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Manga Suggestions

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Post #752002

1:25 pm, Jan 29 2018
Posts: 3

Okay. So, I'm open to any shoujo/romance manga/webtoons. While this topic may be very broad, I do have a few requirements.

-Series must have a scanlator or is completed
-Id prefer projects that aren't on hiatus or are dropped
-A decent release pace (for webtoons, once every two weeks or so will do, for manga, monthly or bi-monthly releases will do)
-I'd also prefer projects that have reliable scan groups (The more well-known ones, if that's a thing)
-Not too, too cliche or filled with overused tropes

I'm a pretty flexible person, so almost any romance/shoujo manga would work.

To lessen your workload, I've compiled a list of scanlators I already read from

-Aquarium Tourmaline Scans
-Mystic Crescent scans
-Silver Leaf Scans (Currently all project on hiatus till march? (I personally think releases are a bit slow, dont kill me.)
-Impatient Scans
-Arina Tanimura series (Forgot how to spell her name)
I personally prefer full color releases over manga, but throw in manga with amazing art, and I'll say yes with no doubt.

I have read Pulse (yuri), loved the art and story, so I couldnt say no.

If you're still here. Here are a few genres I enjoy.

-Reverse Harem
-Anything with werewolves, vampires n' stuff
-How do I word this. Handsome men lmao

One last note. I'd like for the series to not have some half assed romance. Gotta be true feelings. If it's a male lead, please just have one lover, not 10, or 20 and preferably a good amount of chapters (15+, but you dont need to follow these guidelines) for me to binge read.

Once again, I'm quite flexible with series, art style, and genre. Just have some romance. I don't really mind how nicely its cleaned or how bad the translations are (As long as it can be undone and is somewhat understandable)

Thanks <3

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3:39 pm, Jan 29 2018
Posts: 49

Here is a list of random manga, that I could think of.
However some don't fit your criteria 100%. (Too short or wrong demographic).

- Gou - Hime-tachi no Sengoku (16 Chapters - Complete)
- Toukyou Lastochika (only 10 Chapters - Complete)
- Oiran Girl (23 Chapters - Complete)
- Ookami ga Kuru! and Shinyaku Ookami ga Kuru! (39 Chapters - Complete but a shounen not shoujo with subtle romance)
- Devils Line (45+ chapters - Ongoing but unreliable scans and a seinen not shoujo with fast romance)
- Kyuuketsuki no Uruwashiki Kekkon (only 3 Onshots - Complete)
- Ookami Heika no Hanayome (62 Chapters - Ongoing with dedicated scans)
- Strange Dragon (12 Chapters - Complete exept Omake)

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