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New Poll - Last 5 Years (Anime)

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1:35 pm, Jun 15 2013
Posts: 32

As an anime reviewer I naturally watch far more anime now than I did previously. 5 years ago I didn't have internet, a laptop nor any way to watch anime other than going over my sister's to watch it via on demand at her house.

Conversely I read far more manga than I did 5 years ago. I am a speed reader and manga is more readily available. 5 years ago, my high school had a rather massive manga collection I was working through- most notably Full Metal Alchemist and Fruits Basket.

My manga reading is currently slowing down and I hope my anime watching catches up although I am far picker about what I watch than what I read.

The most beautiful shining star
Piss Ant

7:17 am, Jun 16 2013
Posts: 171

I don't read much manga nor do I watch much anime. Mostly just the ones I've wanted to finish since back then. I never pick anything new up because it's all the same. While the content has changed a little, the main ideas are all still there, just rehashed a little. I found that anime and manga are all generic a few years back, so I get little to no entertainment from them. I already hate pretty much everything about school-centered series. Pretty soon, I'll stop coming here all together.

-No longer do I quote great scholars, the famous, etc. Kids feigning wisdom ruined it.
--I wont type a post like a college report. If you don't read it just for that reason, you don't have to post why your hoity-toity ass refused to. I swear, so many people on this site are so full of themselves. A lot seem to think they always have an "intelligent and/or logical" point or show signs of a superiority complex. They never admit they're wrong. Maybe partially, but excuses abound! :\
-Stop mailing me about my comments. I don't read them.
Post #603765
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9:56 am, Jun 16 2013
Posts: 155

I watch a little more, or maybe the same.

I used to be fanatical about following a series when I started many MANY years ago, when there weren't a lot of choices. Although I still have my old faves, now there's so much variety that I only follow a few series, only occasionally.

Blame my Roku, Hulu, and Crunchyroll.

Post #603925 - Reply to (#603765) by kayue

10:37 am, Jun 17 2013
Posts: 190

I mainy read manga> Id not watch as much anime as I used to

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5:02 pm, Jun 18 2013
Posts: 84

I have, for all intents and purposes, completely stopped watching anime. Most animes that I see anymore are all ecchi with nearly naked girls (more on this in a sec) being VITAL to the plot. I also get tired of the super-powered kid genre. I don't want to watch 10 year olds fall in love, and I don't want to watch 3 year old children fight off an alien invasion of racist American's with giant clear eyes and freakish chins.

After trying quite a bit to find something with adults that I haven't watched, and isn't a genre I dislike, I have basically given up. With the thing on naked girls, I am so sick of seeing underage children made sexual, that I refuse to watch any anime with children as the main focus. This knocks off the vast majority of anime anymore. I understand that anime is for kids, but that doesn't mean it can't have something intelligent without a panty shot every few seconds. The last one I enjoyed with children was Lelouch of the Rebellion and the second season. So it isn't so much as my interest has dropped, it's more I have largely become sickened by the titles that I have seen coming out in the last 5 years. I guess this is also stopping me from reading as much manga, as I get annoyed with the same issues, but I can still find good stuff every great once in a while to read.


8:22 am, Jun 19 2013
Posts: 27

I watch a lot more than I did before. Partly because I'm also catching up on old shows, partly because I've slowed down my manga consumption, which frees up time.

Post #604754
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2:59 am, Jun 24 2013
Posts: 5

I'm reading a lot less now than I used to be. I find the story mostly having the same pattern and flow, especially shonen and shoujo.

Ex-Scanlator gone rogue.
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