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Wana Be Shota/Yaoi Writer/Layout Artist Wants to Say HI !!!

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12:32 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 10

Dear Persons,

My name is David Lee Frater, and this is going to be a very long post. So, if you don't have the time, fine, read something else.

David, named by my Mother, from the Bible... "Beloved Of God, Beloved Of Truth"

Frater, The name of my ancestors, altho Latin in Origin, my family is NOT Latin, or Roman, my family is Hungarian. The Latin, means, "Brother". The Family name was not always "Frater", it used to be a typical Hungarian name, Czako. But some centuries ago, an ancestor of mine, who was serving as a calvary gaurd to the Royal Carriage, of the Austrian/Hungarian Empire, did a great act of bravery, defending his King, and country, from robbers and thieves while in his carriage was en route to Budapest. He was wounded badly, but not only saved the King, but his only son as well. Latter, when recovered, the King honored my ancestor by knighting him, and during the ceremony, which was conducted entirely in Latin, the King, called my great ancestor, "Brother", or, in Latin, "Frater". My Ancestor, Lorent Luiz Czako, changed the family name, from "Czako", to "Frater", from that day on. From that day on, the family regaurds it's name, to mean, "Brother to the King".

In Hungary, as in Russia, and in Japan as well, there is a noble tradition of familial military training and heritage. One is born unto such a family, only rarely, very, very, rarely, is a person ever granted the honor of "Changing Class", from common folk, to an elite establishment other than what is regarded as "common". In Russia, this tradition is called, "Cossack", Cossacks are born into a Cossack family, are trained early in life in horsemanship, swordsmanship, hand to hand battle, history, mathematics, geography, military history, and on and on, from BIRTH.

The tradition of the Cossack, is every bit as demanding, honorable, and serious, as the tradition of the Samurai, in Japan.

In Hungary, we also have such a tradition, but in Hungary, the word is "Hussar", or "Horse Soldier". A Hussar, like a Cossack, and like a Samurai, must be BORN into the family, one cannot join, unless one is born into a clan of that class. There are rare, very rare, exceptions of course, such as my great ancestor, who proved himself in service to his King, and the King's son. In such an instance, sometimes, but not always, a common soldier is not only Knighted, but granted membership, into the Hussar Clan. From that point on, he, his sons, his sons sons, for all generations after, have a right to become Hussar Warriors. They may decline, they may become a doctor, or a baker, or a craftsman instead, but, they have a choice to become a Hussar, a member of the elite royal gaurd, if they so choose.

This is what happened to my great ancestor, he served his King, his countrymen, willilng to give his life, he saved the King, and his son, and then survived. To honor this man, the King, granted upon my ancestor, the familial rights of Hussar, Knight of the Kings Of Hungary.

For some 300 years, afterwards, my family served the Hungarian Empire, I am Hussar, I was trained by my Father, as was he, as was his Father, by his Father, for one, and only one purpose. To be a noble warrior, an honorable warrior, to SERVE, to ask for nothing, but to protect the Realm, my King, and all who live within it's borders.

I am now, at my age, a warrior without a country, a warrior without a cause, a man bred, trained, and educated to be a warrior, but, without a home.

When I say I am "without a home", I do not mean the house in which I live, I have that, I have work, I have a career, but I have no heart for office, money, politics, or any of that which occupies most of humanity, I find these pursuits to be utterly devoid of honor. I was born, bred, and educated to be a warrior, a noble warrior, an educated gentleman's warrior, not a common thug who uses his skills to abuse the helpless, as do the bankers, financiers, and others with which I have worked with most of my life. Thier sense of "honor" revolts me, these soft assed pansies have no clue what real honor truely is at all.

There seems to be no place in this world, for my kind of warrior anymore, none at all. I fear that I may be the last of my family to carry these things in my heart, my own son, altho I trained him, and love him very much, sees me as a foolish old man, a man without a purpose in this world at all.

To be a Samurai, or a Cossack, or even, as in my case, a far lesser known, far more humble breed of the same kind, a "Hussar", is not only to be a warrior, but a gentlemans warrior, a just warrior, an educated, litterate man, a man who does not fight, unless he himself believes in the fight, and believes in his heart the fight is necessary to protect his people. In those far away days, most armies, were not state owned armies, they were private armies, and the King, had to argue his case, before the Generals, the Generals who controlled the armies that the King did not control directly, to convince them, that a conflict was necessary. The King alone, did not decide, the King proposed, the Generals decided if it was necessary, just, and winable. And whether or not to risk loosing a large number of thier valuable men, men who spent 20 years training to be the finest, most effective warriors on Earth.

Part of being a "Gentleman" Warrior is training in the arts, poetry, litterature, painting, drawing, scultpting, pottery, music, et all... Of course, no one person can master all of these, one selects thier greatest love, and then pursues it, but Art, creativity, refinement, is a necessary component of the gentleman warrior. (If one is born a warrior, one does not know how long one may live, training in art, philosophy, music, gives one maturity, appreciation, so that when on that battlefield, and one sees that sword, the sword that will take them, he is at peace, he has lived, he has no fear, no regrets, no desire left undone.)

All of my ancestors before me were artists, some of great note in my humble small homeland, some not so great, but artists one and all. And so am I.

At various points in my life, I have written, greatly, some of which was published, some of which was stolen from me and published by other persons, but I have maintained that discipline in my life, as my Father taught me. To be a true Hussar, is to be a poet warrior, or an artist warrior, for art endures, and flesh does not.

At other parts in my life, I have tried to teach myself to draw and paint. Altho I love this very much, my graphic art is very childish, very bad, but good enough to be a storyboard sketch, something a person of greater talent, could develope into a great work of art. I have many examples of this as well. At one point in my life, in 1993, about 14 years ago, I became "involved" with the "zine" revolution, back when people still published those things at the corner copy shops. My "Zine" was called "Faga-Zine", yes I am gay, and Yes I am Yaoi/Shota by nature, which is also a tradition among poet-warriors. I had several skits in my work, but the main storyline, the main effort of my work, was called "QBTC", or, the "Queer Boys Tagging Crew". QBTC, was a shota/yaoi black and white self published "zine" about inner city tough gay boys who formed a queer "tagging" crew... which is, a group of kids who go around spray painting anything and everything in sight with thier gangs slogans, logos, and nick-names. These boys did this, in an effort to "protect" themselves from the other gangs trying to "jump" them into thier ranks, gangs such as the "Bloods", the "Crypts", the "13th Street Gang", and on and on, like that, such as is common in inner city Los Angeles, CA, USA. (No, I am not making this up, I am a life-long resident of the Los Angeles Area, I KNOW THIS STUFF because I have LIVED IT.) But, this is a street "gang" with a "twist", they are gay boys, boys who want to sex with other boys, but they know, they have to be the toughest kids on the block to do that openly, in thier neighborhood, and survive.... And so.... Begins, the saga of the QBTC Zine series, which I first published nearly 14 years ago... I think that qualifies me as the first modern American Yaoi/Shota Self Published comic book here on my side of the fence kids. (Yeah, I have stories, stories upon stories upon stories, and yes, I CAN STORYBOARD, I am not good enough to do final copy art, I need an artist, far better than me to do that, but I HAVE GOT HOT STORIES TO TELL, MANY !!!)

I was a bit of a radical, back in my earlier years, I spent more money giving away free comic books than I ever made from my sales, but hell, I never did it for the money, I did it for the gay kids out there. All the lost, lonely, isolated geeky, gay kids who needed something to believe in.... desperately.... (Yeah, I am ranting on the warrior thing again... only with a pen, and not a sword...)

I used to go to Jr. High, and High schools, late at night, climb over the fences, find an open window, sneak down the hallways, find the "boys" rooms, and drop off stacks of my "Free" zines all over the damned place. I also did this at all other public places I could think of, such as, but not limited to, (this is a legal term), Public parks, Public Swimming Pool rest rooms, public beach area rest rooms, Jr. College Restrooms, University Restrooms, Library Restrooms... on, and on, and on, like that.... I gave my stuff away.... FOR FREE, why? Because being a gay kid is NOT A CRIME, and I felt a RESPONSIBILITY as a TRAINED WARRIOR to educate the youths of my community to this FACT. To give to them, the blessings of my ancesterial teachings, that to be, is to be brave, to fight calmly, deliberately, but with extreame training, and ONLY when absolutely necessary.... To be thier Samurai Teacher, THAT IS WHY.

Something very unexpected happened.... I just thought, I was going to mentally train the isolated youths out there, to prepare them menally for the cruel realities of the world, and hopefully, to give them hope, that there are indeed, other brave boys, lovely boys, who want to love them, as much as they wish to love as well. That was what I intended to do. But something very different happened instead..... All of a sudden, after about 6 months or so, of my making "regular" (Well, as regular as I could put it out, what with having to work, raising a son as a single dad, staying up till 1 am nearly every night trying to write, collate, and do the art for the "next" comic, et all, but fairly regularly at least.).... Well... what happened was.... "ARE YOU READY FOR THISconfused"

When I visited my favorite park, one which I had adorned the trees and stalls, and shit house walls with lovely yaoi/shota art, along with generous deposits of my free zine.... One night, I walked in on a group of young teen boys, Chicano inner city boys, the most beautiful boys I have ever seen in my life... They looked like the "Bunny Boy" series on STEROIDS.... I KID YOU NOT... They were wearing silk bandanas, tied around thier heads, streaming down to below thier knees, it was dark, so I could not make out the colors, but they were multi-layed, multi collored, and looked stunning on thier dark brown complexions. They were wearing those "Half-T", "T" shirts, the ones that expose thier middles and thier abs, and thier tummy buttons.... Oversized sneakers, black, extra tight, extra short, shorty, short-short cut of K-Mart jeans shorts.... OMG.... THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL !!!! But what made me shit.... was on the front of thier "T" shirts was the Following in BRIGHT PINK...


Those boys, took my comic, and formed a real-life QBTC group.... OMG... I almost fainted.... I had never, ever thought, that the kids would take a comic book, and actually form such a group.... ALL ON THIER OWN... But they did.

They thought I was a cop, and I let them think that, for, in stature and appearance, I do not appear as the "classic" warrior, altho, I assure you, I am exactly that.... But to romantic teen boys, I am sure, I would come up lacking in the visual department.... So.... I said, "Yeah, I'm a cop, from Central Bunco.... I am not here to bust you... I am looking for some perv who hands out these comics.... Do any of you know himconfused"....

And I proceeded to pass out all the comics I had brought with me, under the "guise", of being a cop looking for the "pervert" who was dropping this shit off all over the god damned city....

The eldest of the group, a really really big kid, one I would think twice about pissing off in a fight.... Stared at me long and hard... Looked me straight in the eye,,, and said...

"Nope, never seen him, never met him..... But, I would like to meet him, if only for a minute.".... And he winked at me...

I traveled alot on business in those days, I spent a time in Portland, Oregon, and did the same "Experiment" there as well.... Made a few zines, made the "rounds" and distributed them for free to the places I knew tough gay kids hung out... dropped off my goods... and I watched it happen all over again.... The gay boys in Portland, did the same thing.... They founded a Q.B.T.C. group in Portland as well...

Visited Riverside California shortly after, a sleepy upper middle class bedroom community.... did the same thing There.... DITTO... DITTO.... Within a couple weeks there was a gay street gang in Riverside as well...(I was getting better at reducing the time of introduction of the idea, to the time it took the boys to organize themselves.... I had it down to about 3 weeks per group at that time.)

Like I said, I used to travel alot in my wanderings... I repeated this "experiment" over the next two years.... all over the fucking U. S. Of A... !!! DOZENS OF GROUPS !!! In EVERY AREA, EVERY NATIONALITY.... of the ETIRE COUNTRY !!!

I guess I was sort of functioning as an "Ad-Hoc" Labor Union organizer.... dropping off my info packets.... making my rounds... hoping for the best... waiting for the people to organize themselves.... AND THEY DID !!! They gay boys spontaneously ignited, almost like gasoline, everywhere I spread my message, EVERYWHERE!!!

I never met any of these boys on a personal level, I tried to avoid that, because, well, lets face it, shota/yaoi comics placed INSIDE a Jr. High Boys room, could be some kind of littering offense right? Not to mention a Felony TRESSPASSING CHARGE, as well....That was never my mission, as a gentleman warrior, my duty is to serve, to protect, to educate, not to abuse or exploit. And I have found, that by being thier teacher, they offer me more than I would ever dare to ask for, willingly, and with real love, real devotion, and very real loyalty.

Boys, inherantly, are warrior spirits... Daring, inquisitive, and in possesion of a natural sense of justice, that, in retrospect, is probably a far better code of ethics than anything ever taught at any University.... All given to them by God, no reading required.... They RESPOND to JUSTICE, they KNOW TRUTH, when they come upon it.... and they are very capable of organizing THEMSELVES.... All they really need.... IS A SEED, some direction, some idea, upon which to grow upon.

For the last 7 years of my life, this is all I do with my spare time.... encourage the boys to defend themselves. To be "Hussar" in thier own eyes, and in the eyes of each other.

In view of this, may I now ask a questionconfused.... Do any of you now doubt my claim to be a warrior, an 8th generation warrior? Or do you think my lifes story is a bullshit line from some freak on drugs?

Allow me to assure you, I do not take drugs, ever, I refuse medication if it is only for pain... I will take antibiotics, or medication intended to kill a pathogen invaiding my person, but I have never ever taken a mind altering drug of any kind, not even aspirin, I refuse to violate my body in this way, for those purposes alone.

And no, I am not a resident of any mental hospital. I am not now, nor have I ever been, locked up for mental problems....

Incredible as it may seem to some here, this is me, the real me, a dislocated Hussar Warrior, in search of battle, in search of a cause, in search of someone to defend. Fantastic as my story may seem to you, this is the real me, this is my real life.....

But as I said before, I am a poet-warrior, part warrior, part artist, using art as a terrorist weapon to defeat the enemies of gay youths.

I have many, many, many stories within me, and sufficient talent to story-board sketch them to sufficient skill to accurately portray to an artist of far greater skill than me, to create real works of art from my crude sketches. I am good enough of an artist to be able to story board, but, the art, is another mans talent, my talent, is in the story telling, that is where I am a true warrior.

In case none of you have caught on yet... This is a resume, this is the Resume of one "David Lee Frater", "Beloved of God, Brother of Mankind..."....

David, me, wishes to write beautiful love stories about boys, in love with boys, as heroes, as victors, not as the exploited, not as the abused, but stories about boys who create a new world for themselves and each other..... by loving each other.

These are the stories I wish to write, epic stories... and I have written many already....

A few examples....

"Herr Kampf!!!"...

A German math professor is recruited by the Nazis during WWII to head thier atomic bomb research project.... He, separated from his family and children, is alone, in Prague Poland, wearing an SS uniform he hates, being hated by all who meet him.... He is befriended by a shoe-shine boy.... a boy of remarkable insight.... The boy is not only gay, but Jewish.... Herr Kampf falls deeply in love, with this, his only friend in all of a very hostile world.... The boy, RECRUITS HIM, into the underground... within a year, Herr Kampf is a double agent, smuggling Jewish Children out of the Riechlund, and into freedom and safety, in Palestine.... with many adventures along the way....


I already covered this one in some detail.... Wouldn't this make a great comic seriesconfused.... All I have to do is write down all my real life experiances !!!

"The Boy Army Of Thebes"...

Ancient History.... The "Band of Thebes" was the most formidable military unit in all of ancient Greece. They were a military unit entirely composed of Gay Men, and Gay Youths, paired off in two man teams. One elder, to one youth... They were trained to fight in pairs...THe elder, was the primary swordsman/archer.... the youth had the primary duty of being the shieldmaster and spear master... together, they formed a team that never lost a single battle, in the entire many hundreds of years long history, until the time of Alexander The Great.... Alexander, tried, to persuade them to join him in a dream of a united Greece, under one ruler. But the Band of Thebes refused to agree, and stood against him.... They were wiped out to the last man, never to arise again.... The worlds greatest undefeated army of that time, was composed entirely of male lovers, was wiped out... never to be reborn again....

Until the release of my comic anyways....

Somewhere in Brazil, a man, a man of history, gets an idea in his head to do something to help the abused street children of his country.... He Decides, to found a military school, largely funded by the government, as a recruiting base, to train boys to become life long military men...

But this professor has very different intentions.... He intends to re-ignite the noble band of thebes... using government money, he builds a private army of all homosexual boys....

Let you mind wander a bit on this one...


There you have three ideas.... I have many, many, many, many more...


Shitty ones, perhaps, but good enough for a pro to get the idea and turn the art into something really lovely.

This is my RESUME...


I CAN"T FIND "JO-TU", "BUNNY-BOYS", or ... "BOYS BE DELICIOUS".... ANYWHERE on the internet.... NOWHERE!!!...

I would have submitted my reusme, along with story attachments, AND, examples of my bad, but usable, story board sketches, in an email...


But I don't...

So this is my resume... as it is...

I hope the right person, somewhere, reads this.


David Lee Frater

Hussar Warrior, Warrior in search of a King....

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12:41 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 1199

I dare someone to quote all that and write a 3 word response.

Welcome battlebrat! You should be a novelist instead of Layout artist. I read the first 2 paragraphs and came to the bottom to say hi. I'm going to go back up there and read the rest now..... dead

Edit: What part of Los Angeles do you live in that has 13th street gang?

Ur gay fanfic is lacking in credibility.....

Last edited by vinceasuma at 12:51 am, Aug 14 2007

Life is tough......but it's tougher if you're stupid.
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1:21 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 10

Dear sweets,

Over the years, I have migrated all over various areas of Los Angeles, having owned homes, and condos all over the place.

Anyone who has lived in LA more than 6 months, unless they are BLIND, has seen the back neck tats of 13th streeters, at some point... "XIII"..... Ring a bell? Ever recall seeing a tatoo on the back of some Chicano neck sometime, someplace, somewhere in LA, that looked like... "XIII"?.... Thats the 13th street gang "formal", tag.

Perhaps it is, that I pay attention to my surroundings, where, other people shut out such details as actually looking at, and trying to decipher the writings, messages, and meanings displayed in everyday things, such as taggers id's scratched on plastic, "anti-grafiti" bus windows.... The tags, and "pieces". (A "piece" is a work of art, sometimes simple, sometimes a full wall mural, a "Tag" is just the stylized "nick-name" of a person, and "writing", is a message, a thought, usually in a very stylized, very artistic, almost cryptic form of writing.)... They spray paint on the sidewalks everyone walks on everyday, but just about everyone ignores.... No, those aren't paint spillages... on those sidewalks, those are MESSAGES.... CODE WORDS....

Get it yet?

Luv N Hugs


Post #35277 - Reply to (#35272) by vinceasuma
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Mome Basher

1:43 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 3380

Quote from vinceasuma
I dare someone to quote all that and write a 3 word response.

Mod edit: Don't quote the freaking long post!

(it's peer-pressure I tell ya! laugh )
Oh yeah, welcome....if you plan on staying >_>

Last edited by lambchopsil at 8:16 am, Aug 14 2007

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Everyday I'm tumblin'

2:36 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 10

Bottom line kids,

I want the email address to the actual artist, the actual man, known as "Jo-Tu", the man who created the "Bunny Boy" art series, which is purportedly a "sub-set", of the "Boys Be Delicious" comic series.

Kids, Lovers, hopefully a few buddies out there...

I am serious, I am a very talented writer, I am exactly who I say I am, and I can provide proof, ad-infinitum on everything I have said.


I don't give a rats ass about the friggen money, I don't even care if I LOOSE MONEY on the deal, I want INTO THE INNER CIRCLE, I HAVE ALLREADY PAID 14 YEARS OF DUES as a self published yaoi/shota comic book publisher, not making a thin dime, loosing money every step of the way.

This is NOT ABOUT ME making money, this is about ME giving the KIDS something to live for.... ART.... POETRY.... CLASSIC HERO STORIES....

Something they will cherish for the rest of thier lives.

All I want is an email address to the artist known as "Jo-Tu", the man responsible for the "Bunny-Boy" series of the "Boys Be Delicious" comic book set... Thats it. Just an email address, I cannot find it on my own, I have tried, and tried, and tried.... Apparently this industry is cloaked to some degree, I can understand that, in some places of the world one would not wish to be identifiable when one does such things on a global level.

I want the address, to send my formal resume, I wish to correspond with this man, he is one of the greatest living shota/yaoi artists of our time.... And I beleive, no, I KNOW, I am probably his EQUAL, in the area of storytelling.

Together, I think, we could change the world.


David Lee Frater

(Yes, that is my real name, and YES, you can look me up on the internet.)

Post #35349 - Reply to (#35276) by battlebrat169
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7:04 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 1199

Quote from battlebrat169
Dear sweets,

Over the years, I have migrated all over various areas of Los Angeles, having owned homes, and condos all over the place.

Anyone who has lived in LA more than 6 months, unless they are BLIND, has seen the back neck tats of 13th streeters, at some point... "XIII"..... Ring a bell? Ever recall seeing a tatoo on the back of some Chicano neck sometime, someplace, somewhere in LA, that looked like... "XIII"?.... Thats the 13th street gang "formal", tag.

Perhaps it is, that I pay attention to my surroundings, where, other people shut out such details as actually looking at, and trying to decipher the writings, messages, and meanings displayed in everyday things, such as taggers id's scratched on plastic, "anti-grafiti" bus windows.... The tags, and "pieces". (A "piece" is a work of art, sometimes simple, sometimes a full wall mural, a "Tag" is just the stylized "nick-name" of a person, and "writing", is a message, a thought, usually in a very stylized, very artistic, almost cryptic form of writing.)... They spray paint on the sidewalks everyone walks on everyday, but just about everyone ignores.... No, those aren't paint spillages... on those sidewalks, those are MESSAGES.... CODE WORDS....

Get it yet?

Luv N Hugs


You are a confused person. I'm not commenting on ur sexuality, I mean your gang theories.
13 is not a street. It is the 13th letter of the alphabet "M" for Mexican. Ans you can get a tattoo from going to jail south of Fresno. South make the "Sur" in Sur 13. Being that you are so observant, you may have noticed that the tattoos say "Sur 13" or just "13" and not "13 st" since there is not a 13th street. BTW, when you go to jail north of fresno, you get a Norteno 14 tattoo.

Being a Los Angelino you should have noticed that the Salvadorian Gangsters (Swing by MacArthur Park and check out the guys from Maras Salvatruchas) do not have these 13 tattoos. It's because they are not Mexican.

Also, walking around LA, you may have noticed a lack of "Bloods and Crips." Since LA is predominately Latino, the Gangs you should have mentioned are "18th St" "Blythe St." "Rollin 60's" "Pacas Threses" or about 100 other gangs that are not Bloods or Crips.

As for your Graffiti knowledge. Good job on the homework, but still missing the heart of the movement. You touched on everything that one could learn about it on the internet, but don't talk about the things that are important to writers and taggers. I doubt you were ever a graff writer. If you were, you were never in a crew. What neighborhood might I wander to see a QBTC throw up? Do you know what a throw-up is? Or let me ask you this...what do you do when you get "crossed out"?

You should just write stories instead of making up weird things. Feel free to use the above info in the future to add cred to your fanfic.

Life is tough......but it's tougher if you're stupid.
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Post #35352 - Reply to (#35277) by Scyfon
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7:14 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 128

Quote from Scyfon
Quote from vinceasuma
I dare someone to quote all that and write a 3 word response.

Mod edit: Don't quote the freaking long post!
(it's peer-pressure I tell ya! laugh )
Oh yeah, welcome....if you plan on staying >_>

Ughh i was gonna to that <=/
haha laugh

o btw way david frater, u have great story telling skills biggrin biggrin (i havent read the whole thing ,but good so far, im a lil confused though)

Last edited by lambchopsil at 8:18 am, Aug 14 2007

"This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is a cat
This is dumbbutt cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat.
Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top
Post #35354
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7:19 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 2896

Warn: Banned

What the hell are you all talking about?

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
Post #35356
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7:25 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 2596


i skipped everything beside the first 2 paragraphs.

it's summer... i want my brain to rest @_@

anyways welcome.. hope you become a great story writer [yaoi and shota] and a great web designer... @_@


As seen in those words, it doesn't seem you focus much in mangas... "using the word comics for mangas is a crime!!!" and "Manga Updates.. about Mangas.. introduction have too many personal stuff, not to be sure of leading to another topic... none"

Well.. i am just JOKING, so don't take it personally. :] We need a serious person here sometimes.

Last edited by chueisha at 7:37 am, Aug 14 2007

R-18 below
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Detective Horror Series

Tracker BakaBT
Post #35360

7:27 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 226

hahahahhaha i dun know wht ur all talkin about laugh

anyway, hey david frater. how did u find this site? n i'll support u all the way through. (even tho im not a yaoi fan.)

Post #35363 - Reply to (#35269) by battlebrat169
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7:32 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 4030

Quote from battlebrat169
In view of this, may I now ask a question confused .... Do any of you now doubt my claim to be a warrior, an 8th generation warrior? Or do you think my lifes story is a bullshit line from some freak on drugs?

The latter. Welcome cool

Post #35364 - Reply to (#35363) by amaranthine
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7:38 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 128

Quote from battlebrat169
In view of this, may I now ask a question confused .... Do any of you now doubt my claim to be a warrior, an 8th generation warrior? Or do you think my lifes story is a bullshit line from some freak on drugs?

haha i think that its true but a lil exagerrated sometimes
o && plz dont cuss it'll turn ur toungue green wit purple poka dots,haha thats wat my mom told me once && i believed it,haha sry for the randomness ^_^;

"This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is a cat
This is dumbbutt cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat.
Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top
Post #35662
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10:37 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 2896

Warn: Banned

battlebrat169, do you know who you sound like? lated&search=

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

Star Trek XI
Post #35663 - Reply to (#35662) by ares6
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10:40 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 1199

Quote from ares6

Haha Exactly! Ares is You Tube master!

Life is tough......but it's tougher if you're stupid.
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Post #35664 - Reply to (#35662) by ares6
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10:41 am, Aug 14 2007
Posts: 128

Quote from ares6

haha no offense but yea u kinda do eyes sad

"This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is a cat
This is dumbbutt cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat.
Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top
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