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IS Manga cool in your school

Is Manga cool in your school
depends on the manga
People read manga in my school!!!!!!!!
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12:01 am, Jan 3 2009
Posts: 36

Manga and Anime got a bad rep at the high school I attended (college seems much more 'dont give a shit'wink due to the fact that most of the people who outwardly showed their interest in manga/anime were the (sorry to say) geeks and nerds nobody liked. There was however enough people who liked it to form a club. I was friends with several of them, but others were just plain annoying.

Post #245144
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10:24 pm, Jan 4 2009
Posts: 19

It's like everywhere I went to school there were no anime/manga fans.

In my (second) high school it was just me and a couple of my friends. (It was totally not the cool thing. For everyone but me at least.)

In college it was me. And ONLY me. ~_~ Don't go to small college, people. (Nobody really gave a shat. Some would give odd questions, "DO YOU READ JAPANESE?" While I'm holding a Japanese manga =_=)

Even in my Japanese classes was pretty much just me. =\ I did meet a couple anime tards there too though. (Nobody cared here either. Everyone was like in their 30-40's.)

And now I have no school~ =(


11:17 pm, Jan 1 2010
Posts: 12

No, probably, and I'm in high school but it was pretty cool at my middle school.
Then again I switched from the kind of lower-end to the east side for high school, if you get what I'm saying. During my time at each school an anime/manga club was established as well.

I am currently an officer of my high school anime club and I try my hardest for our club to have dignity in front of the school but then again, so much of being an otaku requires you to screw dignity. lol I'm probably the most "loyalist" otaku too in that well uh... I don't think I partake in any
I don't usually read manga at school simply because I'm busy BEING at school. I think I've done it like twice over the years. But I carry it around a lot in my locker cause I'm always borrowing from the local public library.

We also have manga in my school library but it hasn't been updated in...3 years? And it always surprises me what the hell they have. It's like the most questionable combinations. I mean it's usually the series that I wouldn't think someone would dare read in school. *cough*Yuu Watase series*cough* (It's about your rep, man!)

[edit] Sorry for reviving a dead topic basically. I forgot it's 2010 and Jan. 2nd, because you see I don't look at calendars. <__<

Post #345744

12:00 am, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 226

In Hong Kong (well atleast at my school) everyone reads manga n listen to JKT pop n most watch JKT dramas.

My school in particular has lots of dancers (including me) so we always copy moves from mostly kpop mvs or from ABDC n blast music in the forum n dance smile

i guess manga is considered cool but its just part of the many things we're into.

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8:44 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 85

Manga in public is not really popular in the country I live in. At our school Manga ain't really popular either.
Its a "nerd thing".

I know a few casual readers. But as far as I know it's just me and my mate that takes Manga reading to the "extreme".

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9:55 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 32

Not much. But some freshmen in my school sometimes grab a copy of Love Hina and label it a porno. Yeah, I know, I lol'd too.

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Monkey. :B

10:01 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 1966

Not really...O_O

In HS I did see a couple of students reading manga in the library, but that's about the only place I ever saw people with manga around where I live. Everyone called them comics, so by definition they were not all. .__.

Though in college I found a whole lot more people that like manga and anime.

Korea is different: manga/manhwa almost everywhere. :3

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10:12 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 599

My school is full of nerds. I go to NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College) I see people watch anime on youtube all the time there. And about half of the people in my english class last semester were really into manga and anime. I was kinda surprised by this actually. ^^;

Post #345956

10:34 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 1063


Post #345961
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Smooth Operator
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10:42 pm, Jan 2 2010
Posts: 5329

It was when I went to the University of California, Irvine. 60% asian, that school is.

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Post #346027

5:05 am, Jan 3 2010
Posts: 78

Only in Japan.

I think manga is pretty universal in Japan. There's something for everyone.

But not anime. Anime is looked at the same as in the west (if one is a teenager).

Post #346339
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Angel of Sin

6:09 pm, Jan 4 2010
Posts: 314

I've only met a few people that read manga. It's never been popular in any school I've ever been to, unfortunately. Though a few libraries I've been to have a handful of series, and there's a used bookshop I go to that sells a few used manga. That's about it. =/

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1:51 am, Jan 17 2010
Posts: 101

Most people in our school didn't know what manga is so it was interesting for them. However for the most part is was rather uncool purely because of the people who read them.

For example, comic books in our school were cool because everyone who read them were normal looking people and reading comic books gave them more personality, whereas all the people who read manga had cat ears or ninja headbands and were the social outcasts of school.

It's the manga-fans that make it look bad... Manga isn't the problem, it's the geeks that think they're amazing and cool because they've discovered a culture that could possible accept their eccentricities (which is a very, very small percentage that is willing to accept overweight American otakus, they don't even like their own otakus)

Ugh, all the manga people are generally delusional about reality and especially, ESPECIALLY Japan itself. What in the world do they think it is? Some sort of haven for weirdos? It only works that way if you're rich, fluent in Japanese and fairly attractive (preferably Caucasian and blonde) where you can just live in Akihabara all day and go shopping till your hearts content without actually having to mingle with the normal part of Japanese society (which you definitely have to do in order to support yourself living there).

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2:13 am, Jan 17 2010
Posts: 8

Not really... I bet most of the people in my school don't even know what that word means. They might have heard about Naruto the anime, though... From something-like cartoon network channel.

They don't even sell manga in Czech Republic. The only ones that are translated suck. It's almost impossible to find a site to buy English versions from. And they are usually over expensive... no

Post #350376

4:32 pm, Jan 17 2010
Posts: 18

It's not necessarily cool but you'll even catch some of the high and almighty people reading some sort of manga.

They stock it in the library.

I remember a few months ago this guy in my class who hangs out with the druggies started lecturing me on what was going in Naruto. And the really popular guys read manga too.

I reckon that everyone (well almost) has heard of Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, or Death Note.

Basically anyone who is Asian or hangs out with the Asians in my school read manga.

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