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Hidden gem?

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Post #405857
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1:53 pm, Sep 11 2010
Posts: 349

Hey, I'm looking for a manga with the main character being a 'hidden gem'.
If there are other topics/categories covering this please post them, anyways I shall explain:
I would like the main character to be really average, possibly living a rough life (bullied at school, problems at home etc) and generally under appreciated by everyone. Also would be good if she is in an environment where everyone around her is especially good at something and there's nothing special about her.
Then one day through a random series of events her (also could be male but I would prefer a female lead) 'hidden potential' is discovered, for example she is hanging around after school alone and somebody hears her singing and she's great or something like that.
And from then on her life changes drastically.
Also if you think something 'sorta' fits the bill that's fine too.
Thanks in advance here's a list of the genres I don't want:
Tragedy, yuri, shoujo ai, ecchi, seinen.
IMPORTANT: I absolutely hate ongoing manga I must have a story that is completed and fully scanlated please smile

Post #405868
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3:00 pm, Sep 11 2010
Posts: 761

Beck - don't be put off by the first few volumes (which are a bit ecchi), later it becomes very good. I hate ecchi, but it's one of my favourite mangas
Eyeshield 21 - a very good sports shounen
Hikaru no Go - maybe?
All of them are male leads, unfortunately.
And maybe the topic I made some time ago could help, although it's not exactly what you want.

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4:18 pm, Sep 11 2010
Posts: 199

Not very easy this but I can think of these:
Zombie Loan Heroine is like what you suggested. Sorry it's not entirely completed.
Jinki Aoba in first six chapters (The ones scanlated)
A.I. Love You Hero is good at computer simulants but not so lucky in real life. Completed.
Maburaho Main hero, though Manga is more short then Anime. Completed.
Doujin Work Main Heroine struggles in the world of doujinshi, so does her rival. Completed, but not fully scanlated)
Hajime no ippo Another typical male lead.
Ogawa to Yukai na Saitoutachi Have not read much of this. Female lead in reverse harem.

Post #406272
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12:18 pm, Sep 12 2010
Posts: 349

Thanks for your suggestions guys ^_^ some of those sound really good I'll get reading, keep 'em coming smile
Oh and your topic was actually really good thanks for sharing.

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Slumbering Remnant

12:32 pm, Sep 12 2010
Posts: 657

Slam Dunk
Eyeshield 21
these two were the ones that got me shook to shounen manga

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
Post #406451
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1:14 am, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 950

Ashita no Ousama

Post #406528
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12:52 pm, Sep 13 2010
Posts: 349

Ashita no ousama sounds perfect thanks.
I also wanted to try Silver Diamond but I couldn't find it online sad
Ao no exorcist is also a good fit to my request.

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2:58 am, Sep 14 2010
Posts: 418

Over Drive! And sry, male lead. But rest should fit besided the complete-request... but there's an anime.

You can find Silver Diamond online - it's just a pain in the butt to find ^^ It's a great manga that deserves to be bought though

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5:43 am, Sep 14 2010
Posts: 364

mana - but she became an exorcist not a singer....

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