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WoW!. ... Never read a Manga like this...

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Post #165190
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1:44 pm, May 26 2008
Posts: 2009

The manga/anime itself isn't bad but the mangaka as well as the producers of the anime should be jailed for pedophila by oversexualizing children.

Post #165302

5:16 am, May 27 2008
Posts: 189

you sure you were looking at the manga and not the Hentai, They are subbed by the same person or group.

Any way they cut the line close but it has been funny so far funkmu1. Keep the mean to yourself. Go read some sugary ones like sugar sugar rune or whatever.

love and peace
Post #165303
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The Gorilla King

6:14 am, May 27 2008
Posts: 1117

poor guy just discovered that he's a pedo ^^; jk jk XD

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Post #165365
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1:08 pm, May 27 2008
Posts: 1574

so far so funny, all the "pedo" parts seems mostly too be shock humor (from the main lil girl) as far as i can tell

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2:45 pm, May 27 2008
Posts: 108

could i get a link to the manga is the tittle Rin Kokonoe or what is it no one mentions it lol

[Life is But A Dream..]
Post #165381
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The Gorilla King

2:52 pm, May 27 2008
Posts: 1117

you mean Kodomo no Jikan? you know all you have to is scroll up and youll find a link ^^

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Post #166189 - Reply to (#162116) by Riffz

10:32 pm, May 30 2008
Posts: 4

Quote from Riffz

Sorry for late reply.
Well its not like i dont like complex stories. But here the problem is I have to wait 1 month for one chapter. Which is painful. I like complex stories when I know that I can read the end I dont have wait for release.
Anyway I have decided to not read this manga for next 1 year. Then gonna read 12 chapters all together. biggrin

By the way have u read the latest chap?? Rin decided to marry Renji. NANDA KOREAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Man... the month's wait is brutal...but the tankobun is coming out next month with the preview for the 2nd season of KnJ, it cost 40 dollars, but I want it so bad... I need to pre-order!

I remember when I first started reading this manga (about a year ago) I read all the chapters marathon style, then it stopped, I was waiting for friday to come around to get my fix, then found it was monthly... I was crushed, and now I'm a little over a dozen chapters past that point... the monthly is too cruel.

It looks like they will taking a little break from rin and aoki and letting the humor fly again. I want to know more about shiro-chan... watashiya, don't upset me... I'll... not buy your japanese stuff any more... .... ....

Post #252605

7:59 am, Jan 27 2009
Posts: 1

I really don't understand whats so 'sick' about this anime/manga. There's no loli sex, and in terms of panty flashing and underaged relationships we've all seen far worse in virtually half the manga's in existence.

If the problem is that the Rin and Kuro say very sexual things then you don't know elementary school students very well. If not corrected early children can do/say very creepy things.

I remember one girl was caught masturbating in class during recess. These were first graders. While I was a substitute I've stopped kids from doing a number of things so this manga does strike close to home for me. I found it HILARIOUS because it does seem very much about the teacher and having the hardships that teachers generally have, like deducting child abuse dealing with crushes without ruining your student teacher relationship, and dealing with methods of praise.

Yes I find Reiji creepy. to hell with Rin's feelings you're sopposed to report suspicions like that. He feels like he's threatening to turn this funny manga into a psychologically scarring manga.

Post #338011 - Reply to (#252605) by Malwing
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3:30 pm, Nov 27 2009
Posts: 1

Quote from Malwing
Yes I find Reiji creepy. to hell with Rin's feelings you're sopposed to report suspicions like that. He feels like he's threatening to turn this funny manga into a psychologically scarring manga.

It's more complicated than that. It's probably a little bit out of everybody's understanding, but getting a little closer here. Here goes:

Spoiler (highlight to view)
Aoki knows that the situation is VERY dangerous. the very last thing Rin said to Aoki after telling him that she was marrying Reiji was "If you say anything bad about Reiji, It'll be you who is going to be arrested..." puts things in a complete standstill. If he were to say anything to authorities about the situation, Rin could simply spout lies directly involving Aoki and her together (which would be easily supported due to prior incidents.) The onlything that would do is completely trap Rin; She would have no more reason/ encouragement to escape Reiji anymore.

Can anybody else see why this would be bad?

Furthermore, if Aoki actually HAD evidence, It would be likely
that both Aoki and Reiji would be carted off, then Rin would have nothing. No home, no family, Would probably be put into the hands of an establishment, which means she might even have to change schools. Could you envision Rin alone, again, almost in the same passive, lifeless condition as she was when she first came to Futsubashi? Losing another big chunk of her life?

Some say even this would be better than Rin with Reiji, but if either one of the above occured (almost guaranteed if info is spilt) there would be no way to get Rin free of her own curse. (not to mention, Reiji's own being impressed on her.) I've read far enough, and now I'm happy he did what he did, and how he did it (which he himself might not understand) although when I first read that chapter, like you, I really felt sick with the thought of having to sit and wait and see what might happen with Rin and Reiji.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 3:38 pm, Nov 27 2009

In every effort there is a reason, in every goal an effort, in every life a great goal. The questions are false and misleading, for it is not the goal that matters, it is the reason, because reasons will apply to all that exists, and all that will. What is your reason for what you are doing now? For what you did yesterday? Always ask this, for it makes up nothing less than the very essence of your soul. I mean, unless it doesn't exist 0_o

-The Scribe
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6:37 pm, May 13 2010
Posts: 6

Actually, Reiji is not really a pedophile. He's just a messed up kid who's old enough to be considered an adult but hasn't really grown up yet. At first he was creeping me out but as the story has been unfolding you can see he's just scared of losing the last person he loves and wants to stay with her forever, even if his way of seeing and doing things is way off. That's where Aoki comes in and starts helping him out (or at least that's what I can guess from the last chapter I read). And Rin might be a precocious kid but when she's on the receiving end of anything sexulal, she's easily startled. It shows that while she may know a lot about sex she doesn't really understand what it's really about.


2:14 am, Jun 22 2010
Posts: 1

yeah right the manga is definitely greaaaat!!!, it's not like the usual from boring always ecchi from the start then sudden serious climax, but making an anime from it? none
it would be nice if they put all manga story in the anime too, but it seems only very few chapters gets into anime ver, i think I'll stick with manga instead

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