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Biggest "WTF" Moment In Your Life?

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2:48 pm, Mar 24 2009
Posts: 48

the Biggest WTF Moment Walk was when I was walking into my room then finding my sister sleeping with another dude on my bed. dead

Post #270498 - Reply to (#270358) by PervySage
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Madame Red

5:49 am, Mar 25 2009
Posts: 2172

Quote from PervySage
the Biggest WTF Moment Walk was when I was walking into my room then finding my sister sleeping with another dude on my bed. dead

well they were only sleeping.. it shouldn't be that bad.

Post #270500 - Reply to (#270358) by PervySage
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The Gorilla Killa™

5:52 am, Mar 25 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from PervySage
the Biggest WTF Moment Walk was when I was walking into my room then finding my sister sleeping with another dude on my bed. dead

Was it sleeping, or was it SLEEPING?

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

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Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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African Albino Cat

11:26 am, Apr 8 2009
Posts: 677

This happens when I was in my second year of uni. I received a letter from the police one day. The content was something like this:

Dear Sir,
You are required to report yourself at "name" Police Station on "date" at "time" for a line-up. This is to assist the investigation on a case under Section 376 and remove you from the possible suspects list. If you did not show up at "name" Police Station on "date" at "time", it will be considered as an act against the law and will be dealt with necessarily according to the law. For any question please contact us at "phone no."

In my country Section 376 is RAPE eek I was really confused since I've never raped anyone. So I went to the mentioned police station and undergone the line-up process. There was nothing happened after that. They just thanked me and asked me to go home. WTF?

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Post #274349
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7:19 pm, Apr 8 2009
Posts: 2342

They probably had no real idea who had done it, so they decided to call everyone in the area. The people who didn't go would be the first suspects to hunt down.

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Yours Truly,

5:49 pm, Apr 23 2009
Posts: 2050

A Wtf moment had just happened today O_____o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cousin and I hosted a small dinner party today, we invited some Malaysian friends from our uni. While we were on the dinner table, one of my friend asked for the water, there's this male friend of mine who passed the bottle over to me, I accidentally touched both of his hands when he passed the bottle, I acted casually like there's nothing wrong. (when I think bout it, he might have thought I did that on purpose dead ..I hope not!)

and then after that bottle incident, he avoided having any eye contact with me even during our conversations. lol! I was very insensitive and didnt noticed anything strange bout it untill all my guests went home! the WTF thing is, I've just realised everything now, and lol, I was like ", that was awkward. How can I face him naw lol?"

i know that it's not a big deal for Most ppl, but in my culture, unintentional physical contact between men and women is a very awkward thing.. dead dead

Last edited by Hermit-chan at 6:09 pm, Apr 23 2009

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

This Week's favourite:
DoLL (Okado Tatsuya)
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Lost in the Snow

4:36 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 143

We were in 11th grade (read High School) at that time. I was enjoying Mr. CMTs (My close friend) birthday party. Alongwith us are many of our classmates too. However, one of them leaves a little early. Mr. CMT goes to see him off. 5 mins later he comes back looking for Mr. Sid (another close friend, a successful Playboy too...)

Mr CMT ::> Yo, Sid there is some girl waiting outside, calling for you.
Mr Sid ::> Didn't you call her into the party... I mean isn't it rude to leave her like that?
Mr CMT ::> I don't know her and she didn't wanna come in anyway. She said she has something important to talk to you. I asked her what it was about...
Mr Sid ::> (Walking to the exit now) And what did she say?
Mr CMT ::> You're gonna be a dad of her kid or something like that...
Mr Sid ::> WTF?!!? (runs out)

Me ::> Is it for real??
Mr CMT ::> Who knows?? I just made this up right now.
Me ::> So, there isn't some girl waiting for him
Mr CMT ::> No No, there is a girl waiting for him... I just thought of it as a way to test if he really lost it or not...
Me ::> Looks like he lost it...

I'm lucky I'm not a playboy... I'd be dead if someone plays that kind of joke on me... none

Post #280548

9:12 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 4

When i tried to read Hell Season. "WTF kind of sicko gets off to this!?!?!"

Post #280600
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11:28 am, Apr 25 2009
Posts: 1975

biggest WTF? in my life,huh?
i guess it was when my friend sent me an e-mail.
windows kept popping out of nowhere and i thought that i broke our computer.but around after 200 times of closing a ton of windows a porn site popped up! soo much nasty stuff going on.i was scarred for life O.o
and another one that happened the same week was an old man in our public library was looking at the same website embarrassed
its was a mix of "eeww" and "what a coincidence" WTFs.
so those are my biggest far.

Post #281852 - Reply to (#280600) by Yenoh
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Lost in the Snow

10:00 am, Apr 27 2009
Posts: 143

Quote from Yenoh
biggest WTF? in my life,huh?
i guess it was when my friend sent me an e-mail.
windows kept popping out of nowhere and i thought that i broke our computer.but around after 200 times of closing a ton of windows a porn site popped up! soo much nasty stuff going on.i was scarred for life O.o
and another one that happened the same week was an old man in our public library was looking at the same website embarrassed
its was a mix of "eeww" and "what a coincidence" WTFs.
so those are my biggest far.

Reminds me of a joke that did give a WTF moment for about 10 seconds...
A friend sends me an email...
I open and download the attachment. The program runs and asks politely all the information about you... then in the end it proclaims you an idiot. A window pops up with the question -> "Are you convinced you are an Idiot?". Two buttons underneath the question - "Yes" and "No".
Go and click yes... things go as predicted... the program makes fun out of you. But what makes you wanna pick up and throw your computer out of the window is the fact that you can't click "No". The moment you come near that button, the cursor would run/jump off to some other part of the screen. It was just so damn annoying... but the first time, It did give a WTF effect.

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1:20 pm, May 4 2009
Posts: 776

A really good friend and I decided to go to Chili's for dinner. Our waiter was making some...unusual comments so when he left, I leaned across the table and hissed to my friend "I think he thinks we're lesbians!"
"Oh, I don't care. I'm bi and checked you out when I first met you anyway."
My first reaction was WTF? The way she chased boys around, I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. My second (following very closely) "And what was the verdict?" One of these days, my curiosity will definitally be the death of me.

I am a breath of insanity in a world of chaos.

Me: Performing Random Acts of Klutziness for over 30 years.
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12:40 am, Jun 25 2009
Posts: 672

At the age of 15, I had a flashback of my parents having sex on the couch next to me when I was four.

The memory was like fire to my eyes.

They thought I was asleep. *sobs*

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*__* I'll have what she's having... please~♥
Post #301089 - Reply to (#300732) by khmershinobi
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12:04 am, Jun 26 2009
Posts: 1130

Quote from khmershinobi
At the age of 15, I had a flashback of my parents having sex on the couch next to me when I was four.

The memory was like fire to my eyes.

They thought I was asleep. *sobs*

Good form of birth control though, having that pop up in your head every time you start going at it will kill the mood instantly. laugh

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Post #301104 - Reply to (#300732) by khmershinobi
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Yours Truly,

1:56 am, Jun 26 2009
Posts: 2050

Quote from khmershinobi
At the age of 15, I had a flashback of my parents having sex on the couch next to me when I was four.

The memory was like fire to my eyes.

They thought I was asleep. *sobs*

WTF indeed! eek

Spoiler (highlight to view)
When I was 8, I just listened to my mom and dad having sex on bed when we were in a holiday resort! They thought I was sleeping in the couch.
none none none none none

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

This Week's favourite:
DoLL (Okado Tatsuya)
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10:02 am, Jun 26 2009
Posts: 3342

Staying up all night to study for these two tests?
0 hours of sleep.

Coming up short to buy expensive calculator for test
because I don't get paid till Saturday, and having
to overdraw my bank account?

Look on my face when both tests get postponed till monday?
@#$(@!$*^!@*#$&!$*@(#&$(^!)(@#(@#&@$%# $

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
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