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Career Women in Manga

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Post #27174 - Reply to (#27116) by ladybrasa

7:51 pm, Jul 14 2007
Posts: 185

Quote from ladybrasa
Oops, sorry, I see it!
Darn, thought I had found something! roll eyes

Found something? I thought that this thread's objective is to discuss why there aren't more career women in manga, not look for manga:

Quote from pearlesque
It would also be good if we could get a discussion started on why there aren't more career women in manga.

Putting that aside, it seems that I made a mistake in my previous posts. More specifically, I thought that the Japanese term "career woman" (キャリアウーマ ン) referred to educated women who kept working after marriage or women in higher positions (like executive positions) that unlike office ladies, didn't become full-time housewives after marriage. But after I while I noticed that there isn't anything to back-up such idea but on the contrary, it seems that is used simply as a synonym of office lady (like in the manga Yume de aetara, in which its 115th chapter is coincidentally named Career woman no kodoku [キャリアウーマ ンの孤独], Literally "The Loneliness of a career woman") so sorry for the confusion (I think that's why you misunderstood what I was saying melee86, so my apologies again. I don't know where did I get such an erroneous idea).

Back on topic, I found an interesting article that reflects the mentality of most Japanese women, I believe. A great problem that non-japanese people studying Japanese culture have is that most articles or essays about the situation of japanese working women are written by foreigners and therefore, are often very biased (sadly, it is not uncommon to find statements like "Japan's culture is 30 years behind in terms of genders issues in comparison of the Western countries") and for that reason a true impartial, ethnocentric-free opinion is hard to find. But searching on the net I found the following article in a Japanese blog that is written in both Japanese and Engrish that, as I said before, truly reflects the mentality of the Japanese culture (after all, who's better than a Japanese woman to clarify this issue?):

(Note: I underlined what I believe are the most important parts.)

Quote from Blog Entry
マイペース/at my own pace

先日、会社を辞 めて実家の果物 農家を継いだ人 の家をたずねた
I visited my ex-coworker who quit ower company and took over the fruit farm from his father.

IT業界から農業へ の転職は、入社 間もない私には 衝撃的だった。
It was very shocking for me as recruit that his change of job from an IT Specialist to a Farmer.

でも、巨峰の良 し悪しや育て方 について語る彼 には、何ともい えないオーラが あった。
However. when he told about KYO-HO grape, he looks very happy, and he would be proud of his job.

正直、最近私は 職場での自分の あり方にかなり 迷っている。
In my honest, now, I'm losing my way what I should be at my company.

5年間の肉体労働 から卒業し、お 客様の要望を汲 んだシステムの 設計へ。
I try to change my department from physical labor-I have a carrer for 5 years-- to designing computer systems.

次のステップへ 進まなければな らない時期なの に、自らそれを 拒んでいるのか もしれない。
I know... I have to take a step forward, but I may refuse it...

同期の女性が次 々に結婚してい く現実に、嫉妬 と不安を覚えて いるせいもある
I'm very scared that every co-female-worker get married....( but I don't have a boy-friend)

私の幸せとは何 なんだろう。
What is my happiness?

後輩の女の子は 、私のことを『 キャリアウーマ ン』と呼ぶ。
My junior call me as " A career woman" ---I don't know it iw Japanese-English or not....

ほめ言葉なのか 否かわからない が、彼女的には ほめているらし い。
I don't know it is flattery or not. but anyway, she may praise me.

でも、先の彼ほ ど、私は自分の 仕事に誇りを持 っているわけで もない。
However, I'm not proud of my job so much as same as the co-worker..

仕事よりも、彼 氏がほしい・・
I want a boy-friend than a good position on my job.

私は、贅沢だな ・・・(笑)
I'm too ambitious.....bigrazz

Source (Original Blog Entry)

I think that after reading that is clear why there aren't more career women in manga...

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5:21 pm, Jul 15 2007
Posts: 34

In Detective Conan, the main girl's mother is a high powered lawyer, very forceful personality but skilled at what she does and very nice lady.

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