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What do you plan to do about Zombies?

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Post #86054 - Reply to (#86048) by Hestus
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3:47 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1364

Quote from Hestus
I'd go to the coldest area of Antarctica. There's no one there in the first place, and even if it spread to there, the odds of finding me would be slim. They would probably freeze to death before they even get close.
I'm already preparing a little cottage on the ice somewhere with tons of supplies!

Don't forget to bring warm clothes bigrazz

What do I plan to do about Zombies? I plan to give them orders >D

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Post #86060
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3:51 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 40

Shotgun+katana+motorcycle = the best way to fight zombies. biggrin

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4:30 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 106

I will be controlling the zombie army, because I have been practicing my necromancy recently.
Shotgun+katana+motorcycle = the best way to fight zombies.

Also i will give all my zombies armor to make sure people like you can't rekill them.

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Post #86142 - Reply to (#86128) by Voltron567
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4:44 pm, Nov 5 2007
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Quote from Voltron567
Also i will give all my zombies armor to make sure people like you can't rekill them.

Then i'll just use grenades and such 2 kill your armored zombies.

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Post #86149
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4:59 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 439

I have changed my zombie survival plans. I am going to the Winchester.

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Post #86221
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6:03 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 635

Anyone ever seen Shaun of the Dead? We make all the zombies do all the tedious and boring hard labor, through trickery cause we're smarter.

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6:11 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1191

Anyone here ever read the book "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks? Plenty of tips in there >.>...

My sister has read that twice, so I bet you money that she could come up with a near perfect strategy laugh

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Post #86231 - Reply to (#86227) by otakubaybay
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6:14 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 47

Quote from otakubaybay
Anyone here ever read the book "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks? Plenty of tips in there >.>...

My sister has read that twice, so I bet you money that she could come up with a near perfect strategy laugh

I haven't read it but most of my friends have re-read it for the 4-5th time. One friend of mine has a little brother that thinks Jesus was a zombie.

I think I would end up going on top of the roof of some house and just lay down for a while. If the zombies get to me at that point, I'll gladly let them get me for all the effort they did.

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6:16 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1199

Anyone who is not prepared or preparng for zombies should be killed now. Everyone wo plans on becoming a zombie or plans to idly let the zombies get them will only be a liability once they are turned.

Life is tough......but it's tougher if you're stupid.
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6:18 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 47

I'm one who thinks that being a zombie would be fun.

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6:23 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 356

Mmm... the site doesn't seem very accurate with a lot of things, and any of the feasible ones are just people who are high on drugs or brain-damaged.

But, if there really was some kind of zombie infestation, I'd probably be... well, if they're drugged or brain-damaged, they're less dangerous to us and more dangerous to themselves... so I guess I'd just do what I'd do if I assumed they were all just sleepwalking... unless they're delirious and crazy, which isn't like the zombies in movies... now that's scary, and I'd probably be carrying a weapon and trying to whack any of them that try to come near me. But, they're still less dangerous than stuff like the mafia or terrorists or militant groups...

If they were really the living dead... like everyone else said...

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6:41 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1141

Bah! I was going to start a thread like this....all well there's always alien invasion.....

Let see..... I have my katana and machete, that doesn't run out of bullets. There's my chainsaw but that would eventually run out of fuel. I'd break into the nearest K-mart or Wal-mart for guns and ammo and everything else. Then go to my friend's house because it's secured with steel bars and gates.

Quote from Lunarblitz
I'm one who thinks that being a zombie would be fun.

Great! and we'll have fun hunting you.

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7:13 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 47

Wouldn't it be more of a "We'll get rid of you while taking out the rest of them in the masses?"

Post #86310 - Reply to (#86287) by Lunarblitz
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7:27 pm, Nov 5 2007
Posts: 1141

Quote from Lunarblitz
Wouldn't it be more of a "We'll get rid of you while taking out the rest of them in the masses?"

I assume you'll be the zombie stumbling around alone having fun while the rest are blown away with a RPG so you'll have to be hunted down specifically.

Who here has seen "Shawn of the Dead"?

Last edited by Nelo_Neko at 7:34 pm, Nov 5 2007

Mad people either have no sense or too many extra senses...
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9:40 pm, Nov 5 2007
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I need to get an ICBM ready...

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