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recommend me an anime please

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Post #584346
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9:34 pm, Jan 17 2013
Posts: 734

i was like your sis when i started watching anime but much younger lol
what about the regular stuff like , Paradise kiss, Onegai teacher
and i second Habun no tsuki, its a nice lovely short anime... Also Ginban Kaleidoscope came to mind too when you mentioned she liked princess tutu, not the same but it just came to mind.
Btw i started to read manga thanks to Kare kano, so she might at some point (way back i even told myself there was no way i would read manga and its all i read now lol)

I know i;ve watched way more but i have to think and remember...

"It's so warm that, Before the snow has a chance to stick, He melts it for me."
Post #584350
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10:06 pm, Jan 17 2013
Posts: 705

As others have said, for visual novel adaptations Visual novel > anime > manga ... Steins;Gate ahem

I'm getting the feeling that she wouldn't want to watch it but since it wasn't mentioned
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Good luck getting to episode 3. I gave up 2 times.

I'll just throw in Angel Beats!

"I'll shut your mouth~~~~~ with mine~~~"

Post #584356 - Reply to (#584308) by Lorska

11:01 pm, Jan 17 2013
Posts: 121

Quote from Lorska
ah okay then Spice and Wolf should be fine, reid1's Hantsuki is worth a shot, it is quite serious and sad though, I recommend Usagi Drop as well, it doesn't really have romance, but I have yet to find someone who doesn't like this one.

I really want to add Shinsekai yori but it is still ongoing...

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Usagi drop is gross after the time skip they start going out Eew

Post #584358
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11:11 pm, Jan 17 2013
Posts: 1179

How about Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (the first one of course)?

Post #584359 - Reply to (#584350) by FormX
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An F to judge M!

11:19 pm, Jan 17 2013
Posts: 387

Quote from FormX
I'm getting the feeling that she wouldn't want to watch it but since it wasn't mentioned
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

For some reason, I have the same sentiment.

No, her sister won't like it since there's no... "vanilla" or "concrete" romance, but it's definitely a story one would expect to be happy, yet ends not-so-happy/dark-bittersweet.

Also, I hesitate to recommend it since komurczakthealien has a personal dislike for female yanderes.(two of the main relationships in question hover around this trope. They never actually pin themselves on it, but still...)

Last edited by Badkarma at 11:27 pm, Jan 17 2013

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chasing oblivion

1:06 am, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 1366

I second Paradise Kiss. That show was the biz.
No mention of Vision of Escaflowne? for shame.
Victorian Romance Emma. Personally I think the anime is a bit disappointing compared to the manga, but for someone not ever considering reading it, it's great. It's a bit like Downtown Abbey, in some respects.
Maison Ikkoku
Clannad and it's sequel Clannad after story
Here is Greenwood The romance part however doesn't come in until I think the next to last episode.
Please Teacher

I've got a massive headache, so that's all I can think of. dead

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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2:40 am, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 332

Some of them might not be what you expected but why not get her to try these:
The Good Witch of the West
Mermaid Forest
Ghost Hunt (if she's not easily scared by horror)
Love, Election and Chocolate (don't be put off by its harem and galgame origin)

And I also second the Rose of Versailles and Code Geass.

Last edited by coffee_11 at 2:47 am, Jan 18 2013

Post #584378 - Reply to (#584356) by Dachosen1
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4:58 am, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 1792

No they don't. It takes the whole rest of the manga before that happens... And clearly you didn't watch it. It stops right before
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the time skip

in need of romance?
uncommon, sad, sweet
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5:01 am, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 830

I second Code Geass. Even though it is a mecha anime, it has a fastically complicated plot and is a really engaging story, with romantic subplots, but more realistic romance tan just "boy meets girl and they live happily ever after. The end"

I also suggest Macross, SDF Macross is the starting point and should be watched to get a good foundation knowledge. Macross Frontier is the most recent installment and, in my opinion, is the best. Both SDF and Frontier have romantic subplots, but SDF is very 80s so if your sister doesn't like that style, she probably won't like this. You can watch Frontier on it own as the important part of SDF is explained at the start and the rest is an original story.

Finally I recommend Hana Yori Dango. I watched the J-drama first because I love MatsuJun, then I read the manga, which is better. There is an anime which closely follows the manga, but avoid the anime film as it isn't that good.

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Post #584400
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9:40 am, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 1179

Cowboy Bebop
Baccano (can get a bit gory at times)


9:24 pm, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 545

Starting off with Princess Tutu makes things kind of difficult, seeing it's both amazing and unique. I don't think there's really anything like Princess Tutu out there.

I think Kaiba is a good place to go next - it feels weird to say it has 'romance', but I guess it does - love is one of the key themes, anyway.

Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu?

Or maybe more like Saiunkoku Monogatari - I can't vouch for the ending - about 25 episodes in. It's not really in the same league as Princess Tutu, though it's quite nice. Might be a bit too long, though.

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10:09 pm, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 161

Arakawa Under the Bridge
Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
Natsume Yuujinchou
as close as i can get, probably

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Post #584460 - Reply to (#584454) by Aikanaro
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chasing oblivion

10:21 pm, Jan 18 2013
Posts: 1366

Quote from Aikanaro

yes. this. Although is it really a sad ending if it's never upbeat to begin with?

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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