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Chisa x Pon   
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Чиса и Пон

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Last Updated
August 10th 2024, 11:09am



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Shuukan Young Jump (Shueisha)

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by daredevil_x
May 13th, 2024, 11:36am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
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A good rape manga, I guess?  
by Raiden94
February 15th, 2024, 8:53am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
This manga made me want to be in a relationship as good as the main duo relationship. With all the turmoil at the beginning and in the end all workout. The bonds become stronger and solid. It's a bit similar to Suzuka.
Also, the character designs are quite adorable expecially their reaction.
Into the main topic, the rape. I would say it's a very(x2) difficult subject. Who to blame? How to act? What to say? Which is the correct choice? What can be done? By reading this manga, I got the gist on how to approach the topic. You really need to have a really(×2) big heart and a cool mind.
For example, if a person I love was rape..will I still be able to love the person or will I shun the person? Will I still think highly of the person? What can I do to make the person I love happy and smile again. Will I or the victim be able to forgive the perpetrator. If yes, why?
This goes for mainly the victim, the victim's circle and the perpetrator.
But I can say for sure that a perpetrator is 100% at fault if he/she rape someone. Doesn't matter whatever the perpetrator's past circumstances were.
Lastly, enjoy reading the manga because got a lot of sex scenes.
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Fantastic coming of age tale featuring a very difficult subject  
by accents_ranis
May 24th, 2022, 12:24pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This is one of the most harrowing comics I've ever read simply because it treats the subject of consentual sex versus rape in a very realistic manner. I have never seen such a sober portrayal of the devastated rape victim and also how harrowing it is for the boyfriend. It also shows how difficult it can be for the victim to identify as a victim of a rape. For an old geezer like me (who's also a father of a girl) it's fantastic to see a comic completely taking the side of the victim and doing a fine job of explaining what consent actually means, and, no, it is not simply a matter of "yes" vs "no". People can be afraid to say no even though their entire being is screaming that what's being done to them is wrong.
Do read, people, but be prepared to have a hand to hold nearby. Or, at the very least, a pillow. And maybe a teddy bear.
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Not really Netorare (depending on definition)  
by Oobaka-san
January 19th, 2021, 10:22pm
Rating: N/A
I was worried about that tag and the comments going back and forth, but I took a look at the story and here's how it goes.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Chisa and Ponta are going through some rocky times as Chisa can't have sex due to vaginismus.
She grows fearful that Ponta will start to hate her and wants to find a reason to break up with him first, but can't let go of him no matter what he does. Finally she asks out a coworker who's been trying to seduce her, thinking if she could prove she didn't care so much that she couldn't notice another man's charms she'd feel more sure about dumping him. Instead, she hated herself the whole time and decided to make up instead. Said coworker, Takigawa, convinces her to come to his house to listen to a piano piece he wrote for her and she stupidly follows him thinking since his mother's home she wouldn't be alone. Takigawa proceeds to drug her, send obscene pics to Ponta, then tie her up and torture her after she wakes up until her mind shuts off completely and all she can bring herself to do is wait for it to be over. Afterward, we see for chapter after chapter all kinds of classic signs of rape trauma, leading up to Ponta taking her on a trip in hopes he can help her recover if just a bit.

For those that believe the comments claiming she consented, I'll include a small excerpt I managed to translate:
In order to escape, in order to protect myself, I did exactly as he said. When he undid the ropes like he promised, I'd lost what fight I had left. It doesn't matter anymore. None of it matters one bit. I just want to make this end as quickly as possible. If I close my eyes, it makes no difference who I'm with.

Now tell me, are those really the words of someone who's chosen to have sex with the guy, or those of someone so broken and full of despair that the only thing she can think to do is submit and hope her attacker won't take much longer?

Since netorare does simply mean that one's lover is stolen, a single rape incident could fit. However, given that the text makes it abundantly clear that there was no consent involved, and there are no further events, consensual or otherwise, it's definitely not your standard NTR. And given that, despite the erroneous translation, she found she was completely unable to feel anything for any man besides Ponta, the term is very shaky. That said, the relationship is broken for a while, as Ponta doesn't know how to deal with what happened or accept some of the things she admitted about the incident, while Chisa also can't accept what'd happened, much less accept anyone in her life who sees her as a victim. Even after they get back together the incident continues to loom over them and causes further separations down the road.

A word of advice: don't be too quick to buy whatever disparaging claims people make about this series.

... Last updated on February 10th, 2022, 1:53pm
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Dear morons who are screaming NTR  
by leann123
April 1st, 2017, 1:40pm
Rating: N/A
This is not NTR.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
She was in the process of being raped and while she did kind of accept it to get it over with, she did not get NTR'd.

This manga has been unjustly attacked because people are too fucking stupid to realize the difference. NTR is one of the most misused terms in the anime community. Usually used when people dislike something that involves romance/sex/etc and just throw out a catch all term.

Again, this is NOT NTR.

... Last updated on April 1st, 2017, 1:41pm
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Not liking the series does not have to do with a lack of maturity  
by great_k
September 25th, 2014, 3:01am
Rating: 5.0  / 10.0
The main reason I have for not liking the series, is that I simply do not like Chisa.
The infamous sex scene started out as rape but ended as consensual.
Before this Chisa was starting to fall for that guy. When she got a job at a cafe he was the kind helpful sempai who was also handsome and mysterious. Plus if i remember correctly he constantly did things that made her keep getting interested in him like taking her to see some horses.
If the rape did not happen or if they were not caught, there was a high probability that Chisa would have broken up with her BF to be with him.
When he let her go after finding out she was a virgin, she initiated sex with him all on her own.
Before this she was not sure if she actually love Pon and felt pressured by his obvious desire to sleep with her. Here comes a new dreamy guy who makes her doubt her feelings for Pon...
After the sex incident she finally realizes how important Pon was to her and what a great guy he was but the damage is already done.
Even after the "rape" she tries to be friends with the "rapist" and does not leave him alone.
Whatever Chisa's personal background issues, she still cheated on her boyfriend.
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This is rape  
by Druid
August 4th, 2013, 1:10pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
It's very clear that a good many of those commenting weren't mature enough to read this manga. This manga is about a girl with family issues who's quite frankly scared when it comes time to lose her virginity. It's also about rape. Yes, rape. If a guy forces a girl to have sex with him against her will that is rape, no matter if she gives up and lets him in the end. It's still against her will and something that was imposed on her. Have you heard of the term date rape? That's precisely what this is. What's more, don't call the male lead "spineless" when he has the guts to work through the mental anguish that both he and his girl went through and in the end heal that anguish. He's obviously much stronger than you guys might ever be. (Of course many of you may have formulated your opinions from looking at the raws. You should read it before formulating your opinion. Of course part of the guilt rests on me since I only translated the first volume.)

This is a manga about rape and how it hurts everyone involved, even the rapist (although I wish he'd done jail time.) I think this is a manga that every man should read so that they think twice before they do something that is irreversible. I know that I'm glad that I read it even though it was a very tough read. I think it's made me a better man.
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Dumb romance + rape + NTR = sub hentai trash  
by residentgrigo
May 28th, 2013, 10:21am
Rating: 2.0  / 10.0
Frankly dumb romance from chapter 1 and then highly uncomfortable rape as drama from volume 2 onward. What does this winning combo lead to? Cheating, lying, cuckolding and unlikeable characters all over the place but the atmosphere is supposed to be upbeat and romantic. That of course works great in the manga's favor... not. Well unless you love NTR as this is a textbook case! Bleh. The unrealistic "happy" ending from out of nowhere is just mind-boggling because it´s a romance right?
Dear female (!) author: Vaginismus doesn´t work like that and being caught as a rapist will get you in prison and not in a girl's pants. Making the rapist "sympathetic" is the craziest direction of them all and most likely where the vocal hatred against the manga came from. Giving the female lead a negative IQ helps of course. The drugging and kidnapping are the cherries on top and it's baffling how badly and unrealistically the series fumbles its various plot developments. Her other series aren´t great either and I regret looking at all of her output in the long run but they are masterpieces compared to this flaming train wreck. Turn around as long as you can from this borderline Smut manga and read Kiss & Never Cry, Mars and the genuinely challenging Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan for a rape-focused romance that won´t try to tell you how great an opportunity it is to experience long term personal growth through sexual abuse. Even the average hentai has better writing so consider yourself warned. Long-form hentai is also shorter. 8 volumes and 1600 pages were needed for this tasteless trainwreck to run its course. Dear lord.

... Last updated on April 15th, 2023, 2:21am
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People Here Are Funny  
by Seijurou
December 11th, 2011, 2:30am
Rating: N/A
I found it funny that people were fighting over some sex scene being rape or not, so I checked the tags (categories), and, as I expected, they pretty much reflect that. It seems pro-rape guys are winning. As for me, I will let you know what I think whenever I actually do end up reading this manga. Right now, I just want to get it over with Yomeiro-Choice; a damn shame what happened to that title in later chapters.

... Last updated on December 11th, 2011, 2:32am
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by spyle
September 12th, 2011, 4:54pm
Rating: N/A
instead, actually i think above all else, this was an attempt at fantasizing the life of a dependent woman, from a working woman's (mangaka, duh) perspective.. thus all the angst, jealousy described in the manga grasping for 'love' while stressing women's need for independence almost to a feminist-like degree.. well of course, if you contribute to family income, very naturally your opinions and place in general in a relationship will be elevated.. it's not without reason why men tended to have higher social status before the economic crash in 08 (and diminished status after) and why richer people tend to have wider selection of wives/girl friends.. all in all seems like an independent women's desperate attempt to get pampered in a self created fantasy.. precisely because she can't get it in real life with all the work load mangaka does. well.. can't have both. with the kind of relationship she fantasizes, a lot of the physical parameters just don't make sense..

you wouldn't have as much energy and time to devote into a career, for instance, and generally a stay-home no-work girl who doesn't even think about going to college just does not have that much say in a relationship.. let alone jumping ship, going into a sexual harassment suspect's house, constantly lie and expect no backlash (again, has to do with status.. are you a career women and is your man feeding on you or not.. if he is, naturally he doesn't have as much of a say relatively to what you do. imagine life b4 you moved out of parents' house), so again, just doesn't make sense. yes she constantly lies to male lead while he is still at school and has no work, i realize that, but to expect memories/habit not to carry on to take a toll later in life is ridiculous. besides career oriented people have traits of work ethics very early on and their mentality generally is to be different--if you expect the guy to ever take care of the family as implied in the manga that is, since she doesn't seem like she will be working.

great art style and skill that surpasses many other female mangaka, unfortunately suffers from common symptom other females tend to have--simply poor in cold logic and facts. hard to ever mistake it for anything other than fantasy. male mangaka generally at least make things somewhat believable and treat illogical settings as a mistake on their own part, when they try to create their work. women mangaka doesn't seem to bother. the art did attract me.

... Last updated on September 13th, 2011, 4:53am
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