I don't know why but after 2nd/3rd classmate and tournament involved it became really boring, and all rival is only couple actually likeable just one people actually... with the rest is either creepy or cheater, there's one character have strange body coming giving insult and all but receive no comment... come on he actually calling people creepy when his whole body is disgustingly disjointed, also dat fugly face, there's 100 more people watching yet no good comeback?, not only that cheater seems to get away easily in this manga. also this manga has comedy tag 😕 I barely laugh there's good place for comedy yet author failed to use it. not only that those people talk A LOT
seriously they racing one creepy guy suddenly take of half his cloth so it showing his abs and then yell almost entire race ABS,ABS,ABS, WTF, and not long after fatty yelling OXY~GEN oh wait so this is why it has the comedy tag i get it now
I'm in chap 80 I hope this get better...
update ch 150,
You know all those thing that make MC look like hardworking guy trying to catchup with rival/3rd year, now I call it bullshit he definitely overpowered with all those talent, he lose just for the sake of losing so he look evolved even though his talent/skill/hardwork(whenever you call them) is beyond all of em.
I Hate this manga more than ever now, there's literary no fairness in this manga, there's always something bad happen to people to prevent them competing on same level also it getting sillier and sillier with each passing chapter, the writing is really bad with 2/4 people racing, flashback,finish rinse and repeat, the flashback is really lame too
there's one character having trauma, because he hit rabbit yes, rabbit, not human, not kid, but rabbit....a rabbit, the f*** is that.Oh yeah you know that alien douche he actually really good, he want to do bad just because he simply evil, yup he know that person hit a rabbit.. yes he research with so much detail, yup he knew he can't pass using left lane because of rabbit, he use all those time doing stupid thing instead of training. and when he lose instead of just losing fair the artist make that alien tooth break so he lose concentration, not only MC is weak willed the artist it self not much different, what's so bad making him lose in normal way.
Oh yeah latter he became good, and quite... and guess what time to rise another douche, yup some character that never make it to the top 3 not even being mentioned so much suddenly appear making trouble, and yup same again no comeback, GOD I swear all the character here doesn't have ball, oh yeah the art getting worse that alien, literary became alien.
I guess thanks to this manga, now I know how boring bicycle sport is.