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Preferred Art Style

Old-school (Anatolia Story/Ranma 1/2)
Manhwa (Kill Me Kiss Me/Ciel)
Big-eyed shoujo (Chocolate Cosmos/Gentlemen's Alliance) This also includes Shinjo Mayu's works
Real Life (NANA/Tsubasa RC)
Abstract (The Demon Ororon/Syonara Zetsubou Sensei)
Anime (Persona 3/Most hardcore ecchi/hentai)
Modern (Special A/S no Yuiitsu M no Zettai)
Other (please specify. example would be lovely =])
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2:33 pm, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 332

I don't like old school shounen/shoujo, '70s shoujo and big-eyed shoujo. I also don't like characters that are drawn to look chubby. I can find likes and dislikes from all the other types. It really depends on the author. And there are more types than those. Some authors' styles do stand out among others. I am usually attracted to certain mordern shounen and some distinctive shoujo/josei/seinen styles.

As to manwha, the shoujo style can make the characters' eyes and faces look weird. And I generally don't like the shounen/seinen styles I've seen (the again, I read very few manwha titles).

Last edited by coffee_11 at 9:14 pm, Mar 7 2009

Post #262225
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1:42 pm, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 182

Quote from Mamsmilk
Coarse, full strokes.
Pretty much limited to seinen.


I prefer clean art style that uses a LOT of ink like MPD Psycho and the Dogs series. They appeal to me since the artwork is realistic and have a certain vibe, thus I don't have to suffer looking at ogling, big-eyed characters in shoujo manga. Frankly, it disgusts me...
But I used to read these stuff two years ago, but I'm kinda leaning towards the seinen category recently.

I also like abstract styles and sketchy artwork including the works of TAKAHASHI Tsutomu and also the mangaka of Berserk draws extremely great, but it's a bit dark, literally and figuratively. I also enjoy artworks that seemingly don't appeal to casual readers like Himizu or Liar Game. If a manga has a good plot, then I don't really care if it does not contain an anesthetic style.

Quote from u:tro
i tend to like the more sketchy artwork, like Benjamins artwork

Finally, someone finally mentioned this man. biggrin

Last edited by 15C08 at 1:49 pm, Feb 28 2009

Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust,
Like diamonds, we are cut with our own dust.

3:00 pm, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 73

i like the shoujo art for some reason...idk why.
also i like realistic long as theyre drawn beautifully biggrin
(<3 tsubasa art) eyes

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11:32 pm, Mar 6 2009
Posts: 79

I voted for manhwa as my preferred art style. This preference may change after awhile, but I'm partial to just about anything by
IM Dal Young.

On purpose without a purpose
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Post #264989

2:39 pm, Mar 7 2009
Posts: 1762

I prefer real life and anime, but like them all. I think I have only dropped one manga because the drawing style was so bad, but I don't remember which one it was.

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1:40 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 1698


Thin clean lines, sketchy but defined. Something along the (oh so perfect) borders to Yumeka Sumomo(aka)Sahara Mizu and Miyagi Tooko!

I also like thick bold lines and empty spaces and awesome screentones? idk how i would explain that! Well, Eiki Eiki, Zaou Taishi, Uzuki Jun all have this similar style. <3 them!

EDIT: I just found out Uzuki jun is Eiki&Taishi's assistant. No wonder. *o*

Oh, and i must add Kouga Yun and Ichihara Yukino

I've got tons more but nothing comes to mind right now.

Last edited by eccentrrick at 11:22 pm, Apr 22 2009

Post #267066
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2:29 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 18

Voted: Other
Art examples by: Tsutsui Tetsuya (Reset, Manhole), Miura Kentaro (Berserk), Takahashi Tsutomu (Skyhigh), Samura Hiroaki (Emerald), Miwa Shirow (Dogs), etc.

No big eyes or whatsoever if possible. dead

But really depends on a story; some art styles are suitable for a particular story and some aren't, so maybe more important is if they match together.

Post #267068
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[ Lv-5 Ranter ]™

2:59 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 85

Among these:

Sing 'Yesterday' for Me

Red Eyes

Until Death Do Us Part

"As long as we're seeing the same kind of musical vision, yeah, sure. But sometimes when things get hard, you balance out the pros and cons and say, am I being a wimp if I stay or am I being a wimp if I leave?" - D'arcy Wretzky
Post #267070
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3:13 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 111

I didn't vote for anything because I don't feel the style I like can be easily classified. I like something with a unique style that isn't too realistic (it looks a bit boring when it gets too realistic in my opinion), but is detailed and easy on the eyes with attractive characters. Some examples of art I really like are INAZUMA/Shouji Satou's style (Highschool of the Dead, various doujinshi) and Kouta Hirano's style (Hellsing).

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1:09 pm, Mar 20 2009
Posts: 88

I love Koge Donbo's (Kamichama Karin) style. It's just so beautiful - such attention to detail. And the characters themselves are wonderful as well - the eyes and the hair especially are really great. Her work is also just as good, if not better, in color, something kind of rare in the manga world.

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1:16 pm, Mar 20 2009
Posts: 151

Blade of the Immortal

And so many others... Most manhwas like Threads of Time

There's no love in your violence.

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1:21 pm, Mar 20 2009
Posts: 583

It differs, i guess, and sometimes I didn't like the style at first, but then the artist evolved his/her style and now I like it...
for example...
i like Bleach's art(even though in the beginning i was iffy)
Most CLAMP art, but I prefer their new style better...
Ai Yazawa(Paradise Kiss, NANA)
Yun Kouga in Loveless
Shin Mashiba (Nightmre Inspector)
and others...
there are also some manwha styles I like, but I cna;t remember the authors.artists names...except for one...
KARA(Demon Diary, Angel Diary)

Post #269129
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Bazooka .

1:30 pm, Mar 20 2009
Posts: 603

big eyed shoujo .Especially like the works from Motomi Kyousuke

I do like the art in Bleach and Naruto too.also Black cat.and others..I guess a bit of everything.

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1:30 pm, Mar 20 2009
Posts: 227

Real Life (NANA/Tsubasa RC)

if you mean realistic drawing that's not realistic exemple at all, that' why i chose " other".

i like TOUME Kei, URASAWA Naoki, INOUE Takehiko, like drawing etc, so realistic/ semi-realistic ones.

But there pretty good drawing in other categories!

The only thing i can't take "very big eyed shoujo", why? because i don't like character looking like that : )

Last edited by razornoir at 1:37 pm, Mar 20 2009

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Lost In The Sky

2:39 am, Mar 22 2009
Posts: 81

I like any type of art as long as it's pretty xDD
But I like art that has a more realistic feel to it - I just hate when the characters have huge eyes. I think they give girls huge eyes to make them look cute but that just makes them ugly to me.
One of the mangakas who has great art (in my opinion) is Oh Great. I think that's the only thing that keeps me from dropping Air Gear... I just love his art ><

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