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Which browser do you like best???

Which Browser do you use most with manga updates and why or why not some browsers?
Internet Explorer
Mosaic (haha)
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5:53 pm, Sep 9 2010
Posts: 131

Google Chrome

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Future World Ruler

2:57 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 58

I perfer to use Firefox [cause IE6 kept crashing, and repair installs wouldn't work. To fix it I would have had to make a whole new user account and do tons of other crap, so I switched to firefox].

I also like their logo.

However, mangaupdates doesn't work for me on Firefox. Thus it's the only time I use IE6.

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Slumbering Remnant

3:02 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 657

I use IE
it came with my computer so I'm using it.
maybe I should go to firefox..
hey, whats the difference they all connect to the internet in someway right? (haha..someone is going to butcher me for saying that...) none

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I hear you say "Why?" Always "Why?" You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"
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3:19 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 74

i use chrome cause firefox crashed on me

Post #410336 - Reply to (#410286) by sweetnsour321
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Future World Ruler

5:56 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 58

Quote from sweetnsour321
I use IE
it came with my computer so I'm using it.
maybe I should go to firefox..
hey, whats the difference they all connect to the internet in someway right? (haha..someone is going to butcher me for saying that...) none

Um, the difference is in settings. It's true they all connect to the same internet, but diff browsers have diff security settings, as well as different features. If you want a more detailed explanation, you'll have to specify which browsers you want the difference between.

If you have to raise your voice to improve your argument, it merely shows how weak the ground you stand on is.
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5:59 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 318

Internet Explorer.
I was too lazy to download browsers when I got my laptop. Used to use Firefox and Safari though.


6:02 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 33

dude chrome is the shit
why is it not on the list

Post #410411 - Reply to (#410340) by thegabriel
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10:33 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 10709

Quote from thegabriel
dude chrome is the shit
why is it not on the list

Because the initial poll was in 2007, and Google Chrome had an initial release of 2008

A just ruler amongst tyrants

11:21 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 30

Firefox! God I HATE IE.


12:57 am, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 9

Firefox for Mac and Windows. I used Chrome for a while when it was first released.

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10:15 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 327

Opera, <3 mouse gestures

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11:01 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 229

google chrome....and you have mozilla and firefox as 2 different choices....arent they the same thing?

Post #410649
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11:35 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 417

Chrome, used to use Opera mainly and Firefox before that. Firefox was glitching one me, and I wanted the built in torrent tracker from opera. But sampled chrome when it was released and have used it ever since.

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Post #410655
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1:18 am, Sep 29 2010
Posts: 76

I used to use Firefox, but got tired of the loading time. So I switched to Google Chrome at our main computer; then instead of installing chrome on my laptop, I installed Opera. At work I have to use IE.
Which do I like best? Chrome, because it loads fast and it's pretty. However it's not fully functional with embedded video that ISNT Flash, which gets annoying. My computer upstairs needs a rebuild I think, when that happens I might check out FireFox again. It's the one browser that could handle anything, it just took too bloody long to open!

I am not very familar with Opera and mouse gestures; I guess because it's on my laptop and I just use the trackpad for navigating. Will check that out later smile

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2:40 am, Sep 29 2010
Posts: 3342

Chrome here

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
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