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New Poll - Spoiled Ending

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12:26 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 10691

This week's poll comes from kana503. It's a bit long-winded of a question but hopefully you understand it. You can comment below about specific examples if you want. Please use the spoiler tags

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: If scanlators live streamed their scanlation process for a series you like, would you watch?
Nope - votes: 1662 (40.7%)
Maybe... - votes: 1701 (41.7%)
Sure! - votes: 717 (17.6%)
There were 4080 total votes.
The poll ended: October 20th 2018

It would not be like watching Bob Ross

Last edited by lambchopsil at 10:13 am, Oct 20 2018

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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2:26 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 109

Nope - votes: 1662 (40.7%)
Maybe... - votes: 1701 (41.7%)
Sure! - votes: 717 (17.6%)

You highlighted the wrong option ?

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Lone Wanderer

2:29 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 2127

Now, this is a good question! I don't mind being spoiled about anything, up to and including the ending (with one definite exception: the culprit in a mystery story), but on the occasions where said spoiled ending has confirmed my worst fears, I've generally ended up dropping the series: either at once, or after reading/watching for a while to see if the story content would justify the conclusion somehow. There have been rare instances where I liked it enough to continue, though.

So second or third option for me, though I picked third.


4:52 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 7

I'll finish the series. Even if the ending is spoiled, I wanna see how it gets to that point.

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Seinen is RIGHT

5:25 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 2410

No proper option for me exists. I´ll keep reading but will drop the book if it turns to shit down the line. Unless I almost reached the end, then i´ll just speed read the rest.

This theme isn´t much of a problem for me btw. I have no manga backlog outside a few dozen untranslated series from way back when, my comic backlog is very limited and I doesn´t hurt to know how let´s say some of the 90s Milestone books ended. They just went nowhere. I am also caught up with all modern Tv shows and gaming franchises of interest, as I lead no life and I must scream.

I knew how A Star is Born 2018 ended due to it being another remake in a string of remakes.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
It´s the same ok-ish ending the other half dozen versions of the same story had since the 1920s. The walking into the ocean was just exchanged with a rope.
It's the well-acted journey that made the film interesting.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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Post #764731
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8:25 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 345

I usually finish all of my reading list, those that I didn't finish is because I forget that they're already finished and rarely to be found again since no more new release to remind me to finish the series mmm...

I will change this world mmm...
So the world can change me mmm...
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8:55 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 454

Very seldom drop anything I'm reading and enjoying, having a spoiled ending would suck but it wouldn't deter my methodical nature.........the spoiling party would deserve being strung up by the ankles though ?

Post #764736 - Reply to (#764724) by ForeignerChan
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10:14 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 10691

Quote from ForeignerChan
You highlighted the wrong option ?

I don't know how I missed that ?

A just ruler amongst tyrants

11:11 am, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 195

Spoiling an ending doesn't stop me from finishing a story. It might even make me pick up a series that I had previously dropped. I do try to avoid hearing spoilers though.

Internet Lurker At Heart
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Scan Master

2:55 pm, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 138

I'd finish the series still. Even if the ending is trash.
This exact thing happened to me with Gantz, I started reading it right around the time it was wrapping up, and then I heard that the ending was terrible and rushed, but I kept reading and I still had a great time going through it.
For me, it's all about the journey not the destination... well, for the most part.

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::End of Transmission::
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3:02 pm, Oct 20 2018
Posts: 421

I'll finish the series.
Sometimes, I dig for spoilers myself. Duh!

Tv Tokyo - Anime & Manga ~ MinatoAce

6:04 am, Oct 21 2018
Posts: 84

There's a lot of stories where the ending has been disappointing to me, but there was enough good stuff in the overall story that I still enjoyed it and it wouldn't be enough for me to drop it if I was spoilered. Also you have to be careful that you aren't being trolled by someone spoiling an ending. So if I'm invested enough I'm likely not to drop a story even if I know the ending. I'd say that most of the time I'll finish the series.

On the other hand, there has been stories that I have soured on or have gotten progressively worse after a promising start or an interesting idea for a story. Its not a problem if this happens early, because I'll drop it quick. However, sometimes this happens after several volumes in and I might hold on to the end hoping to get something out of my time, but if I find out the end is crappy to an already downward trajectory then yea I have no qualms dumping it.

Post #764750
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Phoenix Knight

11:24 am, Oct 21 2018
Posts: 227

Where's my "I only read ongoing series" option? ?

Lose - Opposite of win, to misplace something/someone. e.g. To lose your way, to lose a fight.
Loose - Opposite of tight. e.g. To have a loose screw, to loosen a jar lid.

^ Not just scanlators, but also company documents are getting it wrong now!
Post #764752

7:29 pm, Oct 21 2018
Posts: 263

lol, shield bro WN, author has a tragedy hard on to the point I think he did everything possible to ruin the ending, so I found a good spot to stop reading and said im good.

Post #764799
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12:26 am, Oct 25 2018
Posts: 606

I think i would actually go and read the ending myself (skipping chapters) to read it, then decide if i want to finisg the series or not lol. I'm inclined to say I'd finish the series though.

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