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Battle manga with partners at a school...

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3:37 pm, Oct 28 2016
Posts: 4

I'm looking for a manga. It starts with a man entering a new school. At the school, the students battle as partners with some kind of magical weapon. He meets a girl and they fight together. In the first fight, the guy uses a huge wooden beam to beat his opponent. I remember that being significant because he had not formed a formal partnership yet with the girl, so he did not have a magical weapon. I remember the guy being a really tall and really good at fighting.
I also remember the manga was really short. Under five volumes.

Does anyone know the manga I'm talking about?

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7:50 pm, Oct 28 2016
Posts: 454

It's been a long time since I read it, but I think it sounds like Ware wa Ken-ou!!. Maybe biggrin

And honestly, I hope that's not it, cuz that one's been abandoned for a long time too >_<

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