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Biggest "WTF" Moment In Your Life?

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Post #301192 - Reply to (#301187) by Calíbre
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10:11 am, Jun 26 2009
Posts: 6221

Quote from Caliber
Staying up all night to study for these two tests?
0 hours of sleep.

Coming up short to buy expensive calculator for test
because I don't get paid till Saturday, and having
to overdraw my bank account?

Look on my face when both tests get postponed till monday?
@#$(@!$*^!@*#$&!$*@(#&$(^!)(@#(@#&@$%# $

OMG! I had the exact same experience...though the scientific calculator was only around $30.

Post #301361 - Reply to (#301187) by Calíbre
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Yours Truly,

10:06 pm, Jun 26 2009
Posts: 2050

Quote from Caliber
Look on my face when both tests get postponed till monday?
@#$(@!$*^!@*#$&!$*@(#&$(^!)(@#(@#&@$%# $

... Damn. That's fucked up. Really. But atleast you're ready!

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

This Week's favourite:
DoLL (Okado Tatsuya)
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9:10 pm, Jun 28 2009
Posts: 17

Okay so here is one of my really good wtf moments.

We had just moved into this house me and my friends were renting and we heard this noise in the backyard. This big BANG!!! A house full of girls we are all freaked out so I called the cops. So I am on the phone with the cops and the police operator asks me if I would go out in the backyard to look. WTF confused ?? You want me to go look? I would just like to add in that I do watch horror movies so I totally know the person who goes to check on the bang is going to obviously be hacked into little pieces by the masked wearing freak that is running around making bang noises in our backyard. hmm maybe I have watched too many horror movies.I couldn't believe she was asking me to go look!!!! WTF?? You people have guns and stuff and what am I going to do if it is a killer? hit him with the broom I got from the closet? Well long story short it just turned out to be my neighbors dog. It had gotten between the fences and was stuck banging up against them! You can bet your sweet butt that I waited for the cops to show up and check first though lol

I love people they're delicious!
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Yours Truly,

2:20 am, Jun 29 2009
Posts: 2050

A WTF moment was JUST NOW.

I just woke up (IN UTTER SHOCK) a couple of minutes ago because I dreamt of something outrageous!

Spoiler (highlight to view)
Last night I dreamt of marrying to Michael Jackson (RIP).. I married to the 'old' black (pre-operation) version of him. (like the ones from Thriller and Billy Jean music videos).

He doesnt love me but anyhu it was kinda like one of those vivid dreams where I trully believe that I am REALLY MARRIED to him! (It's not a sexual dream btw, it's more like an emotional dream)

I took him to the beach, he was happy and the last thing I remember, someone secretly leaked our marriage in the internet and I deny everything for the sake of him. Sounds stupid eh??

Anyhu, I suddenly woke up..and kept thinking if it was REAL. I've totally forgotten for a second that he's really gone now. ...damn. mad

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

This Week's favourite:
DoLL (Okado Tatsuya)
Post #301992
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I am the Devil

11:47 am, Jun 29 2009
Posts: 2081

just the other day, i returned home to Japan for the summer. so in my room, there is a bunk bed in which i sleep on the top and the other bed is for guests. this week, my dad is out of the house on some kind of business trip and some of my friends are crashing here this week. so yesterday while i was sleeping, one of my friends sleepwalked into my bed. how he got to the top bunk, i dunno but anyway, i was waken up by realizing that i was very cold and my blankets were missing. i looked over and saw that one of my friends was in my bad and stole all of my covers. when i poked him, he whined "what the hell are you doing in my bed?"
what the hell. he had no idea that je was in my bed, thought that it was his bed and stole my covers. evil

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Monkey. :B

9:12 am, Jul 1 2009
Posts: 1966

I was looking for some sheets in our attic and I found a creepy looking clown wrapped in them, and it laughs! cry dead

Scared the crap out of me. O____O

Ohh and one that happened some time ago when I googled "monkey yandere"...just for the lolz. XD And the first result was my profile here~ O__o

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I have to thank you again. It's been a while since I've had this much d**k on my computer. :'3
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The Movie Critic

10:03 pm, Jul 6 2009
Posts: 515

I have two one was when me and my friend seen a guy smoking crystal meth in his car. It was such a what the fuck moment that I actually walked for two minutes and finally commented on it. Another was when me and my friend were walking across the street when a cop car almost hit me and my friend I was so shaken from this moment that I screamed "what the fuck is your problem". I had to stop myself from picking up a rock and throwing it at the car.

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All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. - Voltaire
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12:43 am, Jul 7 2009
Posts: 63

While shopping at Nordstorm Rack one day, I saw a girl with long blond hair who was wearing an atrocious pink tube top with her belly sticking outcovered with hair. When I saw "her" face, it dawned on me that she was actually a GUY.

Reminds me of a joke that did give a WTF moment for about 10 seconds...
A friend sends me an email...
I open and download the attachment. The program runs and asks politely all the information about you... then in the end it proclaims you an idiot. A window pops up with the question -> "Are you convinced you are an Idiot?". Two buttons underneath the question - "Yes" and "No".
Go and click yes... things go as predicted... the program makes fun out of you. But what makes you wanna pick up and throw your computer out of the window is the fact that you can't click "No". The moment you come near that button, the cursor would run/jump off to some other part of the screen. It was just so damn annoying... but the first time, It did give a WTF effect.

I actually played a flash game that went like that. Except it's test asking if you are gay. When you try to answer no, it jumps to yes and plays this horrible animation with dramatic music in the background. It then proceeds to showing a shape looking like the male genitalia destroying earth with the words gay written on it, a rocket ship, that once again looks like the male genitalia, landing on URANUS, and then a bomb looking like-you-know-what destroying "hetero city". I was like WTF when i did this, (even though I didn't know why i did it in the first place) But it was funny since it was totally unexpected.

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Having a good time...
Post #304617

9:14 pm, Jul 8 2009
Posts: 47

the first time i read a guro manga

damn u uziga waita to death

Post #304731 - Reply to (#304617) by 2wcp
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Yours Truly,

4:14 am, Jul 9 2009
Posts: 2050

Quote from 2wcp
the first time i read a guro manga

damn u uziga waita to death

Oh, another poor soul tarnished by that horrible horrible manga. ;__;

My biggest wtf moment?
(actually it wasnt so 'wtf' it's just hillarious!)

It was a couple of days ago, I was on a short train ride after a transit from the main rail station. There's this friendly british dude who was talking to me, he's a photographer in St Ives (the place where the train's going to) then he took his camera and shown some of the beautiful pictures that he took there.

Then, while he was browsing through the photos,, he accidentally show his 'private' photos to me! (it was an accident and the only reaction I had was "OH MY~~~!!" x3

he was so embarrassed and said "Oh sorry!" and continued showing his other pictures of St Ives. If I were him, I would be so embarassed! LOL!

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The Hidden Agenda=Gol.D.Ace

This Week's favourite:
DoLL (Okado Tatsuya)

1:43 pm, Jul 11 2009
Posts: 539

I got transparent piss

Post #305374
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2:30 pm, Jul 11 2009
Posts: 2342

That's actually a good thing.

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chasing oblivion

5:18 pm, Jul 11 2009
Posts: 1366

I was driving through Texas and I had underestimated the effectiveness of two tablespoons worth of Dayquil. I hit the rumble strip on the breakdown lane, and woke right up. Scared the crap out of me, not to mention my sister. The kids in the back were completely unaware of just how close we came to crashing, or atleast violently skidding into the center divider.

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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12:06 pm, Sep 2 2009
Posts: 1130

Here's one I had recently...My GF has a number of digital friends that like to "look out" for her. One day we were talking on the phone and she asks me why I was up so late the night before. This creeped me out since I lived on the other side of the country at the time, I asked her how she knew and she said one of her digital friends had been tracking me on Baka and told her I had showed her what time I had been trolling and posting here the night before but that she had asked the person to stop being all creepy, stalkeresque.

Now a couple months went by and I moved across the country to be with her. When she comes home one day mad about one of the manga I had been reading. Now this really creeped me out because I was looking at it on a site that has no connections to Baka and doesn't require registration to view things. I ask how she knew and she admitted her friend had not only not stopped watching me, but had escalated to tracking my digital signature and was reporting all the sites I had been on that day. The only reason I can think that this person is doing such a thing is because they think they know me and don't like me.

NOW, seeing as I know they are a member of the forums here I'm going to say this to the stalker. YOU DO NOT KNOW ME. You may think you have a clue to my personality from reading old back posts and taking them out of context. However, you have no clue as to how I think or what kind of mindset I was in at the time I wrote that, or even what sort of tone I was using when I wrote them...I'll go even further, you don't even know my GF as well as you think you do. All you are doing by this childish behavior is causing her anguish. She knows who I am and accepts it, as I do her. If you want to get a real insight as to who I am and what I'm about maybe you could, oh, I don't know, start a PM conversation with me. If you don't have the courage to do something as simple as that you can Fuck off out of our lives.

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Post #318019 - Reply to (#317965) by Spanky151
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7:28 pm, Sep 2 2009
Posts: 198

Quote from Spanky151
Here's one I had recently...My GF has a number of digital friends that like to "look out" for her. One day we were talking on the phone and she asks me why I was up so late the night before. This creeped me out since I lived on the other side of the country at the time, I asked her how she knew and she said one of her digital friends had been tracking me on Baka and told her I had showed her what time I had been trolling and posting here the night before but that she had asked the person to stop being all creepy, stalkeresque.

Now a couple months went by and I moved across the country to be with her. When she comes home one day mad about one of the manga I had been reading. Now this really creeped me out because I was looking at it on a site that has no connections to Baka and doesn't require registration to view things. I ask how she knew and she admitted her friend had not only not stopped watching me, but had escalated to tracking my digital signature and was reporting all the sites I had been on that day. The only reason I can think that this person is doing such a thing is because they think they know me and don't like me.

NOW, seeing as I know they are a member of the forums here I'm going to say this to the stalker. YOU DO NOT KNOW ME. You may think you have a clue to my personality from reading old back posts and taking them out of context. However, you have no clue as to how I think or what kind of mindset I was in at the time I wrote that, or even what sort of tone I was using when I wrote them...I'll go even further, you don't even know my GF as well as you think you do. All you are doing by this childish behavior is causing her anguish. She knows who I am and accepts it, as I do her. If you want to get a real insight as to who I am and what I'm about maybe you could, oh, I don't know, start a PM conversation with me. If you don't have the courage to do something as simple as that you can Fuck off out of our lives.

lol so in internet world their are also stalker people? kinda scary

worrying is just wasting time
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