come bak together better and hopefully get an anime with tht manga....but wat i dont get is why the cheif of editor didnt sayin anything about the 'anime proposal' tht they had idk 5 or so chapters bak...they keep declining them for an anime and tht jus pisses me off.

yea we only kno how they are doin and also Crow....but it kinda makes sense cuz u wanna focus on wat ur doin and ur oppentent(rivals).

The Don: Young Makaveli

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insomniac Kagehime

3:01 am, Oct 8 2010
Posts: 2707

who said it´s not popular? it´s on first place in the monthly stats

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Post #413976

7:19 pm, Oct 8 2010
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Post #413986
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7:48 pm, Oct 8 2010
Posts: 1021

Bakuman is the type of series that many people read, but few really talk about. It's a manga that focuses on creating manga, and how would people normally discuss that kind of thing? There isn't too much happening in terms of huge plot events, and there aren't any overly bishie characters to fawn over. It's really only good as a conversation topic if you want to talk about the details of manga creation and publication and such. When I went to the OM forum for self-made manga, there were quite a many people there mentioning Bakuman. ^^

That said, I've noticed that Bakuman is more popular in Japan than elsewhere. Perhaps it's because there aren't as many comic artists in other parts of the world, so readers don't connect with it as much.

Post #414384 - Reply to (#413986) by Blique
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3:30 am, Oct 10 2010
Posts: 95

Quote from Blique
Bakuman is the type of series that many people read, but few really talk about. It's a manga that focuses on creating manga, and how would people normally discuss that kind of thing? There isn't too much happening in terms of huge plot events, and there aren't any overly bishie characters to fawn over. It's really only good as a conversation topic if you want to talk about the details of manga creation and publication and such. When I went to the OM forum for self-made manga, there were quite a many people there mentioning Bakuman. ^^

That said, I've noticed that Bakuman is more popular in Japan than elsewhere. Perhaps it's because there aren't as many comic artists in other parts of the world, so readers don't connect with it as much.


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