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Kore wa Koi no Hanashi   
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This Is a Love Story
This Is a Tale of Love
هذه قصة حب

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c.42 (end) by Papermoon Scans over 7 years ago
c.42 (end) by sj4iy over 7 years ago
c.41 by Papermoon Scans over 8 years ago
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11 Volumes (Complete)

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Average: 8.2 / 10.0 (415 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.07 / 10.0

Last Updated
June 11th 2024, 8:47pm



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Aria (Kodansha)

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Kodansha Comics (May 2017 - Canceled)

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If only the age gap was the only problem.  
by Shellshock
October 30th, 2020, 6:11am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
This series is the love story about a 31 year old man and a 10 year old girl. Yes i too tilted my head 45 degrees. The main character is an author and the main heroine is this aloof girl who wants to save this cat. She can't keep it at home due to family issues so the guy allows her to take of the cat in his yard.

Now age gap romances have been done before. Its not really a unique idea. What is more rare though is that she's 10 years old. Funny thing is i think the author did a passable job in making the romance enjoyable. Now i don't think the author did a phenomenal job or anything. Like i didn't think that only those 2 could end up together. But in regards to the romance including the hard part of the 21 year old age gap. I thought it fine. The only type it really irked me was when he made moves on her when she was 13. Yeah......

The problem lies elsewhere. The characters more like. The main character is kind of a dick and i understand why. Considering his past i understand thats why he allowed her to stay. He knows how hard it is to live alone and doesn't want that for her either. I liked the character development of wanting to get out of traumatic experiences. I think the author applied really well. For not just the main character but the main heroine as well.

The series just in general is not that great. Like you would expect more from a series like this. In a sense i guess it does do more. Being an age gap story already means you have to try harder if you want the audience to accept that relationship. In a sense the author succeeds but thats it. Thats how far the author got. It does the mininum of what you would expect out of a good series and thats just not good enough.

Their are other issues like the glasses guy. He was entertaining, than his side story is revealed and he is just this asshole. Other characters are also pretty medicore to bad. Their aren't that many memorable moments. The series is just kind of a mess. Their plots opened up and yet never expanded on. Like whats the glasses relationship with his family. How is the chick that took care of the MMC in his young days and other stuff. A lot of these are opened up to be this big things and yet are just never talked about ever again.

I wanna congratulate for being able to make a age gap series with such a large gap without it feeling creepy (most of the time). I will also berate the author for making medicore characters, unlikable love traingles and a very weird time lapses. The time skips were also odd. I get they were necessary but the author could've done a way better job.

You know their are series out there that did the age gap romance much worse but they were also much better series like Ran and the gray world. Kinda disturbing main romance but otherwise a very solid series. Otoyomegatari is an age gap romance of 8 years with a 12 year old boy and it is a such a phonomenal manga that it practically beats the shit out of every other romance series out there. It might be a bit unfair to compare kore wa koi no hanashi to one of the best romance series created but its the best example i can think of with an age gap.

TLDR: Age gap was fine everything else was meh and thats not good enough. 4/10

... Last updated on March 18th, 2021, 11:51pm
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Before making a hasty judgememt about the synopsis...  
by MeisterGao
October 14th, 2017, 12:18am
Rating: N/A
This manga is more than just a romance. It is more than just about the concept of romantic love. It is the story of two closed off characters who have both suffered a dark past. One whose experience is on going. It's a rather accurate portrayal of family abuse and closed off responses from the victim. There are blurred lines between types of love from platonic to familial to romantic. It approaches the subjects are grey without any clear cut answers. It delves into family being more than blood relatives or obligations. It's a slow burn on emotional growth for both of the protagonist.

Focusing only on the age gap cheapens the narrative. It is more than that. The supporting cast highlights many areas and one character loves playing devil's advocate.

Not only does the story address familial abuse, it goes into everyday bullying. Even better, it acknowledges chatacter growth and redemption.

The scanlations may be rough at the start (I believe the translator early was a self-taught amateur without a proper editor. They did their best to be honest.).

Definitely give it a try with an open mind. Iit is more than some skeevy sounding story. Much, much more.
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by Kinky-Chan
July 19th, 2017, 7:09pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
Although I think this manga is pretty normal, but the story is pretty good. The transition from a small child growing up and climbing up to adulthood is rather interesting and it's nice to see that the characters are developing more and more in every chapter.

Although many people can't accept the age gap, but this is fiction, so it doesn't really matter (but what confuses me is that Shinichi and his gang still looks the same no matter how many years has passed by and the ones that are growing up tremendously is Haruka and her gang.)

Nevertheless, it's a good read. It's not the best, but it's still decent.
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by theabbster1
May 3rd, 2015, 6:42pm
Rating: N/A
I think this manga is overrated. I don't understand how Morimoto fell in love so quickly with Shinichi. Really, she fell in love with a 31 year old man at first sight? Idk but when I was 10 I thought 31 was soooo old. Like unimaginable to fall in love with or even find attractive. I also don't like Morimoto that much. There's nothing that likeable about her. She has had a traumatic life that makes her relatable to Shinichi, but other than that I don't see why he likes her. She's a moody and quite uninteresting character... but to each his own. This manga was not my favorite, but others might find it absolutely fantastic and that's fine.
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It's decent  
by jeffreymgibson
May 6th, 2014, 12:14am
Rating: N/A
I do like this. The scanlations are up to chapter 34 or so. Even though, I feel that this is the kind of manga that can be ruined if it goes on much further than 10 volumes. All kinds of crazy drama and a long drawn out story could turn me off of this title quickly.
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First vs second  
by MatrixM
April 16th, 2014, 4:08pm
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
First time I read this I was...kinda bored. Started reading, first chapter or so was alright, main char seemed like he had an interesting background/characterisation but it's pretty much never expanded on or perhaps it simply wasn't as interesting as I expected. His friend is kinda a jerk for forcing this 'inspiration' on him and thinking it's a totally cool thing to do. Just didn't seem like the writing, or perhaps storyboarding, was...good. Ended up skim reading and then dropped it. Then deleted the chapters, and I pretty much never do that unless I consider a series a waste of time.

That was almost exactly a year ago (18th april). I came back to it a month ago, for some reason I was in the mood for a romance with an age-gap about some kinda damaged (definitely the wrong word, but the only that comes to mind right now) characters mixed with some guardianship. I was also procrastinating like crazy, literally marathoning the 35 chapters the night before a ~7 hour exam (got about 20min sleep) with no preparation so perhaps that affected my judgement somehow.

Anyways, point is, the second time around I...liked it. I like how the romance is actually quite fast for the girl's side. I like how...well, I don't know how to phrase this without spoilering :/

Perhaps if you don't like this series, find it boring/a waste of time like I initially did, you just need another frame of mind.

EDIT: The art is definitely solid, too.

... Last updated on April 16th, 2014, 4:09pm
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It's quite interesting to me, except for some things  
by kompoko
February 1st, 2014, 3:37am
Rating: 8.7  / 10.0
I've always been a fan of age-gap relationship, but never an ally of those under the high school age (or at least the last year of junior high). That's why such a 31-year-old ossan and 10 (yes, ten!)-year-old elementary girl love story has been bothering me. The character's personality is quite okay (even though some were annoying), but the age gap is just... I really hope there would be a time skip or else I'm not sure I could keep up seeing the old man falls in love with a kid, really. Putting aside the age gap, I think the plot is quite good up to the chapter I'm reading.

The biggest problem I'm in now is the sudden change in characters' names, I mean I've get used to their names, such as Aiko, Makuzu (even though I did thought this is really a weird name), Hata, etc., and then suddenly their names all change into Haruka and Utsumi and things like that (I searched and know that those are their right names though). I guess this must be somehow related to the raw that the scanlation group has, but it really annoys me.

I'm still at the middle of the story so I'll be back when finishing the most recent chapters later.
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it's decent.  
by wrensei
September 17th, 2013, 11:31pm
Rating: 8.5  / 10.0's way better than HANA NO NAMAE...that guy in HNN had dark aura underneath.

This one, I mean Shinichi is "pure"..or more likely had innocent side, he maybe had dark past too yet he's not a total psycho that pushes the girl away.
Don't be put off by the large age-gap..I guarantee you IT DOESN'T CROSS THE LINE OF
PAEDOPHILIA...It has character growth to watch out for.
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by mmaggieanderson
March 16th, 2013, 7:44pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Yes, I understand the comparison to Hana no Namae. On first look it seems to be to follow a similar theme, but as much as I loved Hana no Namae (I own it) I always felt it was a little dark. Both Kei and Chouko seemed so damaged. In Kore wa Koi no Hanashi, even though I would prefer Haruka to be a little older, I see both she and Shinichi as not quite so damaged. I can see them eventually being able to overcome and have normal lives. Both of them learning how it feels to connect to another person. Whether they end up together or with other people doesn't matter as much as watching them become more complete individuals (although I must confess that I would love them to eventually end up together). I also love Oogaki! He is both the instigator and the moral conscience in this tale. He makes me laugh! I can't wait to meet his wife. I also want to see Satomi find someone as well. I can't wait to see how things unfold!!!!!

... Last updated on March 16th, 2013, 7:47pm
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Its good.  
by Kaosu
November 15th, 2012, 9:46pm
Rating: N/A
Its a sweet but a little bitter story. To be honest, the year age gap doesn't bother me as long as its done in a realistic way (though the crush at a young age is pretty far fetched). There are some rage inducing moments but it almost always gets resolved quickly.

Its a taboo subject, but as humans, a lot of us are secretly drawn to the taboo. Its not the glorification of taboo, but rather how in the end, we are all human and just want to be with those who we love even if society were to look down upon it along with all the emotions that incurs.

Even if not socially able, even broken humans need love. No one really wants to be alone.
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