I didn't really have too many complaints about the manga and was really enjoying it. The story was imaginative and a bit absurd, but going well for the most part: the the plot gets complicated and it turns out the main character "Ikki" finds out his crush/childhood friend Ringo is involved in an unexpected way that makes her a goal in the plot rather than someone who can be a friend to him in any capacity.
During this time, Ikki had been forming a relationship with another girl, Simca, and as much of a red-flag raising girl she was initially, she was starting to warm up to both Ikki and myself. And then Ringo, Ikki's supposed childhood friend and original love interest puts Simca
in a wheelchair, having intentionally damaged nerves in her spine.
I'm sorry, did Ringo just do what even the worst villain had yet to do in this story? Apparently.
Oh, and it gets worse. Later on, there's a weird relationship that really good air trek riders get that involve a lot of skinship with a special person who devotes themselves to that air trek rider. Ikki gets a new girl who is fantastic and genuinely cares about him.
But then then Ringo shows up, with her own special person (a male) and some indication is made that they've been sexually intimate and will do so again. Ringo does not do anything to clarify what their relationship actually is, and just runs away with the guy.
And yet somehow, after attacking Ikki's closest friends and even budding love interests, basically cheating on him when she supposedly likes him (and oh, those scenes where she's agonizing over her feelings while basically cheating on him angered me!), and more, Ikki still goes for her and ends up with her in the end. Did I tell you she made fun of Ikki being small "down there" at one point?
So Ringo commits evil acts, cheats on the person she supposedly loves while never communicating anything to make sure he feels cheated on, and then she gets to keep
him as not only a friend but a lover?
Bull f******* S***!
Talk about throwing away the entire story and all the goodwill built up with me as a reader right at the end. All that time, love, anxiousness and anticipation and you give me that unrealistic, cop-out ending where the guy just... what on earth went through your head, author?
Please, if you ever see this review, send me an explanation as to why you literally developed her
as a cheater who has had more impressive men in bed
and then tried to sell me on Ikki being okay with the girl he thought he knew doing so much to destroy the people he loved and mess up his own heart.
Yes, there was a greater plot, I remember that. I also remember it not being a good enough justification for her to do what she did
and still get to be Ikki's girlfriend in the end.
It just makes no sense whatsoever. An entire story broken by an unrealistic end. It's frustrating. Because, quite frankly, I expect Ringo to
cheat on Ikki
in the future—you can't make me think otherwise with her history and actions.
I'm only giving this more than a 3 because the art is so good.