But you won't, if you insist on holding to a rigid view of what a man, even a teenage guy, should be. The thing I'm loving about this story the most, as a matter of fact, is that in this manga it's the BAD GUY who comes closest to matching the standard idea of manhood: handsome, athletic, confident, emotionally dead, and, in fact, mean.
In this story the main character is a teenage wimp, but he's one a lot of readers will like or be willing to identify with because he's kind, gentle, and caring. For you guys who were, or are, a bit like that as teenagers, you will find in this story a great picture of the internal life of such a guy. Beyond that, in this manga this main character gets lucky in several ways that such guys aren't normally depicted as getting. And at the same time he's not the complete dork that the male main character in shounen manga often is—yet showered by the love of multiple females just to fulfill the fantasies of horny teenage readers.
In fact, this is that very rare thing, a truly realistic manga about teenage life, with just enough exaggeration added to make it exciting. If you loved "Onani Master Kurosawa", I'm pretty sure you'll like this. And the art is just great.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, there's suspense and danger in this manga, quite a lot of it. And the ending is a standard feature of reality.