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The Sword of the Emperor   
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A young Emperor is cast out of his Empire by his uncle, who seizes the throne for himself. The young Emperor sets out to become the strongest among the living, and take back what is rightfully his...

Note: This version has been discontinued. There is a remake version in 2023.


Related Series
Sword of the Emperor (Novel) (Adapted From)
Emperor's Sword (Alternate Story)

Associated Names
Hwangje-ui Geom
Neo-Oriental Fantasy Story
The Emperor's Sword
The Sword of Emperor
황제의 검
황제의 검 (2004)
황제의 검 (皇帝之劍)

Groups Scanlating

Latest Release(s)
v.8 c.42-44 (end) by MangaCow over 10 years ago
c.41 by MangaCow over 10 years ago
v.8 c.40 by MangaCow over 10 years ago
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in Country of Origin
8 Volumes // 54 Chapters (Discontinued)

Completely Scanlated?

Anime Start/End Chapter

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User Rating
Average: 8 / 10.0 (176 votes)
Bayesian Average: 7.75 / 10.0

Last Updated
May 28th 2024, 8:51pm



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J. Park [Add]


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Finally get my ending!  
by WuxMan
July 23rd, 2015, 8:27pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I really wish this had continued. One of my favourites which I recently re-read.

Luckily someone has just started translating the novel which will give me some much needed closure.

... Last updated on July 23rd, 2015, 8:28pm
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I'm Sad...  
by JetGT
February 7th, 2015, 9:31pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
This is one of those manga I wanted to know what happens next... but I guess it's not possible. Still a great ride for the first eight chapters though. As powerful as the protagonist is, it seems like he can't do everything himself which is great. Also, I was really curious about the hidden antagonist. They were mentioned.
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One of a Kind!  
by Opec
October 31st, 2013, 7:37am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Starts of really confusing and kinda bad structure of story telling BUT later on it becomes quite EPIC to the extent i am dyeing for each chapters to come out despite knowing the fact that the manga has been discontinued (Volume 8 *Sob*)

I hope somebody can translate the Light Novels now so we can atleast follow the story till it;s end
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pretty damn awesome  
by xeno01
October 26th, 2013, 1:41am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
ive read up to the most recent chapter n damn its making me want more the main char is a fuckin badass as badasses go hes just missing he standard loli jk well anyways this is a pretty crazy manwha the art may not be the best but its pretty decent n im not gonna lie there are some parts that get a little confusing but not that much that aside the story is pretty solid with pretty cool characters its tends to jump alot but i think it add to the stories process rather than a rush or forgotten scene but over all im loving this manwha it seems to get better and better as it progresses i give it a 10/10 just because its been far to long since ive wanted to read manga/manwha this badly i suggest give it a try n judge for yourself

side note: great i just read its discontinued that fucking sucks i hate it when a great story suddenly stops just because there isnt enough titty scenes for some perv to gawk at this happens way to much

... Last updated on October 26th, 2013, 1:54am
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Don't believe the comments  
by Daimyo
October 24th, 2013, 2:58pm
Rating: N/A
For the most part this is a solid manhwa. The start is a little slow, but once it gets going it is hard to put down. I suspect the problem these readers have is that at the beginning of the story the main protagonist was meek and shy and somewhat effeminate. Without revealing too much, events transpire in the story that cause him to undergo a drastic change. This is where I think the mentality that says "this was good in the beginning" comes from. It is from a diseased demographic that believes effeminate and weak protagonists are the best ways to tell a story. As for the main character being overpowered, that statement is even more preposterous.

Another manhwa, Id, has a main character who many consider too strong, yet we almost never see these types of complaints from the same people who criticize this manhwa. Most likely because in Id the protagonist is presented as effeminate. Another noticeable offender of this is Noblesse.

In conclusion, this manhwa most likely got cancelled because it failed to capture a significant female demographic; see dark mage. Whilst manhwa like Id and the breaker which contain mostly eye candy for both sexes continue to thrive in the current Korean manhwa climate. Had this have been an original Japanese manga it would have found itself a nice place on a seinen magazine.

... Last updated on October 25th, 2013, 8:39am
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Quick note..  
by jjkyxr
October 4th, 2013, 12:12pm
Rating: N/A
This manhwa felt extremely disjointed. While setting up the part where the MC gets his superpowers was easy to follow, I did not enjoy when he started using new (plot-changing) abilities (like invisibility) left n right without the reader knowing what's going on. The plot also became increasingly disjointed when things started happening that made me feel like I missed a chapter here and there.

Also there's tons of politics thrown around more than I could care for. If presented better, I would have probably spent more effort trying to care about it all but most of it felt meaningless and redundant.

I feel like this manhwa was just thrown together. Maybe there's some disconnect between the author and artist. Who knows? All I know is that I was pretty disappointed with this series up to chapter 22.

... Last updated on October 4th, 2013, 12:13pm
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Disgusting crap of writing  
by L3zl13
September 30th, 2013, 12:03pm
Rating: N/A
I'm used to main characters who are weak, cowardly, naive or simply stupid at the beginning but I newer was disgusted by a main character as this.
The writer tries to glorify him by calling him genius from the beginning but every decision he made was stupid or he was too weak to make a decision himself.
When he finally makes some recommendable decision, he goes back on his word at the first opportunity.
And what does he get? Everybody hails him as master and he gets the powers of a god as extra...
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Good read!  
by mercio
September 28th, 2013, 2:20pm
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
First of all the art is awful, not the worst I've ever seen but still it's bad. It does get better but not so much. The comedy definitely help, if it was a serious manhwa I don't think I can take it seriously. This is the kind of manhwa that you need to chill and just enjoy it for what it is. Stop nitpicking at every detail because it's endless.
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Great stuff  
by mgakun
September 25th, 2013, 5:13pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This series keeps getting and better. Unfortunately, scanlation is awfully slow. Hope it does not go the way of Dark Mage which ended prematurely when it was getting to be more interesting. Chapter 13 was a super bang entry into the Murim world and holds great promises for what will comes next. Looking forward to the next chapters .... Faster please...
At the start, I only like the story. It had a slow start and shortly after that the pace speeded up like crazy. Unlike other popular manga series like one piece where one plot will take like 8- 12 months to complete, (naruto is infinitely worst where I feel that the author is trying to milk his cash cow series until every cent is squeezed out ... how long has the current war been going on .. feels like forever). What I like about this story is that it super speeded up the conclusion of each fight with a lot of spectacular superlative actions leaving big gaps for your own imaginations to fill up. I do not know how others enjoy their mahwa but I do not like the author to spoon feed me with every detail so that I can only lap the details that are doled out. An enjoyable mahwa should be one that stirs up your own imaginations but at the same time guide you along to the direction of the story that the author wants you to see. It should leave you fascinated with how things ended the way it did and yet at some point give you glimpses of what had happened. If you want to be spoonfed .. watch dragon ball where after 6 months, the same fight is still on.. Perhaps, I am not your average reader.

What I am really disappointed is that I note that the series had been discontinued. I am not sure what is wrong with the Mahwa World but there are just too many great Mahwa cancellations. Amongst them was Dark Mage. Another favourite was Dark Air .. what happened to this series. Legend of Tyr was showing lots of promises but came to an abrupt ending. Legend of Maian is still around? Lucky for me, there is still Breakers New Waves, Noblesse.
I must thank MangaCow for speeding up the scanlation but I dread to think this will only last until Volume 8 and we are half way through. Will the story hang in mid-air or will it end abruptly like Legend of Tyr? My fingers are crossed..

As feared, this great Manhwa series was reaching new heights of excitement when it was discontinued. It does not look like we will get to know what will happen next but it would be great if someone can at least translate the Korean novel itself so that we all can come to a landing on its conclusion and enjoy the ending of this marvelous story. Nevertheless if we cannot have this pleasure, I would like to salute the wonderful people of Manga Cow who had tirelessly work to bring this Manhwa to life for our enjoyment. You have our greatest appreciation and heartfelt thanks!!!

I wonder what other works are the authors of this great Manhwa involved in?

... Last updated on November 5th, 2013, 7:49am
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Not what expected  
by Yadr
July 25th, 2013, 7:15pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
In the beginning it felt like it had depth but then it turned out to be a "fight" type mangá, what is not bad at all, the main character later on posses inhuman powers stronger than apparently anyone and starts his journey to reach his objective with interactions and stories in the middle.
(i guess thats the best way to put it)

The art seems to get better later on but is still clean and lacky details, but then again that may not be a bad thing. And in my opinion girls are really pretty in this mangá.
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