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Preferred Art Style

Old-school (Anatolia Story/Ranma 1/2)
Manhwa (Kill Me Kiss Me/Ciel)
Big-eyed shoujo (Chocolate Cosmos/Gentlemen's Alliance) This also includes Shinjo Mayu's works
Real Life (NANA/Tsubasa RC)
Abstract (The Demon Ororon/Syonara Zetsubou Sensei)
Anime (Persona 3/Most hardcore ecchi/hentai)
Modern (Special A/S no Yuiitsu M no Zettai)
Other (please specify. example would be lovely =])
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Post #289672

7:19 pm, May 19 2009
Posts: 54

the last four ones me no like but theres a style i like it's like Doujinshi work
but it isn't not really sure what to call it...
it has thin lines and so it makes everything look like a sketch but it still looks good

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5:06 pm, May 29 2009
Posts: 55

Your categories don't really make sense to me. How is Persona 3 more "anime" style than big-eyed shoujo stuff? And I personally don't see how Tsubasa RC is realistic, at all.

Anyway, I prefer the older, more realistic, detailed art often found in seinen series, like the art from Zetman, Planetes, Berserk, and 20th Century Boys, etc.

I also adored CLAMP's older art, their stuff from the 90's, like during X. So beautiful. I don't like their recent stuff at all in comparison.

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5:38 pm, May 29 2009
Posts: 191

To be honest, to me, the plot and character development are the most important.

But, I like Shoujo drawings biggrin I'm a sap like that although I don't prefer Tanemura Arina's drawing style. But, her manga plots are good ^_^ Ah, the good shoujo >3< I just hate the cliche whiny and bratty girls though >.>

Ten no Ryuu Chi no Sakura fits my bill on art, plot, and characterization perfectly :XD I like me romance ><

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Fruit Salad

6:02 pm, May 29 2009
Posts: 1353

I like Variante's art style. I also like xxxHolic's art style but Clamp's older style is not my cup of tea.

Big-eye shoujo and the common shoujo art are BAD. Never into old-school. That's why I generally don't want to read old manga even though I heard the story was good. I dislike chubby characters (probably common in hentai) as well as long bodies, faces, weird, sharp faces, etc.

I like shoujo styles that are different from the usual shoujo/smut types, detailed, elegant, proportional, etc. Takayama Shinobu, SAENAGI Ryou and Sorano Kairi are good examples. You can tell those mangakas put a lot of work and efforts into their works. Nana's art tyle is fine too.

I generally accept shounen and seinen art styles more than shoujo and josei. Seigi no Mikata's art style is horrible. sad Persona 3's style looks good. But I don't see it has anything in common with most hentai.

Last edited by base_coat at 11:07 pm, May 29 2009

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10:16 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 672

Oooh, I really hate styles like Arina Tanemura's works. Y'know, the ones with the gigantic shoujo eyes and sparkly bubbles with overused CG roses. The stuff chills me right down to the bones, but for some reason, I'm still able to tolerate it.

I'm fine with any style really, so long as the story makes up for it, but if we're talking preferred, then I'd have to go with Clamp, Matsuri Hino, and Mizushiro Setona. Currently my favorite manga artists since they have the best art.

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Post #294254 - Reply to (#294239) by khmershinobi
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Rebel Rebel

10:46 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 1230

Quote from khmershinobi
...and Mizushiro Setona.

The evolution of her style is pretty impressive. Still, I liked her old-school style too.

I think my preference changes, depending on the genre/mood of what I'm reading. But I guess I can list some favorites: NIHEI Tsutomu, TAKAHASHI Tsutomu, TSUTSUI Tetsuya, ASADA Hiroyuki, FUJIYAMA Hyouta, FUJIWARA Kaoru, TAKAGUCHI Satosumi, Kusama Sakae, YUMEKA Sumomo(Sahara Mizu), SAMURA Hiroaki, HIDAKA Shoko, Kyuugou...etc.

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The Movie Critic

10:53 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 515

I don't know but, I like the simplicity of Tezuka Osamu
' s art. Maybe because he is the grandfather of manga?

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Post #294344
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8:02 am, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 37

I also think that it is the plot + the art that makes the manga ... but if I would say some that I like, one would be Yumeka Sumomo's. I think it's really beautiful! smile

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Post #294345 - Reply to (#294257) by Battlerenji

8:05 am, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 187

Quote from Battlerenji
I don't know but, I like the simplicity of Tezuka Osamu
' s art. Maybe because he is the grandfather of manga?

Same here. Of all the manga artists, Tezuka might be on the top ten. Him and Fujiko F. Fujio, who did Doraemon. For some reason I just like cartoon-y styles.

Kawashita Mizuki

For shoujo, I really like Youko Maki, Tanemura Arina (lol), Takeuchi Naoko, Matsumoto Tomo...Oh, I looove Sakai Miwa...

I like Kawashita's because she has a really cool way of colouring, and her art...It's like, on one hand, it's pretty realistic, but on the other, it still maintains that "anime" look to it. biggrin

Post #294483
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3:46 pm, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 1619

My favorite art style is that of YUMEKA Sumomo / SAHARA Mizu.

I do like TANEMURA Arina's art style though. I love the detail that she adds.

I like the softness of AIHARA Miki's style too.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

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8:46 pm, Jun 4 2009
Posts: 3

I'm divided for manhwa where some are plain ugly with big lips and creepy eyes but others are really pretty to look at, like Vanilla Ice and Ciel. I just adore Ciel's distant fantasy feel.

I picked real life because as much as pretty and cute other styles are, they can't beat the fine balance of simplicity and details the real life styles usually have.

I have a soft spot for old school styles, but it can be a bit of a turn off at times too, being way too cartoony.

Post #311469

8:32 am, Aug 6 2009
Posts: 35

How about serious old school styles? I'm thinking Aoike Yasuko, Wada Shinji, etc.

More i than choku

4:03 pm, Aug 6 2009
Posts: 134

I wish the poll was multichoice because I like both big eye shoujo and anime.

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