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What's the name of this Manga?

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Post #681371
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2:18 am, Jun 25 2016
Posts: 44

Description: A girl gets into a situation where she's forced to move in with a cast of cool fashionable dudes for some reason. She kinda swoons for all of them, but it's a fun kinda girl/hopeless dudecast whimsical, day to day dynamic. Extremely casual manga, it was mostly about nothing, like who has to buy groceries, or falling down the stairs or whatever. It definetely has that girl/fashion type manga artstyle with very tall thin characters in sleek ink lines. All the dudes were soooo chill and doofy and really clueless. Japanese nonchalant boyband looking dudebros.
The kind of spikey haired scarf wearing motherfuckers Japanese girls like I guess.
Genres: Romance, comedy, Houseliving, Day-to-day stuff, really casual, not plot heavy.
Character's Gender and Appearance: Some main protag chick that's just coping with living with a bunch of hot dudes, fucking lol. Totally a girl fantasy thing.

Scene: This is the important one, there was a whole chapter about getting a heating table and cucumbers and a lobster( I think ) so they could have some traditional japanese meal. They all split the duties and hit the town with what little money their broke asses had to buy a heating table, so they could sit at the heating table. The heating table was for some reason really important.

There was some other chapter about a bathtub maybe.
SO really just a manga about a girl ( power trip fantasy character clearly ) arguing with her hot gay looking flatmates, and having a chill group dynamic.

The chapters were always about really, really minor stuff, like food, clothes, drinking, being bored. etc.

Writer: It's definetely a girl, it has the girl artstyle kinda similar to Vampire prince or whatever.
Other Clues: It was really goddamn chill and it has some Japanese name propably.

SO a whole chapter about getting a heating table and cucumbers/seafood. I really liked the girl-type artstyle.

Thank You in advance. smile


11:26 pm, Jun 25 2016
Posts: 98

Sounds like Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge, though no idea if it had the kotatsu scene.

Post #681425
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The Awakening

7:14 am, Jun 26 2016
Posts: 105

I'm not sure but it sounds a bit like Full House Kiss?

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