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most hated hentai genre!

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Post #112042 - Reply to (#112025) by ahoaho
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1:13 am, Jan 14 2008
Posts: 71

Quote from ahoaho
I would first like to apologize if i offend you.

No, you really wouldn't. If you wanted to make an honest attempt at apologizing, you wouldn't have continued the argument.

However, you are absolved of your sins, my child. Just don't do it again.

Quote from ahoaho
However, you did imply that it's alright to entertain these fantasies. Oh well, its the internet. If i ever heard someone say that stuff in real life, i would knock them on their ass.

Oh man, tough guy on the internet here. It's perfectly alright to entertain whatever fantasy anybody wants to. It's the process of bringing it to reality that's the basis for criminal activity, a technicality you seem to have overlooked.

For instance, if someone walked around, every day, with a fantasy to rape a child, and lived his entire life without ever actually doing it, who cares? It's your actions, your actual physical actions, that matter, not the things you keep stored up in your minds.

Or, for instance, suppose someone hated the idea of a sexual fetish (rape fantasy, perhaps) so much that he threatened to beat people up over the Internet because of it. Should that person go to jail for wanting to do what he wants to do, even if he never actually did it? Why not?

Quote from ahoaho
And as far as being open minded, that is not relevant to the discussion.

Yes, actually, it is. This is about you being intolerant to a harmless fantasy two consenting adults share between themselves, in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You'd know that if you could bear to get off your high horse long enough to listen, but oh well.

Quote from ahoaho
Rape and thought of rape involve the deepest hatred that a being can muster. It shows the heinous nature of one's character.

Even more than genocide? What about deliberately manipulating an organization for your personal benefit? Or, what about lying to a country in order to settle a personal vendetta? Murder? What about rape used in self-defense? (I don't know how it could work, but man that's a funny mental image)

Your morality is so black-and-white, it really speaks to your immaturity.

Quote from ahoaho
To be intolerant of that hatred is far different than hating homosexuals or different ethnicities.

No, it really isn't. We're talking about a perfectly harmless fetish, and how it's been maligned and subjugated by ignorant little weevles, such as yourself, who want to control every aspect of human sexuality, probably because they're so damn terrified of their own.

"I look forward to a day when a man is not judged by the color of his skin but the content of his character." Who said that, man?

My Gods, if you're going to quote MLK Jr, have the decency to use the entire quote.

"I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality."

If it's quotations you want, who is it that said "Human sexuality is not something that brings forth chaotic carnal desires. Like calligraphy and tea ceremony, it is a way for two people to transform a moment into an aesthetic experience."

Crusty old prospector.
Post #112173 - Reply to (#112042) by CapnSamwise
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Smooth Operator
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4:17 pm, Jan 14 2008
Posts: 5329

Quote from CapnSamwise
Quote from ahoaho
I would first like to apologize if i offend you.

No, you really wouldn't. If you wanted to make an honest attempt at apologizing, you wouldn't have continued the argument.

However, you are absolved of your sins, my child. Just don't do it again.

Quote from ahoaho
However, you did imply that it's alright to entertain these fantasies. Oh well, its the internet. If i ever heard someone say that stuff in real life, i would knock them on their ass.

Oh man, tough guy on the internet here. It's perfectly alright to entertain whatever fantasy anybody wants to. It's the process of bringing it to reality that's the basis for criminal activity, a technicality you seem to have overlooked.

For instance, if someone walked around, every day, with a fantasy to rape a child, and lived his entire life without ever actually doing it, who cares? It's your actions, your actual physical actions, that matter, not the things you keep stored up in your minds.

Or, for instance, suppose someone hated the idea of a sexual fetish (rape fantasy, perhaps) so much that he threatened to beat people up over the Internet because of it. Should that person go to jail for wanting to do what he wants to do, even if he never actually did it? Why not?

Quote from ahoaho
And as far as being open minded, that is not relevant to the discussion.

Yes, actually, it is. This is about you being intolerant to a harmless fantasy two consenting adults share between themselves, in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You'd know that if you could bear to get off your high horse long enough to listen, but oh well.

Quote from ahoaho
Rape and thought of rape involve the deepest hatred that a being can muster. It shows the heinous nature of one's character.

Even more than genocide? What about deliberately manipulating an organization for your personal benefit? Or, what about lying to a country in order to settle a personal vendetta? Murder? What about rape used in self-defense? (I don't know how it could work, but man that's a funny mental image)

Your morality is so black-and-white, it really speaks to your immaturity.

Quote from ahoaho
To be intolerant of that hatred is far different than hating homosexuals or different ethnicities.

No, it really isn't. We're talking about a perfectly harmless fetish, and how it's been maligned and subjugated by ignorant little weevles, such as yourself, who want to control every aspect of human sexuality, probably because they're so damn terrified of their own.

"I look forward to a day when a man is not judged by the color of his skin but the content of his character." Who said that, man?

My Gods, if you're going to quote MLK Jr, have the decency to use the entire quote.

"I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality."

If it's quotations you want, who is it that said "Human sexuality is not something that brings forth chaotic carnal desires. Like calligraphy and tea ceremony, it is a way for two people to transform a moment into an aesthetic experience."

Your damn right that I don't want to apologize. And I do have a strong sense of morality. I am not condemning what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom. However those who entertain fantasies of rape lack a sense of morality in the first place. I am talking about men, not women. Women who have fantasies of rape are completely different.

Furthermore, if i was to physically assault someone who said that they wanted to rape someone, then let me be brought to trial. The law is not always right, but it is the law. If i beat the piss out of a lecherous fool for talking about sexually assaulting a woman, that may just stop other sociopaths from committing sexual assault. That would be my consolation for my incarceration, if in fact a jury were to convict me.

As far as me being a tough guy, i don't know if that's true. I almost never get in physical altercations because I am afraid. Afraid that i won't be able to stop fighting. Maybe I'm chemically imbalanced, but if ever there was a reason to fight, i would do so without hesitation or inherent fear of personal injury. I don't know if that makes me a tough guy, but I am a guy that people generally don't fuck with.

I agree that it's alright for people to fantasize about whatever they want, however that doesn't mean that I have to tolerate the deviance of others. Even if is not enacted, rape is still wrong. To maintain the idea that there is a grey area on this subject is a completely asinine in every respect. When is rape acceptable?

And as far as that last quote, I have no clue who said it, but it sound very freudian. There is just one thing that I ask of you. Please don't personally attack my character because you don't know me or where I come from so don't make assumptions. That shows your immaturity.

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Livin just to keep from dyin
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Post #112279 - Reply to (#112173) by ahoaho
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10:38 pm, Jan 14 2008
Posts: 71

Quote from ahoaho
Your damn right that I don't want to apologize. And I do have a strong sense of morality. I am not condemning what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom.

Alright, then what is it that we're arguing about?

Quote from ahoaho
However those who entertain fantasies of rape lack a sense of morality in the first place.

Why? This is a serious question, and I am going to beat you over the head with it until I get a decent answer.

Quote from ahoaho
I am talking about men, not women. Women who have fantasies of rape are completely different.

Oh man, you're a prize catch I tell you what. Did someone get knocked out of his hugbox at Aspie U today?

Quote from ahoaho
Furthermore, if i was to physically assault someone who said that they wanted to rape someone, then let me be brought to trial. The law is not always right, but it is the law. If i beat the piss out of a lecherous fool for talking about sexually assaulting a woman, that may just stop other sociopaths from committing sexual assault. That would be my consolation for my incarceration, if in fact a jury were to convict me.

Wow, I'm impressed that you manage to beat off over your sense of righteous indignation while being nailed to the cross for it at the same time. You're like a retard superhero whose power is an insanely overinflated ego.

Quote from ahoaho
As far as me being a tough guy, i don't know if that's true. I almost never get in physical altercations because I am afraid.

Of getting your ass kicked. Protip: Those that don't get in fights, actual not-for-a-martial-arts-class fight, don't know their own fighting ability. :eng101:

Quote from ahoaho
Afraid that i won't be able to stop fighting.

Oh my God, that's hilarious. No, seriously, I am laughing so hard my lungs imploded and then my chest burst for, spewing a rainbow into the horizon.

Seriously dude, how do you take yourself seriously? That's got to be the most retarded thing I've ever read, and I teach Easter Seals how to write.

Quote from ahoaho
Maybe I'm chemically imbalanced,

Maybe? My dear child, you are the poster-boy for manic nerds everywhere. You need to be put on so many medications your blood type is liable to change to "Pfizer".

Quote from ahoaho
but if ever there was a reason to fight, i would do so without hesitation or inherent fear of personal injury.

Because your endocrine system releases adrenalyne. Gee, it's almost like your body has prepared some sort of response system in case of a scenario where your only options are "fight" or "flight". GEE IF ONLY.

Quote from ahoaho
I don't know if that makes me a tough guy, but I am a guy that people generally don't fuck with.

Do you get a lot of pugilists in your mother's basement? I cannot possibly imagine that you've had many opportunities to interact with the outside world.

Quote from ahoaho
I agree that it's alright for people to fantasize about whatever they want, however that doesn't mean that I have to tolerate the deviance of others.

Oh, um, actually, yes it does. Saying it's alright for people to do whatever means that you agree to stop being a jerk to them for doing whatever.

Sort of how Black people get to vote without having to deal with lynch mobs.

Quote from ahoaho
Even if is not enacted, rape is still wrong. To maintain the idea that there is a grey area on this subject is a completely asinine in every respect. When is rape acceptable?

When it's not actually rape. There's a big difference between someone attacking a woman in the park, and someone asking her husband to be a little rough tonight.

Well, there is for most people, anyway. You seem to lack the sort of wisdom that allows most normal people to see the few degrees of difference those two scenarios contain.

Quote from ahoaho
And as far as that last quote, I have no clue who said it, but it sound very freudian.

Wow, epic fail. Saikaku Ihara, from his book Nanshoku Okagami. It was quoted in an episode of Samurai Champloo fer Chrissakes!

Quote from ahoaho
There is just one thing that I ask of you. Please don't personally attack my character because you don't know me or where I come from so don't make assumptions. That shows your immaturity.

No. Stop being dumb and actually read what I post, and when you realize the error of your ways, I'll start treating you like an equal.

Until then, you sit at the kiddie's table with your little paper hat. Eat your veggies Princess, don't you want to grow up to be a big girl?

Crusty old prospector.
Post #112295 - Reply to (#111606) by CapnSamwise
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11:11 pm, Jan 14 2008
Posts: 1574

Quote from CapnSamwise
Either way, futa hentai is like a fine wine, you have to aquire a taste for it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some light reading to do.

(thumbs through sticky copy of "Dulce Report")

beyond lol

but on the rape issue, i didnt read the page long last 3 posts but rape ideas are wrong at the level that they help perpetuate the submission of women in the culture. imagining to want to force a woman for her body can't lead to many thoughts about women being held in high regard to someone. my two cents

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12:55 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 146

Quote from CapnSamwise
Why? This is a serious question, and I am going to beat you over the head with it until I get a decent answer.

of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior.

Since rape is usually considered wrong it would definitely then be considered immoral along with the person that is "entertaining these thoughts".

Quote from CapnSamwise
Oh man, you're a prize catch I tell you what. Did someone get knocked out of his hugbox at Aspie U today?

Women are usually submissive in a rape so if they wanted to be part of a rape fatasy they would (90% chance) be the submissive one.

Quote from CapnSamwise
Wow, I'm impressed that you manage to beat off over your sense of righteous indignation while being nailed to the cross for it at the same time. You're like a retard superhero whose power is an insanely overinflated ego.

Wow, I'm surprised that you don't realize this applies to you too.

Quote from CapnSamwise
Of getting your ass kicked. Protip: Those that don't get in fights, actual not-for-a-martial-arts-class fight, don't know their own fighting ability. :eng101:

Wow, way to prove who you're arguing with right.

Quote from CapnSamwise
Oh my God, that's hilarious. No, seriously, I am laughing so hard my lungs imploded and then my chest burst for, spewing a rainbow into the horizon.

Seriously dude, how do you take yourself seriously? That's got to be the most retarded thing I've ever read, and I teach Easter Seals how to write.

I guess in your world there are no such things as addictions. I've met plenty of people who got addicted to fighting.

Quote from CapnSamwise
Oh, um, actually, yes it does. Saying it's alright for people to do whatever means that you agree to stop being a jerk to them for doing whatever.

Sort of how Black people get to vote without having to deal with lynch mobs.

Saying it's alright for people to do whatever means that they have the right to. That has nothing to do with if people have to tolerate it or not. I could go out and have some gay sex with someone because I have the RIGHT TO. But churches can tell me I'm going to hell and that I'm sinning. They aren't tolerating it because they also have the right to not like it.

Quote from CapnSamwise
When it's not actually rape. There's a big difference between someone attacking a woman in the park, and someone asking her husband to be a little rough tonight.

Well, there is for most people, anyway. You seem to lack the sort of wisdom that allows most normal people to see the few degrees of difference those two scenarios contain.

You completely ignored the post you replied to. It said nothing about "someone asking her husband to be a little rough tonight" was wrong. I suggest you rereadthe post you replied to. And planning a murder is still against the law. The "but I didn't even kill anybody" excuse isn't valid.

Quote from CapnSamwise
No. Stop being dumb and actually read what I post, and when you realize the error of your ways, I'll start treating you like an equal.

Until then, you sit at the kiddie's table with your little paper hat. Eat your veggies Princess, don't you want to grow up to be a big girl?

You might as well have said "How 'bout you try and make me doo doo head!". That would have shown the same level of maturity. No one will listen to a word you say when you won't show anybody any sign of decency. If I were helping you out on your car troubles and I was making fun of you calling you "princess" and when you mistakenly answer a question and I reply with "Seriously dude, how do you take yourself seriously?" you'd probably take a swing at me. So if you aren't going to act like a human being or an adult we'll treat you at your level of maturity. Until the swelling in your head stops I suggest you just ignore this, but judging from your posts you'll just reply with more crappy catchprases and nitpick my posts using ludacris situations to try and prove yourself right.

P.S.: I hate het by the way. Borrriiiiinnnnnggggg!!! bigrazz

Post #112317 - Reply to (#112312) by Shuu-chan
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1:42 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 71

Quote from Shuu-chan
of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior.

Since rape is usually considered wrong it would definitely then be considered immoral along with the person that is "entertaining these thoughts".

Fantastic. That's not what we're talking about.

This conversation is about a role-playing fantasy in which a consenting submissive partner is "raped" by the dominant.

Key terms:

People engaging in rape fantasy are not deranged sociopathic lunatics, stop trying to link bedroom kinks to outside behavior.

Quote from Shuu-chan
Women are usually submissive in a rape so if they wanted to be part of a rape fatasy they would (90% chance) be the submissive one.

Women are usually submissive in a rape, absolutely. Given that, what makes you think that the women wouldn't enjoy the illusion of power, and given the chance to rape their male partners?

It just so happens that most women who share a rape fantasy, happen to imagine themselves being the dominant individual. I have a source for this, but it's a textbook that I left back on campus.

Quote from Shuu-chan
Wow, I'm surprised that you don't realize this applies to you too.

Oh it does, the only difference is, I'm funny and handsome.

The fact that I'm right is only tertiary to the fact that I am, as previously stated, really, really handsome.

Quote from Shuu-chan
I guess in your world there are no such things as addictions. I've met plenty of people who got addicted to fighting.

I'm not denying that, I'm saying that he's a basement-dwelling Asperger's syndrome'd Internet Tuff Guy.

Basically, he's like a normal nerd, but his self-loathing has manifested as an impotent rage.

Quote from Shuu-chan
Saying it's alright for people to do whatever means that they have the right to. That has nothing to do with if people have to tolerate it or not. I could go out and have some gay sex with someone because I have the RIGHT TO. But churches can tell me I'm going to hell and that I'm sinning. They aren't tolerating it because they also have the right to not like it.

That's pretty much what tolerant means, but you've picked a bad example. No church that would tell you you're going to hell, pretends to tolerate homosexuals. Twinkle Toes here, however, is keeping up some facade of pretending to tolerate a certain sexual fetish, while going out of his way to be a jerk about it existing.

Quote from Shuu-chan
You completely ignored the post you replied to. It said nothing about "someone asking her husband to be a little rough tonight" was wrong. I suggest you reread the post you replied to. And planning a murder is still against the law. The "but I didn't even kill anybody" excuse isn't valid.

Yes, it is. Thoughtcrime is a tricky, tricky thing to nail in court, it's pretty much impossible to prove unless someone actually pulls a trigger. This has been tested in recent years, with post-Columbine and 9/11 hysteria turning every judge and jury-member in America into a quivering jelly-mold of fear and paranoia, that doesn't mean that recent court rulings on thought-crime ought to set a precedent in the future.

Quite the contrary, you're living in one of the most thought-oppressive moments in American history. Expect to have to explain to your kids how it was possible to live your lives without getting arrested just walking down the street.

I'm not saying that rape is A-OK. I'm saying that role-playing a fantasy that doesn't affect anyone but the two people having sex, isn't a bad thing. This seems to put me at odds with the entire rest of the forum, for some strange reason.

Quote from Shuu-chan
I am now going to sing the Shuu-chan song!
My name is Shuu-chan
I have some feets
I use them to run
Into some meat
it's better than
Covenant Elites.

Becaaaaause I post words
my logic defies all inquiry
But IIIIIIII don't post too very often
'cause my brain has lethargy

You had originally posted some stuff about me being immature or whatever, I don't know, I stopped reading and my brain started dancing. Either way it's probably better than what you had posted originally.


I think I forgot a few stanzas, they probably rolled under the couch when I went to get more 2-liter mountain dews and cheeze doodles for this EPIC FLAME-WAR.

Crusty old prospector.
Post #112319

1:52 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 70

People seem to be missing the point somewhat, that a rape fantasy is just that, a fantasy, and involves a lot of fabrication. Rape fantasies are (I'll take a guess) typically about control (in one way or another, depending on which end you're at), not dehumanization, which would typically be omitted. Much in the same way you can fantasies about killing people in a game, or characters in a story, while intentionally ignoring certain consequences of those actions for the purpose of entertaining a fantasy, without actually wanting to kill anyone in real life, you can focus on certain aspects of rape in a fantasy while ignoring others.

Post #112324
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Smooth Operator
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2:51 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 5329

To all those who have agreed with what i have said, thank you.

That said, I can no longer be civil. I have politely requested that CapnSamwise stop taking personal shots at me when he does not know me. Twice i have done so. Twice he ignored my request.

I am a f***ing half black, half Mexican man. I am nineteen and i go the the University of California as a chemical engineering major. My sister is gay. I am a wrestler and a boxer and have been so for very many years. I grew up in South Sacramento and I had to carry a knife with me when I walked down the street to make sure that i could get home. I played varsity football at my high school. I was captain of my track team. So don't you fucking say that I am a retarded shut in white supremacist shit head that lives in my mother's basement. There are no basements in California.

The fantasies that you are describing are not rape fantasies. They are depictions of rough sex and bdsm. It is physically impossible to act out rape because it is defined as forced sexual intercourse. How can you do that with your SO? Tell her that if she screams you'll fucking kill her? e_definition.htm

You call me an immature, retarded fool who stays shut in his basement? You don't even know me and you are assaulting my character. Who is the retard, motherf***er?

You are a lucky man that this is the internet. It gives people like you the opportunity to slanderize others. First off if we were having this discussion face to face you would not be so brave. If I ever saw your ass on the street I would send your ass to the hospital. Either that you would have to send me to the grave. That is what I meant when I said that I fear fighting. I don't want to die just yet.

Back to the rape argument, I would like to say that i have old school morals. I would never lay a finger on a woman out of anger, or to show dominance, or even if she didn't want me to touch her. And whenever I see a man threaten a woman out of anger, that enrages me. I will and have taken action in such situations. So if you think that i am a paper tiger, your dead wrong. I speak softly and carry a big stick, son. And i got a helluva left hook to.

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Post #112371 - Reply to (#112324) by ahoaho
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8:37 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 71

Quote from ahoaho
I am a f***ing half black, half Mexican man.

And I'm a transsexual albino cross-dressing drag queen. I fail to see how that has anything to do with you not grasping exactly what it is I'm talking about.

You had to carry a knife as a kid? Adorable, I had to wrestle bears so I could go to school, every day, where I had to tear the learning out of other student's hands.

Quote from ahoaho
The fantasies that you are describing are not rape fantasies. They are depictions of rough sex and bdsm. It is physically impossible to act out rape because it is defined as forced sexual intercourse. How can you do that with your SO? Tell her that if she screams you'll fucking kill her?

Yes, that is how it usually works.

Quote from ahoaho
You are a lucky man that this is the internet. It gives people like you the opportunity to slanderize others.

Slanderize? Oh man you are just adorable. Get hit in the head a bit, did you?

Quote from ahoaho
First off if we were having this discussion face to face you would not be so brave. If I ever saw your ass on the street I would send your ass to the hospital. Either that you would have to send me to the grave. That is what I meant when I said that I fear fighting. I don't want to die just yet.

It's funny how you hate it when people make assumptions about you, and then you go and do the same thing. Adorable! As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have done a damn thing different, except maybe call you princess a few more times, just to see the look on your face.

Also, if you want to start playing the quote game again, who is it that said "Violence is the last resort of the ignorant"? I'll give you time to think on it.

Quote from ahoaho
Back to the rape argument, I would like to say that i have old school morals. I would never lay a finger on a woman out of anger, or to show dominance, or even if she didn't want me to touch her.

Unless she had the audacity to disagree with you. roll eyes

Crusty old prospector.
Post #112375
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8:52 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 5329

The more you attack me the more stupid you sound. I keep talking about the issue and you keep talking about me.

And you would not keep talking shit in real life because i would crush your trachea.

You were talking about a fantasy between two consenting. I understand that. You then called people who don't want anything to do with that kind of stuff squares. In order to defend those of us who would never think of rape fantasies even between two consenting adults, I provided my opinion on the issue. You have the right to disagree. Just like i have the right to disagree with you. What you do behind closed doors is up to you. I'm sure that you wouldn't use a rape fantasy to pick up women.

And just so you know, your advocating a violence far more disturbing than combat between two men. Saying that violence is the last resort for the ignorant is a consolation for the pussies who don't have the balls to defend the defenseless. That is the violence that I advocate.

I hope to God that you are the last pretentious, bourgeois, cosmopolitan asshole i will ever spar with because it's damn tiring to try to stay civil with you.

Last edited by ahoaho at 11:15 am, Jan 15 2008

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9:55 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 9026

Look, just stop will you? >_> You're both acting immature.

And to not make this post off-topic; the most "hated"(I prefer disliked) hentai genre to me is Lolita. >.< I just can't stand that. laugh

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #112395
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10:01 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 80

OH my lord guys.....this has turned into an all out war! between CapnSamwise Vs. ahoaho...who will win stay tune Ladys and Gentlemans.....

I do have to side with ahoaho on this issue...serial killers like serial rapist don't come out the blue like they just woke up and suddlenly HAD the urgue to rape or kill..they have actually harbor these fantasies for a very long time.

Since we are talking about human beings..we are curious by nature and once a thought has taken root in our consious minds, we are more likely than not to act upon those thoughts..(speaking from experience laugh )
Violance against women it's embeded in our many times have we heard people saying well she got rape because she had revealing clothes on mad that's just to prove that how sick and jaded our so call civilized society is.

Ok now for CapnSamwise...I THINK you are a very intelligent or at least it looks that way to me...bookwise. I don't think Fantasies are a bad thing since we all do it from dreaming better days to better sex...(not that I would no do that biggrin ) But there is a very thin line between fansties and reality...and I think I got your point (after reading between isults) I guess you are into Bondage or at least you want to be the dominant i wrong? Yeah that's not a crime if you find a willing partner that likes to be dominated. I do not codemn your point since if you are meaning WILLING participants of domination (yeah we have weird people that will do it) that's all in the privacy of your own bedroom ..then by all means enjoy it.

Anways, ahoaho is a great guy..I could just hug him right now...he's a rare breed of guys...again from what he typed smile wink grin
violance shouldn't be tolerated against anyone and its never You should do BJJ you will probably like it since you wrestle and that would make you and all round fighter...

@ CapnSamwise: I almost spry coke all over the key board...."I'm a transexual albino cross-dressing drag queen" hey do you have a picture of that..... laugh would LOVE to see it!

For me I don't have a "hated" hentai since if it start to look weird then I would not watch it!!!! I try to stay with things that would not shocked me to death and pervert more my already perverted mind

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Post #112407
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11:03 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 2

The last posts were really..... interesting.

Anyway my only hated hentai genre is rape, though I do dislike other genres aswell.
I mean, sure I can entertain ideas of brutally murder someone, even to the very smallest details in how and when but with rape, it is just.. I just can't stand the look in the eyes of the victims.

@CapnSamwise - You are really funny in some parts and I understand where you are coming from with your comments but personal assults kind of dim your more valid points.

@Ahoaho - Don't bow to noone embarrassed I like your attitude.
(as "Hey5820" said: You are a rare breed of guys) but in contrast to her(?) I would not hug you bigrazz

Oh and the things about fighting and not being able to stop, I have no doubt that you could "suffer" from that, afterall, I have that condition too bigrazz though I don't avoid fighting, more that I seek them, hehe

Hmm, I "think" I strayed from the topic somewhat... anyway, my most hated hentai is rape. biggrin

over and out.

Post #112410 - Reply to (#111680) by Identity Crisis
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Common Fool

11:48 am, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 116

Quote from fallofkakashi
Quote from henl86
Quote from ahoaho
Quote from CapnSamwise
Man, you guys are square. You've seriously never acted out a rape fantasy with your SO?

The fact that some "men" entertain fantasies of rape in the minds is the absolute most heinous, disgusting, perverse, emasculating thing in the world and i would lose no sleep in leveling anyone who does. There is no word to describe my disgust with that kind of thought. You sir are the square.

Oh boy, this is going downhill fast. Anyway, I'm just going to say that so long as people can keep their fantasies separate from reality, I really do not care what they fantasies about (or, if it's an acting it type situation described in the post quoted, so long as it's consensual).

yea, i agree 100%
as long as people keep consensual or in their minds, i have no problem at all.

also, to stay on topic, non-consensual sex is awfull, irl or not, imo.

So true biggrin

well not much grosses me out tho i hate things like:

Guro, Yaoi, Extreme sized boobs, anything non consensual, Shotacon and Lolicon

tho only ones of these to gross me out would be Guro and Yaoi.

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Post #112412
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Ore Sanjou!
 Site Admin

12:08 pm, Jan 15 2008
Posts: 1165

Guess what?

Locked. biggrin

Sometimes you guys just need to learn when to shut up and when to ignore people.

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