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looking for a manga.

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12:45 pm, Apr 4 2009
Posts: 113

here's some clue.

- the main girl treats him like her little brother, fixing his tie, wipping soy sauce off him, and things like that every morning.
- She thinks that he can't survive without him
- the mom always says "when are you guys going to get together"
- eventually he starts going out with this other girl who does all the things the main girl was doing for him and she feels as if she isn't needed
- eventually she realizes she likes him and she says something like "he's mine" and he drops all the girls he's flirting with right then and there and says "now then NAME likes me, I don't need you girls anymore, I only need her" - or something like that
- at the end the mom walks into them making out

i forgot this manga.



another batch of forgotten manga.

2.) manga tahts about a girl that goes to highschool and she dressing up and puts makeup on and everything is very popular in the school... but when she goes home she is a disgusting girl and looks doesnt care how she looks but then one day this new guy transfers to her school and sees her outside of school without the make up nd disgusting nd stuff

3.) about a highschool student whose voice is very hypnotic, people just cant help not folowing his voice's commands. He uses his power to work part time with the police under the code name FOX as he goes to crime scenes wearing a fox's mask to hide his identity. A female class mate hears his laughter one time and falls totally in love with him.


mod edit: please refrain from double posting (unless you're bumping, but that's only plausible when your thread is dead. and it is not.) so, use the "edit" button on your top right corner~

Last edited by Rainy Days at 7:52 pm, Apr 5 2009

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aka deadoptimist

2:09 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 8

2 is probably Kare Kano.

3 - Akaku Saku Koe I think. Haven't read it, but the description is very similar.

Post #273540
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Evil Little Kid

2:14 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 437

2. Switch Girl: It's where the transfer student dresses up like a dork(?) but is indeed very handsome. The opposite as the main female character.

"Beware How You Take Hope From Another Man."
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2:43 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 100

ahhh man, that first one sounds really familiar D; - i'll try looking

its called my life was wrecked and rebuilt by anime and manga
Post #273551 - Reply to (#273548) by kamithewolf
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3:03 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 1138

Quote from kamithewolf
ahhh man, that first one sounds really familiar D; - i'll try looking

Yeah it does! I remember reading it a long time ago too. Can't seem to find it here though, guess it's a oneshot. none

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6:45 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 100

ive been looking for a couple of hours (cant find it) ._. i think it might have been in a full manga and that was just an extra - you should check out shoujo scanalators, maybe you can find it

its called my life was wrecked and rebuilt by anime and manga
Post #273637

7:36 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 1762

I'm sure I read the first as well, but the only one I've come up with so far is Monopolize in Kimi ni Furetara. I don't think that's it, but I will keep looking.


2:48 am, Apr 6 2009
Posts: 113

^^ thanks guys.
you helped me.

and sorry mod.

Post #273783
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1:16 pm, Apr 6 2009
Posts: 1619

The first one to me sounds like something from Ojousama no Gohoubi or possibly Koi Gokoro Gekokujou (smut). I know I've read it, and those are the only things that sounds close to it in my quick glance over my lists.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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