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Post #357963 - Reply to (#357953) by azureblueinfinite
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Rebel Rebel

4:50 pm, Feb 15 2010
Posts: 1230

Quote from azureblueinfinite
Quote from MasamiAkane
Does anybody own a light box (for tracing)? I want to know if it would work with bristol paper (around 100 lbs)?

I've got watercolours paper (140 lb), I tried tracing a large printed picture on the fluorescent light in my ceiling, it worked. It doesn't work on windows though or with photographs...
I think the thickness of the other paper would matter too (the light has to go through it first) but 140 lb paper+printer paper on a ceiling light=okay, not great for details though

How awkward that must have been! lol

Thanks for answering - I was thinking of buying one, but I wanted to make sure it would be useful. I've ruined many pencil drawings, by directly inking them so I thought that might be a possible solution.

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7:17 pm, Feb 18 2010
Posts: 458

I usually read manga off of hosting sites, but I recently downloaded some manga, and I wanted to know if it was normal to have to open every single page separately or if I'm doing something wrong

Post #358651 - Reply to (#358646) by ExzyruSxxx
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7:28 pm, Feb 18 2010
Posts: 3503

Quote from ExzyruSxxx
I usually read manga off of hosting sites, but I recently downloaded some manga, and I wanted to know if it was normal to have to open every single page separately or if I'm doing something wrong

You mean opening the downloaded chapter's pages one in a different window? If so, I think most image displaying software have a feature that allows you to be able to see the next picture or something. If you open single pages separately it weights on your proccessor and RAM usage, so your computer will get slow or something. If not, I'm not exactly sure what you meant.

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Post #358653
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7:36 pm, Feb 18 2010
Posts: 3120

I'm sure you can just switch pages, even windows picture/fax viewer lets you do that.

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7:41 pm, Feb 18 2010
Posts: 458

When I click on the file for the chapter, it opens up another file that shows each page separately and it doesn't let me switch pages. I have to open up the next page manually

Post #358655
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7:41 pm, Feb 18 2010
Posts: 3120

Change the settings for the file type so that it opens using your image viewer of choice?

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Rebel Rebel

11:05 pm, Feb 18 2010
Posts: 1230

Did you extract it first? Seems like a stupid question, but when I first started downloading manga chapters I just directly accessed the files and I would had to click each files individually. If you did, then it might just be the settings of you image viewer.

Post #358727
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3:48 am, Feb 19 2010
Posts: 2275

You could use CDisplay instead. It allows you to keep your files in compressed form, like .zip and .rar, while you can still view the file.

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Post #358785 - Reply to (#358680) by MasamiAkane
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11:59 am, Feb 19 2010
Posts: 1619

Quote from MasamiAkane
Did you extract it first? Seems like a stupid question, but when I first started downloading manga chapters I just directly accessed the files and I would had to click each files individually. If you did, then it might just be the settings of you image viewer.

This was my thought. It sounds like you're trying to read the files directly from the compressed format (.zip, .rar, etc.) instead of reading from the extracted files.

There are some readers which will read the files directly from the compressed file format, but I usually extract them with 7ZIP and then open the first image in Slideshow view or Windows Picture Viewer and you can move through them without difficulty then.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
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5:40 pm, Feb 19 2010
Posts: 458

Thanks a lot. You're right, I forgot to extract them

Post #359810
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3:25 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 2275

Is there a name for this kind of bridge? If so, what is the name of it?

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3:32 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 1901

I think it's called a moon bridge.

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Post #359823
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4:04 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 2275

Cool, thanks shaggie for the help.

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and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
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Monkey. :B

10:17 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 1966

This recent thread had me wondering...are there any laws concerning doujinshis in Japan? If an artist is using an established mangaka's character isn't that considered copyright infringement? It wouldn't matter if they credited the original artist or not right? I haven't seen plagiarism cases about doujin artists, but if they were tracing original work wouldn't they also be accounted for a lawsuit or is it considered passable since it is just a doujin--fanmade?

I don't know, you'd think this be more of an issue since many doujin artists actually sell their work, but maybe there's a law that makes it okay? O-o

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I have to thank you again. It's been a while since I've had this much d**k on my computer. :'3
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Rebel Rebel

10:20 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 1230

I read somewhere how a lot of publishers/mangaka let it slide because it's good for business. I'll try to look for it.

Edit: I really don't know if I'll find it, but there was an actual interview with one of the CLAMP member and she thought of it flattering, and that it was good because people would be interested in the original series (if they weren't before).

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