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New Poll - Last 5 Years (Anime)

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12:59 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 10689

In honor of last week's poll, let's switch it to anime now! For myself, I haven't watched an anime series in at least 3 years. Although I did just buy the Blu-ray for Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, so I'll watch that sooner or later. And you can find the first 8 minutes of the first part of Ghost in the Shell: Arise as a preview, so I watched that. (I loved Stand Alone Complex but didn't like the original films as much). Anyways, vote in the poll!

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Comparing your manga consumption between now and 5 years ago...
I started reading manga in the last 5 years - votes: 3030 (21.1%)
I read a lot more now - votes: 4423 (30.7%)
Read just a little more now - votes: 860 (6%)
About the same - votes: 1877 (13%)
Read a little less now - votes: 2119 (14.7%)
Read a lot less now - votes: 2000 (13.9%)
I stopped reading manga - votes: 78 (0.5%)
There were 14387 total votes.
The poll ended: June 15th 2013

Hmm, seems most people read lots or just started. I'm feeling old now... (I just watched the class below me graduate college, so of course I'm feeling old)

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1:47 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 159

I pretty much stopped watching anime now, i watch 1-2 episodes every few months and that's all.

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Life Puzzler

2:33 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 152

I definitely watch less anime now. A lot of personal issues have come up in my life and hasn't given me the time to sit down and enjoy an anime. It's just really hard to focus on one thing because of it. Even when reading manga I'm constantly rotating between tabs on my browser between each page.

The last time I thoroughly enjoyed an anime was early this year, which was Fate/Zero. I only had my school laptop at the time and Content Watch pretty much blocked everything from my daily routine. So watching anime was one thing I could do to clear my mind before bed. Maybe not the best choice of anime to 'clear my head' with, but hey, it was a great series and well worth it in the end.

Before that though, it would probably be Panty & Stocking so going on three years. Really doesn't seem like that long since it first aired... I do watch new series every so often but always get way behind and sometimes end up dropping them, even if I do enjoy them. Yeah, it's pretty sad. dead

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Post #603586
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2:41 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 38

Watching the preliminary results:
A lot of ppl started watching anime, but then moved over to manga. It explains why atm 31% Watch a lot less anime now while 30% read more manga than earlier.

Total amount of good anime < Total amount of good manga

(Also after you have started reading a manga of a series you used to watch as anime, it is hard to go back to the anime since they usually drag out the scenes... (I am looking at you naruto!))

Post #603590
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Psycho. Cracked.

2:46 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 166

About the same, since I don't watch anime to begin with. Japanese animated films, yes, but reading the actual manga is somehow always better.

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2:52 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 374

I think it's about the same for me or a little less. I enjoy watching my animes at night, because it's quiet, I've got the big TV for myself and the atmosphere is much more intense than during the day.

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A manga parasite

3:31 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 319

After 5 years you can't watch so much anime anymore as their isn't so much good anime's left, so it's looks normal to me that the amount that you watch drops.
With manga it's a different matter, their tens of times more good manga than anime.

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4:14 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 67

Definitely more now. People argue anime is already past it after Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Evangelion, etc., but these last five years has been pretty good so far. To name a few that became popular, there was Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, Durarara!!, Toradora!, Spice and Wolf and Bakemonogatari. OreImo and Shingeki no Kyojin are the two current ones that have been highly lauded. There are even titles that doesn't seem good, but unexpectedly are once you try them like Hyouka, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita and Mondaijitachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou desu yo? (yes, long title). I can't argue it has all been good, however, but, hey, there will always be good ones, there will always be bad ones, and there will be that occasional overrated ones that never deserved its hype.

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Post #603607
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Is a female

4:37 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 3457

I watch way too much anime nowadays. Once I jump onto currently airing anime, I find it very hard to stop.
Although yes, a lot of the stuff I watch is pretty bad and repetitive (but very pretty), I found that I don't actually concentrate very hard when I watch anime. It's something I do to wind down or just wanting to do something without thinking hard about it.
I can't see myself stopping anytime soon, even with my final year coming up lol.

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5:03 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 161

i began by watching anime, then got into manga while still watching anime, but overtime stopped watching anime and only read manga now, unless there's something really good like the new hunter x hunter or a good movie

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Post #603628
yarny, yarny

8:33 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 95

Oops, voted wrong. Well, I do watch about the same amount as when I first started watching, which was less than 5 years ago biggrin biggrin

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10:15 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 6221

I used to watch almost I'm just watching 2 shows per season

Post #603644
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11:20 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 761

I stopped watching anime completely sad From the very beginning it was difficult for me to watch a whole series, usually I lost interest after a few episodes. Now I don't have as much time as I used to have and when I have time I prefer to watch a movie. But I'm planning to start watching anime again, as well as some Japanese dorama, because I started to learn Japanese and I think it would be good for me to hear spoken language (even if it's a bit weird in most anime).

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Mad With a Hat

11:20 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 4764

I used to follow some shows on tv, but for some reason, they don't air anime here anymore.
Not even the kid stuff. That was years ago though, so I haven't been watching anime for
much longer than 5 years.
I like to try out comedy or action anime if they're recommended to me; otherwise I don't bother.
Unless it features some especially cute girl, hehe.

Basically, my anime consumption has stayed pretty much the same over the last five years.

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11:26 am, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 231

Mine has stayed the same = little to none. -_- Reading is faster so I prefer it.

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