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How often do you take breaks from manga?

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8:02 am, Mar 10 2014
Posts: 1139

How often do you take breaks from manga? -
About how many times a year (or whatever if your breaks are biennial or triennial or something) do you take a break from reading manga?

How long do these breaks tend to last?

What reason makes you want to take a break from manga? (need to focus on studying, constantly running into cliché, just tired/ had your fill, etc.)

(I guess you can include anime in your post, but try to focus on manga more)

My breaks ... minimum once a year, and that would last about 4/5 months. Normally it's 2/3 breaks for a month or two.
Why do I go on breaks. Mostly because I get bored with reading the same storylines, and everything that seems interesting barely has anything out. Or because I get so busy I don't have the spare time to read manga.
As for anime, I can go months, years on break from watching anything ... although my anime sprees don't last longer than a few weeks.

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8:14 am, Mar 10 2014
Posts: 1181

Hello kitty1826x ^^

I still haven't had a long break from mangas, haven't even been a year since I started reading mangas...

But I don't read that much mangas anymore, unlike a couple of months ago, when I read 100 chapters a day, now, barely even 10 chapters a day,
I guess, I could consider this a break...

Also, will be having a break of months for reasons that you know, Right? ^^

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8:56 am, Mar 10 2014
Posts: 830

I don't really take breaks from manga, as I'm a compulsive bookworm and must be reading something. I usually read manga and a novel, alternating between them. Some weeks I read more manga and others I read less, it all depends on what else I have on the go. I tend to avoid starting a new, long series when I'm already busy, so I might re-read my favourites instead, that way I don't mind stopping when I need to. Occasionally I'll take a week's break if I'm reading a particularly good novel that I don't want to put down, vice versa when I find a good manga series.

I definitely understand the desire to avoid clichés, after 12 years it seems like I've read every plot line going sometimes. When I get bored of a cliché, I switch genres entirely. I usually read fantasy or supernatural manga, but I sometimes switch to slice-of-life or yakuza or mystery genre. I also alternate between dark and light stories, I tend to prefer darker, heavier stories, but will read something light-hearted every now and then to refresh myself.

Anime I very rarely watch any more. Only when a really good series comes out, and even then I do it mostly for the Japanese practice.

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10:32 am, Mar 10 2014
Posts: 374

I've been reading manga since my early childhood and I've never once taken a break. Of course there are times when I read less; like knightzomegaz it's probably about 10 chapters a day for me these days.

There's no real reason for me to take a break, if I get tired of a genre I just switch to another. If I'm not in the mood for a manga, I'll start reading a webtoon. Searching for good stuff to read is part of the fun anyway.

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10:47 am, Mar 10 2014
Posts: 161

for me its more of having a couple of ongoing series to read, so my breaks would include the series finishing/hiatus or just new arc starting soon

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11:25 am, Mar 10 2014
Posts: 291

When I was a child, i was addicted to anime and I've never taken a break since then..

But when I've enter college, I've become addicted to manga instead and the only times I've taken a break is when there's final exams but only for a few days.
Its become my routine to read everyday because I'm a bookworm. Sometimes I brought my manga to work to..hehehe
I think I would lose my mind If I'm not reading anything.

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1:30 pm, Mar 11 2014
Posts: 207

Probably 2 or 3 days a year. Sometimes in a row but mostly not. Longest stretch was when I went on vacation to a foreign country, the summer that passed, because there was not a steady internet connection. That break lasted a week and I was horribly bored. I love to read so I was restricted to only novels but even then I only brought a few books with me so I got bored really fast.

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1:40 pm, Mar 11 2014
Posts: 22

for me it is completely random. only been actively reading manga for the last 2 years. but i tend to take a break for a day or two after finishing a LONG series or after finishing a lot of little ones. usually the break is because i am bored and burnt out on reading. usually play games for a few days then dive back in to my active list to catch up. but there is the occasional break because there are no new release out and i am not in the mood to start a new series biggrin

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8:14 am, Mar 14 2014
Posts: 318

Only on vacation/travelling once a year for a few days.

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8:10 am, Mar 17 2014
Posts: 245

I haven't been reading mangas that long, only a couple of months. But I love to read so I really don't see myself taking a break. Before I started reading mangas, I read ebooks. I usually got to read a couple of ebooks every day. Now, I only read one ebook and about 80 chapters on a good day.

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Thanks to blueangel06661 for the stock!
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8:45 am, Mar 17 2014
Posts: 71

Wow, I knew I didn't read that much in comparison with most people here, but I didn't think the difference would be this much... seems like my reading-manga-life is like a break of manga for some.

It's hard for me to find mangas I like, and I don't have much time to read, so when I read a lot I read about 10 chapters a day (also I don't like to read a good manga in one go).
The rest of the time is just waiting for the releases of the ones I'm currently reading, which is like... 2-3 chapters a week.
It can also be a whole week with nothing to read.

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10:50 am, Mar 17 2014
Posts: 412

Reading is an addiction for me. I used to read ebooks before I discovered manga a year back. Even now, when I am not reading manga, I usually read some novels. So I won't call it a break exactly. I can go for weeks without reading manga as long as I am reading something.

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3:50 am, Mar 26 2014
Posts: 388

Well, if you don't count maybe reading a couple of chapters maybe once a month or once every several months, you could say I took a 3-4 years break. I got seriously addicted to romance novels. (I've probably read every popular urban fantasy / paranormal romance series released during those years, hahaha). I'm kinda like everyone else in the thread in that I'm always reading something.

But these breaks are rare for me. I guess I'm the type of person who does something until they're sick of it?

Webcomics (and having more free time) are doing a pretty good job of keeping in the manga scene lately. They release so regularly I just can't stop!

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4:04 am, Mar 26 2014
Posts: 482

random, sometimes i cant find anything good, sometimes i'm busy with school, sometimes i'm addicted to something else (like a tv show). it can take from a month to half a year. but i always go back (unlike my sister totally in the clutch of tv shows!)

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6:16 am, Mar 26 2014
Posts: 3

Many times. I'm really busy during the semesters in university, so I almost does not read anything until the end of it. The amount of manga that I read has been decreasing since I entered in university, I can say I read a little bit. Sometimes I get enough of manga also. But I do not regret anything, I'm pretty satisfied with my readings.

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