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Relationship with college professor

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1:35 am, Jun 24 2011
Posts: 20

I want a story where the person is romantically involved with a college professor.
The prof may also be the main character.

Any genre is fine.
Though, I prefer the target audience be female.

Thank you for your time.

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1:47 am, Jun 24 2011
Posts: 1439

Honey and Clover... wait... well... does an adviser count? Like... associated with the college? Well, this is a favorite of mine to begin with... (I watched the anime though.)

Help!! works I guess... but the heroine is a kind of cry-baby...
If my memory serves me correctly... the main male lead in Soryanaize Darling is a college professor...

Edit: I noticed your "Any genre is fine." line and well... I haven't read it yet, but this looks promising: Usotsuki wa Shinshi no Hajimari


4:48 am, Jun 24 2011
Posts: 13

Soryanaize Darling is good and has a unique story. If you want one of the main characters to be female (as you requested, and not male/male, Yaoi) then Usotsuki wa Shinshi no Hajimari will probably not work as it's Yaoi. (I looked it up because I think a relationship with a college professor would be a good story line, too.) Help!! is actually a really good story and the main character isn't much of a cry baby. I don't know where the person who wrote the synopsis got that idea. In fact, she's a very determined girl. I've noticed that a few story's synopsis have been altered in the past few months - not for the better, I might add. And it's not just on Baka-Updates. The synopsis for Help!! did not used to be that. It's actually about a girl who is really small for her age fighting the odds against her to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. Along the way, she ends up living next door to her hard-nosed but very handsome professor who tells her she's not cut out to be a doctor. But although she wavers (who wouldn't?), she remains true to her character and determination does not give in.

Good luck on your search!

Last edited by LovinManga at 5:48 am, Jun 25 2011

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8:08 pm, Jun 25 2011
Posts: 981

Aisuru Hito - girl has a crush on her professor, and gets involved with both him and his brother. I love YOSHIHARA Yuki's funny smut.

Post #513604
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11:03 am, Dec 21 2011
Posts: 171

Oh darn! I had it at the top of my head. I'll get back to you.

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1:26 pm, Dec 21 2011
Posts: 126

Half Prince - not really a romance yet, but maybe later...

“All the kids have always known,
that the emperor wears no clothes,
but to bow down to him anyway,
is better than to be alone.â€

-Arcade Fire

4:54 am, Apr 16 2012
Posts: 20

Thanks for the suggestions, I've read all of them. Are there any others?
All suggestions are appreciated.

Post #545927
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5:36 am, Apr 16 2012
Posts: 409

Sexless Friend

Only 4 chapters so far, but it looks like the college professor is a probable love interest.

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9:57 pm, Apr 26 2012
Posts: 981

It's Not Like That, Darling

Help!! - I didn't think too much of this one

Atashi wa Sore wo Gaman Dekinai - the second story

Yaoi - "Frost", chapters 2-4 in Kare no Niwa ni Saku Hana

Yaoi - Neji no Kaiten - This is one of the very few stories I tried that I violently disliked, but it does have a professor/student relationship (not the main one), and I know that many other people love SADAHIRO Mika's work, so YMMV.

Sorry, this is all I have

Post #547817
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7:40 am, Apr 27 2012
Posts: 473

Cm 0 - it's regrettably short though.

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