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I'm looking for a historical drama ? (yaoi)

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2:15 pm, Dec 15 2011
Posts: 117

What I remember about it:

The main character is the son of a rich noble man, but his father loses his fortune( i think) and he has to be sold into prostitution. He is then found there by a rich man, who is not a noblemen but someone who made his fortune by himself - this is important, because the main character despises this social class, i think it is called the Bourgeoisie. So this rich man decides to take the main character as his servant , although the main character treats him with disrespect. Their life together begins, and they both learn how to live with each other and end up liking each other. The rich man does not make any big "moves" on the boy, but the boy soon starts to like him. At one point i remember the boy was able to go back to his family ( only his mother, who remarried for money) but does not want to do it anymore and decides to remain a servant. Then on some point, the Govern starts chasing down all noblemen so the main character has to run away from the country, with the help of the rich man, It also has a happy ending.

So, does anyone know it ?

Thanks smile

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9:20 pm, Dec 15 2011
Posts: 262

Ho hum... I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure it is Gerard to Jacques

Simply another normal human being...
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