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Song/Songs that makes you think of a specific manga

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Post #453691
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5:56 pm, Mar 14 2011
Posts: 321

I know it's an odd topic but I know that every manga freak out there has at least one or two songs that makes them think of a manga series.

I know I have some songs. Some of them are silly, some of them have a backstory, some of them are awesome and some are just really inappropriate.

I'll start:

Berserk - Gym class heroes - cupid's chokehold I literally looped the sh*t out of this song when I read the series and now I can't seem to listen to this song without thinking about Berserk lol.

Soul Eater - Loreen - My Heart Is Refusing Me Same goes for this one.

Naruto - Pillar - Frontline I think the reason for this one is that I heard it in almost every Naruto AMV out there back in the days when I had my Naruto fever.

Can't seem to think of any more songs atm. I guess more will come to me eventually smile wink grin

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8:16 pm, Mar 14 2011
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