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Site Poll - Chat Box 74 - Endings that Suck

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7:36 am, Oct 7 2009
Posts: 6

Like the saying goes "It is not the destination, it is the journey."

This exactly - I was going to write something in my own words, but this saying just sums it up perfectly.

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6:53 pm, Oct 9 2009
Posts: 981

I'll say there are three kinds of endings I don't like:

Inconclusive -- If I know going in that the series isn't going to have a satisfying ending, I might still read it and just enjoy it keeping that in mind.

"Wrong" ending -- If it's not going to come out the way I want, such as the character dies, or ends up with the wrong person, I probably won't read it, unless I've already started it and like it so far.

"Bad" ending -- I think a bad ending is one where the conclusion betrays everything that came before. I *loved* the Lemony Snicket books, but thought that the last volume went off the rails, and now I can't even think about them. Yuk.

It's hard to know in advance if what other people call a "bad" ending is really just for them a "wrong" ending, and may not be wrong to me. If I had known how many people disliked the ending of Hot Gimmick I probably wouldn't have read it. But the end was conclusive, and it was completely what the reader should have expected. Even though I would have liked it to end a bit differently, but I was glad I read it.

Post #326735

7:44 pm, Oct 9 2009
Posts: 1

it depends on the ending:

if it is an open-ended ending or one that does not present closure i usually dont read it. Usually when I reach the end of these i get the feeling of "well that was a waste of time" and i forget it.

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if it is an ending that most people think is "bad" but provides closure, i usually dont mind and end up reading it. actually, i usually prefer these types of endings: ones that goes against what the reader is expecting

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karin, ichigo 100%

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11:26 am, Oct 10 2009
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A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #331189 - Reply to (#325183) by lambchopsil

11:24 pm, Oct 28 2009
Posts: 2

Quote from lambchopsil
This thread version is better than the site poll because you can now give examples!

In my opinion, just because the ending sucks doesn't mean that the series itself isn't any good. Some endings sure are rushed though. Take Mx0 for example.

Question: If you knew the ending sucked for a series, would you still read it?
Yes - votes: 7253 (55.8%)
No - votes: 5750 (44.2%)
There were 13003 total votes.
The poll ended: October 10th 2009

yeah mx0... was so rush.. that was mess up..cuz it had a lot plots in it. that i wanted to see play out.. well at least it ended with him training but damn i wanted to know more about that black plate!! XD manga..that was rush and give a eh..ending to is.. double arts..if i am spelling it right..the guy and the girl who have to hold hands . i mean..damn they still had the the main leaders of the bads guy out there and the person who had the same power of the end.. i was like eh..and shook too.. i have to admit giving something that surprise me is also good too...but yeah it was rush...i would like to see how it will really end like how it close.. i liek endings that at least fill the gaps with people.even if it least say so and so now king and he will work hard. ^_^ i awlays enjoy the 5 years later stuff.

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