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Loner Adjusting to a Relationship

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Post #456565
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12:29 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 1354

I want a manga, anime, book or TV series (anything, really) about a loner/hermit who finally finds love... But doesn't know how to handle it. bigrazz

Actually, either a male or a female protagonist is fine. It doesn't have to be a stereotypical male loner. Just any solitary, self-sufficient or even downright eccentric person who sees social interactions as kind of pointless and doesn't get emotionally dependent on anyone, but who then has to adjust to being in a relationship and being emotionally dependent on someone, despite the fact that being dependent on someone kind of freaks them out - or just seems irrelevant/strange/impractical. They actually have to get used to spending their time with someone, even though they'd mostly rather just spend time alone.

What sorts of problems does this loner encounter in his/her relationship? Is their partner/lover hurt by such behavior, or do they accept it or even (gasp!) appreciate it? Does the relationship survive whatever issues the loner brings to the table (including their frequent need for solitude)? Does the loner have conflicting needs - say, a need for limited company and a basic loving relationship, but on the other hand, a need for independence and solitude? How does the loner reconcile these contradictory psychological needs? Etc. I want a story that confronts these issues - or at least some of these issues - seriously and in-depth.

It can be from the loner's POV or their partner's POV. Either is fine - but the loner and their more social/emotional partner have to be the main couple.

Any genre except ecchi or hentai is acceptable. I'm not really into random fanservice, so none of that, please.

Recommend away...!

Post #456566
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the mu...

12:34 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 1050

why do i start thinking of house...
damn... i haven't even watch season 7 yet..

oh and iris zero might work... i think

Post #456568
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12:43 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 1354


And lol, yes, House. Classic example of a loner who actually needs someone, but only at the most minimal level, far below what most people would want/expect from a 'relationship'. He even cheeses Wilson off most of the time, and Wilson's just his friend. (Unless you're a slash fan and you 'ship House/Wilson, in which case... Yes, totally a textbook example of a loner trying to cope with a relationship. bigrazz)

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12:45 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 1439

Quote from mu2020
why do i start thinking of house...
damn... i haven't even watch season 7 yet..
loooooool!! Poor House...

Kingyo Sou kinda?
Kimi wa Pet may work!! Lots of self-thinking in the female lead. biggrin She feels the pressures of being in a relationship. I think she sometimes even prefers spending time at home rather than go out on a date.

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El Psy Kongroo.

1:04 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 968

Kimi Ni Todoke (Shoujo), it's more on the sweet side than psychological when it comes to "loner".

Post #456578
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1:15 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 40

Well, Kokou no Hito doesn't exactly fit, but it is about a loner and his attempts to adjust to the people around him.

Post #456590
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3:12 am, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 1354

Thanks, Contently! But I don't think Kimi ni Todoke counts, since she isn't a voluntary loner - I'm asking for someone who wants (or mostly wants) to be alone, and doesn't see any value in socializing - which isn't the case with KnT's heroine. smile But yeah, she's a sweetheart, isn't she? Gawd, she's such a sweetheart. <3

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12:45 pm, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 94

Onani Master Kurosawa

He finds people stupid and shallow, yet realizes when he's totally without he actually needs interaction.


"How do you always find an excuse to get spontaneously naked!!"

- Absolute Boyfriend
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12:19 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 73

Say I Love You

Post #457679
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2:23 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 50

Sekine-kun no Koi >> only one chapter scanlated ^^;;;
La Esperanca>>shonen-ai ^^;;;
Torikagoshou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunintachi>> kinda fits ^^;;;
goodnight punpun>> a mature very serious series about solitude and social matters ^^;;; and very dramatic sometimes
After School Nightmare

could I even be of a help?? ^^;;;

Post #457680
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2:25 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 3120

Ciguatera perhaps.

Post #457687
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2:53 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 19

I second Onani Master Kurosawa and goodnight punpun but they are both pretty mature.
Otaku no Musume-san >> But it's his daughter he starts to live with not a Partner.

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5:31 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 1000

Boyfriend (SOURYO Fuyumi) is a good one.
Octave, too, although I'm sure you've read it.

Post #457724

6:17 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 216

Does Chrome Shelled Regios count?

Legend of Legendary heroes?

the sacred Blacksmith?

Post #457726

6:21 pm, Mar 30 2011
Posts: 182

As good as Onani Master Kurosawa is, I have to disagree with it for this request. It fits half of this request extremely well, but doesn't fit the other half at all. Maybe if you include the sequel it starts to, but even then it only scratches the surface of the issues tartufo wants to see addressed.

For those who have already read this manga and don't understand why I disagree with it for this request (huge spoilers; you have been warned):

Spoiler (highlight to view)
In the case of Kurosawa and Takigawa, they are never actually in a romantic relationship even though he falls in love with her.

In the case of Kurosawa and Sugawa, they are not both the main characters and the issues with their relationship are not really explored.

In the case of Kitahara and Kurosawa, there is no love between them and they are both loners.

In the case of Kitahara and Nagaoka, they are never actually in a romantic relationship even though she falls in love with him.

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