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Hot Gimmick   
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Hot Gimmick S (Novel) (Alternate Story)

Associated Names
Hotto Gimikku
รักร้อนซ่อนกล (Thai)

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v.11 c.47 by Eternal Blue over 17 years ago
v.11 c.47 by Dakku Manga over 17 years ago
v.10 c.45-46 by Eternal Blue over 17 years ago
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12 Volumes (Complete)

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Average: 6.2 / 10.0 (978 votes)
Bayesian Average: 6.2 / 10.0

Last Updated
November 10th 2023, 12:05pm



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Betsucomi (Shogakukan)

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Viz (12 Volumes & 4 Omnibuses - Complete)

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So Not Good.  
by noisette
March 11th, 2009, 9:22pm
Rating: 2.0  / 10.0
When I started reading this series I thought that even though Hatsumi was passive and Ryoki was overbearing they would eventually grow up. Hatsumi would stick up for herself, and Ryoki would realize what a selfish pig he is and change his ways. Nope, not here. Only once does Hatsumi stand up for herself, but after that she lapses right back the way she was before: passive, non-confrontational, just letting herself get hurt over and over again. Ryoki isn't any better. He is spoiled, mean, jealous and selfish from start to finish. As individuals Hatsumi and Ryoki are loaded with faults that they never overcome. The more the series went on, the more they got on my nerves. As a couple, they're just downright painful to read about. What's so romantic about a relationship based on dominance and control? That may not have been what Aihara Miki was getting at, but that's sure what it looks like.

Stay away from "Hot Gimmick" if you want a strong heroine with a decent boyfriend. The characters don't change a bit from the way they are in the first chapter, and you'll end up sorely disappointed at the end. I just finished the last volume today, and tomorrow I'm going to load the whole series into a bag and sell all of it at the used bookstore down the street. I hate to make negative comments about a series that is so popular, but I've got to be honest and say that "Hot Gimmick" is severely overrated. Read something else.
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by andiispineapplek
November 3rd, 2013, 12:13am
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
Alright so I'm one of those people that has to finish things.. but honestly it was just too hard for me. The story really wasn't done well at all. The main girl was just to ugh..
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
I am pretty sure she is a masochist with battered women syndrome. The author could have done something to make her better. ANYTHING would have made her better.

Its supposed to be a reverse harem with, with those guys liking her and what not, but the choices are absolutely terrible.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
The first guy Azusa (her best friend from when she was little) tried to have her gang raped, while it didn't happen because his manager saved her, she still sympathizes with him and what hes going through trying to help him. Call me weird but if a guy tried to have me gang raped i wouldn't want anything to do with him.
The second guy Ryoki (guy who pushed her down a flight of stairs when she was young) mentally and physically abuses her. With her she gives on the battered women syndrome where everything is her fault.
The third guy Shinogu (her adoptive brother) While i can agree that a relationship can work if you aren't blood related the author clearly didn't want her to end up with this guy. I mean who could really be with someone they thought was there blood there whole life, that would just be a weird feeling.

She is the worst female lead ever, i have read manga's where the female character was a cry baby and stupid that weren't all that bad, but this girl takes the cake. I've seen someone say that she was just trying to be nice. That makes me laugh, there is a difference between being nice and just being idiotic.
As for the art its pretty bad, seen worse but this would be on my top 5 for worst art. The faces tend to be uneven at times and it just looks bad. It's just really awkward. I mean some scenes are nice but the art wasn't in the least bit interesting for me.
All in All i would say i wasted my time with this, even if i didn't get though all if it. I got untill chapter 34. From other reviews i have read nothing changes, and certainly doesn't get any better.

... Last updated on August 24th, 2017, 2:41pm
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by loveiszero
September 3rd, 2011, 7:07pm
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
This manga is a hot mess of an abusive, controlling, possessive relationship. Read this for a How to Not Have a Healthy Relationship 101. Overall, this leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.
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this was hard to rate  
by turnip head
September 19th, 2009, 5:12am
Rating: 5.0  / 10.0
i didn't like this story, but it was well done. it's not impossible that things like this happen and it's not unlikely for relationships to turn out this way. i just- didn't like it. i remember reading each chapter, thinking, "okay, better yourself this time. please." but no one ever does. except the little sister.

the lead and her love interest are in such a dysfunctional love. though, i wasn't exactly rooting for any of the males to end up with her.

she never gains any real strength of character. i mean, how depressing is that?
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A different kind of hero  
by furuba
April 7th, 2009, 11:51am
Rating: N/A
Call me crazy, but this manga was hot! Sure Ryoki was and still is a jerk, but you have to admit, he really did care about Hatsumi or else he would of just raped her when he had the chance. He saved her several times and I think he just didn't know how else to convey his feelings for her. I loved this manga and the only reason I am giving it a 9 is because he never really actually told her that he loved her. But in the end he did make a god point about how she always comes back to him when she needed real help. So what if their relationship was disfunctional! That's what made this manga soooooo interesting. I loved it!
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by akiyu
September 15th, 2007, 10:20pm
Rating: 7.5  / 10.0
To be honest, I love and hate this manga at the same time. >.>'

[edit by mod, Warning: Spoilers]
It has a very interesting storyline and very amusing characters. All the characters have their own depths and it's really entertaining to watch their actions and reactions.
Spoiler (highlight to view)
But I just couldn't possibly understand how Hatsumi could end up liking Ryoki, although yeah, he was there at the right time when Hatsumi was upset. But ain't he just want to get into bed with her everytime he's with her? And he doesn't really care about her family problems. He might really love Hatsumi, and crazily possessive too, but I just don't love him. He's still a child.

And I hate the ending. >.>' The author didn't really tie all the loose ends. Like Azusa's revenge. How he deals with his life after that. AND WTF, Shinogu becoming a.... monk.

T_T All in all, this manga is great in terms of storyline. The characters are really interesting, but sometimes they piss me off. And the ending... bleh. So I am giving it a 7.5. >(

Hot Gimmick S... probably is good for me, since I'm a Shinogu fan. But... >.> not the real ending. DO NOT WANT.
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I just can't  
by Truthfulyume658
July 12th, 2015, 10:55am
Rating: N/A
I hate the female lead for being so friggin weak and how she'll always need someone to walk her through life. The art was fine, it conveyed the characters description of themselves/others. Her relationships with those around her were weird. Her older brother liked her, she ends up in an abusive relationship, she was almost gang raped by a bunch of models orchestrated by the guy she was dating yet she still apologized to him. I just can't bring myself to read this. It's one thing to be weak it's another to never gain any character development.
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I Tried  
by Imsexyandiknowit328
February 23rd, 2015, 2:58pm
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
I remember reading this manga all the way through back in like my freshman year of high school (so nearly five years ago now) and I remember adoring it. Reading it again now... I just can't get into it. It wasn't so bad until I read about the part where
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Asuza gets a bunch of guys together to rape the main girl. That she escaped was a relief to me, but it doesn't end there. The stupid girl doesn't report him to the police, people keep shrugging it off as "just how he his" cuz he's tortured or something like that, and she keep pitying him and trying to support him. Um, no. Report that jerk, get him in correctional facilities, and GET HIM PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP before he tries it again! He's got major damage that a little bit of sweetness from his almost-rape-victim would in no way heal in real life. It's ridiculous.
I tried to keep going from there but I kept getting bogged down. I'd read a few chapters just fine, then get annoyed with how freaking PATHETIC the main girl is. Seriously, she loves Azusa one minute, then she can't get Tachibana out of her head, and then she has major guilt and attraction for her brother... I found myself repeatedly thinking, "Make up your mind and stop letting these jerks push you around!" Seriously. This is a time-killer manga for people who can breeze over those topics without pause. For me, a lot of the plot twists were show-stoppers and not in a positive way.

... Last updated on February 23rd, 2015, 3:00pm
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by NoOneSpecial75
January 3rd, 2015, 6:05pm
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
I still regret reading this tasteless series when I was a young teenager and couldn't see it for the smut it was. If you're looking for a story with substance you've come to the wrong place. Though it still makes me laugh that the bizarre ending was so bad that an alternate ending light novel had to be made to save face!
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If you're willing to just let it be...  
by flowinmyboat
June 15th, 2012, 2:46pm
Rating: N/A
Hot Gimmick is every cliche in the shoujo world to the power of 10. You have your doormat female lead, jealous boyfriend, love triangle, almost raped situation, super-mean bully, rich kid, school-idol, childhood friends: the works. However, unlike typical shoujo, the plot with Hatsumi's dad was actually well-thought out and interesting. That's why I read it all in one sitting. It doesn't stall in one place too long and it's dramatic.

Yeah, Hatsumi is a major doormat and I wanted to freaking beat the sh*t out of her sometimes for her passiveness and repeated stupidity. Ryoki also: his annoying demands for Hatsumi to always pay attention to him and even demanding her to choose between him and her family were disgusting. But, overall, I thought the relationship was just annoying most of the time and they were just super annoying teenagers with some serious personal issues (Ryoki's "I have no family but you!" and Hatsumi's "my bro is not my bro and my dad had an affair with Azusa's mom"). The only serious "omg no he did ain't, gurl" moment was when he slapped Hatsumi but that was just Ryoki being a spoiled brat. It's not abusive. If it was abusive, Hatsumi would have avoided Ryoki like she did when they were kids and her brother would have stepped in.

I think if your gonna get distracted by a doormat lead, then don't. If you're willing to just let it go, you got yourself a good read.

The funniest thing is Azusa, the guy who set-up said rape attempt and the antagonist for the better half the series, has the most character development of all.

PS: No one is taking their love advice from manga, guys.
PPS: cecropiamoth, no. Just no.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think the great popularity of shoujo manga like this, demonstrates that one part of the innate makeup of women is a desire to be dominated."

That line is more disgusting than anything Ryoki has even done or said in this entire manga. That is a rapist's line of thought there and I can't believe that you translate out what mangas girls read into a factor of their "innate makeup". I love Saiyuki but that doesn't mean I'm violent.

... Last updated on June 15th, 2012, 2:50pm
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