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Hair? :)

What's your hair color?
Some crazy color!
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Post #122205
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Streamyx SUCK ASS

3:53 am, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 476

black, frizzy and wavy(almost curly)

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11:49 am, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 2506

My hair is brown with ringlets? It's kinda like a fro, but it's straight on top and changes to curls farther down. Either that, or I'm using a hairband, so my hair is straight back and kinda explodes halfway down my head.

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Post #122455
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6:30 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 62

My hair is brown and curly and long and a borderline uncontrollable fro.

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Post #122456 - Reply to (#122455) by seasong
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6:31 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 2581

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Quote from seasong
My hair is brown and curly and long and a borderline uncontrollable fro.

I'd like to see a picture of that.

Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

Post #122458
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Patent Pending

6:37 pm, Feb 10 2008
Posts: 520

I have straight black hair that's shoulder length and layered.

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8:23 pm, Feb 22 2008
Posts: 2708

Mine's in a ponytail right now and needs to be washed.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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8:38 pm, Feb 22 2008
Posts: 33

Red/Auburn-ish, kinda wavy, and in a pony-tail most of the way down my back.
w00tz for the 3.9%!

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8:40 pm, Feb 22 2008
Posts: 786

I grow my black hair long and then i cut it all out 6 months later, cause its fun

Post #128273
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11:24 pm, Feb 22 2008
Posts: 187

Originally it was medium brown but now It changes month to month. I can't stand to leave it alone too long. Since I dye it with manic panic which rinses out over several weeks I re-dye every 2 weeks to a month.

Last week it was dark purple. As I'm typing I just added a hot pink on top of it, so in a few hours I'll rinse it out and see what I get. I'm hoping for a magenta. If I'm really ambitious I'll add some blue/black streaks tomorrow.

"Tu es responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as approvoise." Le Renard en "The Little Prince" Antoine de St. Exupery.
Post #128278
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11:31 pm, Feb 22 2008
Posts: 410

black ! straight ! not long and not short

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3:10 pm, Feb 23 2008
Posts: 196

blond/brown, kinda wavey, goes a bit down the back. mostly have it in a tail.

Last edited by concrete at 4:22 pm, Feb 23 2008

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A Person

6:16 pm, Feb 23 2008
Posts: 2126

My hair is normally a dirty blond, but I died it black. =D

Its pretty straight, but it can be wavy at times, depending on the shampoo I use.
Although, I have to straighten my bangs, or else they stick straight up. T_T

Its pretty long, too. My hair reaches to my hips, down and not tangled.

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Post #128591
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6:21 pm, Feb 23 2008
Posts: 339

my hair is dark brown-to dark black, when it's natural.
at the moment i have two blonde (slight green tint) streaks
to the left of my hair, and i have one steak in the lower half
on the right side.

i often dye my hair so we'll see how it changes.
at the moment it reaches the lower half of my bust.

it's black and wavy and curly,
but i straighten it. it's naturally soft XD

Post #128593 - Reply to (#128273) by falmari
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6:24 pm, Feb 23 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from falmari
Originally it was medium brown but now It changes month to month. I can't stand to leave it alone too long. Since I dye it with manic panic which rinses out over several weeks I re-dye every 2 weeks to a month.

Last week it was dark purple. As I'm typing I just added a hot pink on top of it, so in a few hours I'll rinse it out and see what I get. I'm hoping for a magenta. If I'm really ambitious I'll add some blue/black streaks tomorrow.

with such a detailed post, I'd like to see the final result. Post it in the pic forum? (face optional)

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #128649 - Reply to (#128593) by x0mbiec0rp
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7:36 pm, Feb 23 2008
Posts: 187

Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from falmari
Originally it was medium brown but now It changes month to month. I can't stand to leave it alone too long. Since I dye it with manic panic which rinses out over several weeks I re-dye every 2 weeks to a month.

Last week it was dark purple. As I'm typing I just added a hot pink on top of it, so in a few hours I'll rinse it out and see what I get. I'm hoping for a magenta. If I'm really ambitious I'll add some blue/black streaks tomorrow.

with such a detailed post, I'd like to see the final result. Post it in the pic forum? (face optional)

If the streaks turn out okay, I'll try to locate the charger for the digital.

"Tu es responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as approvoise." Le Renard en "The Little Prince" Antoine de St. Exupery.
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