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A few things

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Post #474
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Ore Sanjou!
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4:50 am, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 1165

I'm really not sure what to label this topic, but let me try and explain first.

I was wondering if it where possible to get more room for things such as "Serialized In". Also, I was wondering if Original Publisher, could be changed to just "Publisher" and have more room be given to add more, incase there is more than one.

For an example, I present Bastard's page:

Now, there is information I would like to add. The current Serialization is in Ultra Jump, however Bastard started off in Shounen Jump, it stayed there until around 2000, then moved to Ultra Jump.

Also, for the publisher information, I was wanting to add more in for Fist of The North Star, as it has had a total of four different publishers, with Coamix/Shinchosha being the current ones. I was also wondering if you could add more space for English Publisher aswell, as some series have had more than one publisher, including Fist of The North Star (It's had two).

Also, with recent stuff in America, I was wondering if it would be helpful at all to add an English Serialization category. There might not be enough, yet, though.

I hope this wasn't too confusing. I wasn't sure what to title this post, either. As I couldn't think of a few ways to put some of this into words. Man, im tired. >_<

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Post #480 - Reply to (#474) by Kaioh
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8:12 am, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 2659

I was wondering if it where possible to get more room for things such as "Serialized In". Also, I was wondering if Original Publisher, could be changed to just "Publisher" and have more room be given to add more, incase there is more than one.

Already in the works. I will keep Original Publisher though, because I feel it is less ambiguous. It *used* to be "Foreign Publisher". I think it's better the way it is now though.

Also, with recent stuff in America, I was wondering if it would be helpful at all to add an English Serialization category. There might not be enough, yet, though.

Not sure.. Don't english companies just release manga volumes? Never heard of anything being published in a magazine or something...

Post #481

9:38 am, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 23

at least for germany, the publishers have monthly shounen/shoujo 'magazines' like they have in japan for the weeklys...
but the series change pretty fast... too fast to call it a complete serialization and the tanks just 'extras' for people who like the series...

Post #483 - Reply to (#480) by Manick
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12:46 pm, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 325

Not sure.. Don't english companies just release manga volumes? Never heard of anything being published in a magazine or something...

yeah all i think that exists is Shounen Jump here in the states and well i think they have like one manga series over in Newtype and i do recall seeing some other one hella long time ago, had Magic Knights Rayearth in there and a few others, but doubt that one still even exists... <_< well i do not believe that an English Serialization category would be neccessary at this time anyways.

why back in the day we didn't 'download', we had to swim to japan if we wanted fresh anime and that was only if...

I dream of a better tomorrow... where chickens can cross roads and not have their motives questioned.
Post #484
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1:49 pm, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 2659

Yea, i think i'm going to just leave out an english serialization for now.

Post #486
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Ore Sanjou!
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7:40 pm, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 1165

Actually, for english serialization there is quite a few options. Off the top of my head, Shonen Jump, Newtype USA, Raijin Comics, Animerica Extra, Pulp, Shoujo Beat, and more.

Alot of them are, however, no longer in publication. But, I know of alot of them and can do research as to what was serialized in what magazine, if it's helpful.

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Post #487
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8:17 pm, Sep 4 2006
Posts: 2659

I'll think about it... but for right now i really have too much other stuff on my plate.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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