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Rai wakes up from an 820-year-long sleep and starts his new life as a student in a high school founded by his loyal servant, Frankenstein. But his peaceful days with other human students are soon interrupted by mysterious attackers known as the "Unions."

Original Webtoon:
Naver Webtoon, Naver Series

Official Translation:
English, S.Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Indonesian, T.Chinese, Japanese


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Associated Names

Groups Scanlating
LINE Webtoon
Easy Going Scans
ZYuHi Noblesse Translations

Latest Release(s)
c.Epilogue (end) by LINE Webtoon over 5 years ago
c.543 by LINE Webtoon over 5 years ago
c.542 by LINE Webtoon over 5 years ago
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in Country of Origin
543 Chapters + Epilogue (Complete)
25 Volumes (Seasons 1-7; Complete)

S1: 92 Chapters (1~92)
S2: 62 Chapters (93~154)
S3: 46 Chapters (155~200)
S4: 38 Chapters (201~238)
S5: 48 Chapters (239~286)
S6: 41 Chapters (287~327)
S7: 76 Chapters (328~403)
S8: 140 Chapters (404~543)

Completely Scanlated?

Anime Start/End Chapter
Starts at Vol 1, Chap 1 (Awakening ONA) / Vol 1, Chap 92 (2020)
Ends at Vol 1, Chap 78 (Awakening ONA) / Vol 3, Chap 200 (2020) Heavily abridged

User Reviews
Noblesse by tsubasa22
Noblesse by strixflash

61 topics, 463 posts
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User Rating
Average: 8.6 / 10.0 (2313 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.57 / 10.0

Last Updated
August 10th 2024, 5:38pm



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Original Publisher
Futabasha (License in Japan)
Naver (Korea)

Serialized In (magazine)
Naver Webtoon (Naver)

Licensed (in English)

English Publisher
LINE Webtoon (Digital, Print)

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User Comments  [ Order by usefulness ]
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Could be better  
by chocojunkie
February 23rd, 2024, 9:35pm
Rating: 8.8  / 10.0
All the characters were quite lovable. Plot was interesting. However, just wished the ending could be better
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What could have been the GOAT got milked to death  
by Lokin
February 17th, 2024, 8:32pm
Rating: 5.0  / 10.0
Starts with a semblance of plot and great fun, then it stops respecting your time by endlessly recycling the same formula.

Before it went downhill: 10/10
After it went downhill once you understand the "formula" -> HALVEN IT.

That said, I still enjoyed it while it wasn't draggy.
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Kids are annyoing.  
by Myraidofhate
December 25th, 2023, 9:36am
Rating: N/A
Won't they just unlive thenself and remove form the plot.
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I'm touched...  
by nemesys.nightmare
June 20th, 2023, 6:13pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Okay. Overall, this exceeded my expectations.

I had already watched its anime adaptation before I read it and it was cool except the anime series began somewhat later in the story and some things were altered.

The MC is OP.
The thing with overpowered main character is that either the story is going to revolve around them completely (like, Solo Leveling) or it is completely going to ignore him/her and focus on the side characters more (like, One-Punch Man).
Here, the latter is the case. We do not get to see much of our main character. But that does not mean that it's not worth it. The side characters are as much amazing as MC, and the character development we get to see here is good too.

The pacing is not that great but it doesn't matter as the series is completed.

The art is decent and the framework is something that we do not get to see in today's manhwa(s).

If you are reading this review, I recommend you should definitely check this out. I guarantee this will be worth your time.
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Second Favorite out of Naver's Big 3  
by MemeYakuza2019
May 31st, 2023, 9:33pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
Like the title says Noblesse is easily my second favorite right behind Tower of God mainly because unlike The God of Highschool there are less draggy moments and the pacing is faster however I wish the ending was a bit better.
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Starts well...  
by wisepop
November 2nd, 2021, 2:46pm
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
This started very well, interesting characters, plot and action with a dash of humour. Unfortunately probably about two thirds the way through the humour starts to drop off, the characters start to stagnate and many of the fun interactions disappeared, the fights just get too long and boring without heart. It starts to forget some of it's own basic groundwork of character traits and abilities
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
For example it is established that Rai has a terrible sense of direction and is puzzled by much of modern technology yet in the last arc with no establishing build up he is independently able to follow co-ordinates sent to him to zoom around the world destroying be more in character I feel like Tao would have had to redirect him going off course at least once if nothing else.
The ending also did not feel good.
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It felt rushed which was not great, but was not helped by the epilogue that was confusing and contradictory to the last chapter. I don't mind major character death - in fact I appreciate it and the feels it gives when done right. I would have appreciated an epilogue after the deaths but not to undo the deaths with an unexplained mystery (if it was going to continue as a series and explore why perhaps bringing in the brother/blood stone explanation left wanting I wouldn't mind but it wasn't). Rather I'd prefer to have seen all the characters a few years on and how their lives were without the characters who died. I'd like to have seen the long term affects of the exposure of nobles, werewolves and enhanced humans on the world.
Basically it starts very well, it is pretty and has interesting characters, plot and mystery. In the last third the execution starts to deteriorate, and some mysteries are never properly explained
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for example M-21's real name, and a full explanation of Rai's brother (I'd love to have known more about how Rai came to be and his family tbh) and what went on with the blood stones which is vaguely hinted at but never explained!
. I do think it is a good read though so despite my complaints give it a read 😀

... Last updated on November 2nd, 2021, 3:34pm
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Mindless Fun  
by Silver_Sky
April 21st, 2020, 8:36pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
I had started reading Noblesse back when it didn't even have an official English translation, and decided to finally finish the series now that I have the time. And now that I've finished it, I find that I have a lot to say lol.

The Good:

The characters can be a lot of fun. There's a reason why the trope of "foreigner enters a strange land" is so popular. It's great to see how Rai interacts with humans and learns about them. There are complaints that he is a "boring" character, but I find that he's just a quiet person who is kind despite being burdened by responsibility. In my opinion, the best parts involve Frankenstein. Out of all the characters, he is arguably the most interesting character in the series: competent, resourceful, organized to a fault. Almost everyone depends on him to get the job done. Also the guy is an absolute maniac. But, for all of Frankenstein's insanity, his devotion to Rai, his master, is my favourite part about this webcomic. Their unwavering trust in each other and protectiveness is great to see, and their relationship can be the funniest part of some chapters. I'm surprised that the authors didn't give them more of a backstory so we could see how their relationship grew throughout the years.

The quiet moments are the best at conveying how close the characters are to each other. I'm glad that this webcomic always has downtime for the characters where they just hang out and have fun. It certainly makes them feel more like a family, and it's good to have a break from all the battles. I personally think that the main group grew rather organically and doesn't feel forced.

The humour in Noblesse is surprisingly fun. When I first started reading the webcomic, I had the impression that it would be more serious. Maybe it's because of that impression that I was so surprised whenever a joke showed up. I think they're done very well and make you feel like the characters have a personality outside of more serious scenes. The funniest parts to me are whenever characters react to Frankenstein being a maniac or when someone accidentally disrespects Rai.

The Bad:

As everyone has said previously, the story is formulaic and repetitive. Often times, you can scroll through the webcomic without reading the dialogue because it's so predictable and lends nothing to the plot. The fight scenes are pretty to look at, but there is rarely any strategy involved - it's mainly "overpower the enemy." Still, I can't deny that there's an inner fanboy in my heart that is always delighted when the protagonists show up to kick some ass.

Some characters, like The Kids, quickly fall to the wayside or are forgotten completely because of how bland their personalities are. Even after binge reading this webcomic, I wouldn't be able recall half of the villains. However, this isn't something particularly new when reading this type of story. I think the biggest flaw is the ending - specifically the epilogue. The epilogue makes no sense and raises more questions than before. Many have complained about the ending but I personally thought that it at least FELT like an ending, but whatever resolution there might have been was quickly unraveled by the epilogue.

Another complaint I have is that the official English translation is... pretty bad. If I hadn't read the fan translations way back when, I would have been lost with all the changes in spelling, terminology, and lack of proofreading. Still, the plot is still simple enough to understand so it's not like it's impossible to read.


Ultimately, Noblesse is a fun read if you've got nothing else to do. The story is simple, the characters are fun, there are battles and humour and pretty art. Honestly, I'd say that I enjoyed Noblesse more than I thought I would, and I would recommend Noblesse just so everyone else can enjoy how absolutely maniacal Frankenstein can be.
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sunk cost fallacy  
by the_Cloudborne
April 26th, 2019, 9:21pm
Rating: 7.5  / 10.0
it's a crying shame. i loved this webtoon. i really did. i just went back and read the beginning bit and it was still so good, but as everyone has commented it gets veeeerrrrrrryyyyyy forumulaic.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
also so many things were never explained!!!! despite it being so long!!!! basic questions like: why was frankie coincidentally in south korea?

my recommendation: read until it feels the slightest bit repetitive and stop'll only be downhill from there
my experience: the sunk cost fallacy sums it up

... Last updated on April 26th, 2019, 9:45pm
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What a ride  
by asmageddon
February 10th, 2019, 4:41am
Rating: 3.0  / 10.0
What started as a somewhat interesting if cliched story with a pair of overpowered protagonist, quickly revolved into "next big bad" type of story, and then again, and again, and again. It should have been put out of its misery hundreds of chapters earlier than it was.
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Formulaic & flawed but fun & beautiful.  
by likalaruku1
November 15th, 2018, 10:29pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
The art changed between 3 & 8 times, & the story shifted from a school horror comedy where Raizel is the protagonist, to a Hunter x Hunter/One Punch Man story where Frankenstein is the actionary protagonist & Raizel is his reactionary sidekick, despite the latter being the boss. In the latest arc, Raizel has been absent for a chunk of the story, but everyone is so focused on Frankie's fight with Crombel that no one in the Line Webtoon & Mangago comment section seems to have noticed he hasn't even made a cameo in weeks.

One season has particularly bad art, since the artist was sick & having anxiety problems. Currently, the character designs are on par with 19 Days & One Punch Man, which is great. I guess I would sum it up to an arena fighting shounen series with a quasi-realistic shoujo art style. The art is targeted at everyone; busty large-hipped women & bishounen who can't serm to keep their shirts on for more than 2 seconds.

It's true that occasionaly there aren't a lot of backgrounds. This happened in one of the art shifts after the artist had a meltdown & took an extended hiatus. But often there are gorgeous cityscapes & postapocalyptic-looking scenery. The artist excels at closeups around the 2018 chapters, so you get Hollywod style camera angles. As top-notch as the art is right now, there are 2 thing sthat keep bugging me; the continuity of hair length & muscle mass. At any given time, Frankenstein's hair witll be back-length to just below the shoulders, Raizel's hair changes with every art shift, breasts are simetimes inconsistantly sized, & men who appear slender fully clothed bulk up in muscle when their shirts are destroyed. But man, is this guy incredible with eyes & facial expressions. It's a face style that can appeal to both manga & comic book readers alike.

Frankenstein is the most interesting character & everything revolves more around him than anyone else. He's sexy, he's scary, he's cleaning up mess he helped start, he makes all the big decisions, he does all the best fighting. Raizel is popular with the fangirls, & it,'s because he's an attractive Woobie with a sad past. He is excruciatingly bland & spends most of his time merely existing or pouting. The team of Tao, M-21 & Takeo are a very interesting & amusing team that don't get a quarter of the time that they deserve. The other Raizel knights who are the youngest Noble leaders are also interesting & maturing characters. But like almost any shounen fighting series you can think of, there are way too many recurting characters that take away from the focus of the series. Many with aborted or minimal character development. Raskrea is popular as a shapely potential love interest for Rai & a woman in a position of authority, but little is known about her beyond a childhood crush & her determination to fill daddy's shoes. Karis used to be hilarious, but now he's super serious. The kids from the first arc are reduced to cameos. The most inconsiquential character would have to be Raizel's twin; He's never mentioned before his first appearance, & is never mentioned again after he leaves.

The formula lies in the fighting parts of the arc, where two of the 3 groups form an alliance aginst the common enemy. The allies warm the bad guys up, then get their asses saved by Frankenstein who wins after transforming into BAOH, then Raizel, who has stood there in total silence for most of the story trying to emote while worrying, delivers the final death blow in about 2 hits, & then the arc either goes into act 2 or starts a new arc. This is literally every fight in the series, but I love it.

Some battles are better than others, but which ones will depend on how the individual feels about the fighters & the enemies. The ante is certsonly upped when your in the 500s chapters, & the general audience is very excited by Frankenstein's battle with Crombel, long awited for years.

This series has had a lot of different translators who could not agree on how characters names were spelled or pronounced. One decided out of the blue to gve Frankenstein a southern accenr.

It's fujoshi-friendly. The one-sided over-the-top overprotective bromance Frankenstein has for Raizel is on par with Killua & Gon from HxH.

If you play MMORPGs, Nintendo sim games,or FPS games, you should have no problem with this kind of repitition. & since I can't resist comparing series to eachother, Raizel is a stoic depressed version of Saitama from One Punch Man, & Frankenstein is an adult combat butler take on Killua Zoldyck who can transform into BAOH & use the techniques of Shido from Nightwalker.

It also occured to me that it has a bit in common with Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders. Frankenstein & Polnareff were supposed to be sidekicks but ascended to the characters with the most screen time, most dialogue, & most fight scenes. Raizel & Polnareff were silent protagonists who got less & less focus & became the finishing blow in most fights.

... Last updated on January 16th, 2019, 3:00pm
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