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Post #422137

9:14 pm, Nov 7 2010
Posts: 124

Well, I read a lot and I need multiple series to keep me entertained at once otherwise Im like:

Anyways, I was hoping you people could help me find these little rare ones that seem to escape my grasp but I find it EXTREMELY long to look through the lists and check each one at a time. So criteria are:
-Must have comedy (if it doesnt label it, but theres is quite a bit, that is acceptable)
-Romance should be included or some form of indicator of feelings from someone... here's the catch, romance can't be listed as one of the genres o.o Its these kinds of manga that slip my grasp where there is romance, but it isnt indicated (it can be boyxboy, girl x girl or boy x girl, i dont mind)
-Nothing before 1995, Im picky of art style, just how I am.

That's about it~ but if you are having trouble, any romantic comedy will do, as long as its not Josei... dont ask why, I cant stand them for some reason xD

(I dont mind ecchi at all~... actually, half my lists deal with ecchi, but if it is borderline H, no sex in it, please, I cant stand it for some reason)

I probably removed like 99.99999% of the series on this site, but I'm hoping Im wrong xD Thank you in advance~~~~!!!!!!!

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Lone Wanderer

1:19 am, Nov 8 2010
Posts: 2127

I think Adekan should fit nicely. It isn't focused on the comedy, but there's still a lot of it. The 'romance' (if you can call it that) is based solely on whether you choose to see it or not - but that's what you asked for, right?

Toukaidou Hisame and Toukaidou Hisame - Kagerou , Macaroni , Hyakko , Do Whatever You Want , Princess Princess , Audition (but you have to read far into the series to see the romance in this one) , Hidamari Sketch.

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3:07 pm, Nov 8 2010
Posts: 199

Maniac Road

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