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Internet Censorship TODAY

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6:39 pm, Jan 18 2012
Posts: 46

just thinking about it all the sights that we use around now will be destroyed because of this. the internet will not be as nice wonderful as it is now. there will most likely be limitations on everything if this were to happen.

just living my life like any teenager would, facing the world, dealing with all the things that come at me. im not the special yet not that all normal, just somewhere in the middle ground :3.

8:16 pm, Jan 18 2012
Posts: 11

This dude holds three degrees from MIT and an MBA from Harvard, he knows what he's talking about.

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8:58 pm, Jan 18 2012
Posts: 6

Seeing how the Internet is a form of free speech, censoring it would be against our first amendment rights. Not that this has stopped the government before, but this would be a pretty extreme move. If it does pass, I expect a few lawsuits.

As a side note, wouldn't the passing of this law prevent us from reading our manga online? confused
Just thinking about that makes me sad. cry

Life's like toilet paper. At first is looks all clean, but then you realize it's gonna end up in a load of crap.

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Post #518066 - Reply to (#518041) by yokaichild95
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chasing oblivion

1:36 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 1366

Quote from yokaichild95
As a side note, wouldn't the passing of this law prevent us from reading our manga online? confused
Just thinking about that makes me sad. cry

that is the main reason lobbyists are pushing this bill so hard. The general population would be in favor of a bill that did just that. The problem with SOPA/PIPA is that's it's worded in a way that lets it convert most anything not completely original to become copyright infringement and the power it gives other people to pull those sites without completely being certain that what they just shut down was indeed illegal because they didn't go through the proper legal channels. Put it simply, they can shoot first and let god sort them out without ever asking a question.

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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2:19 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 52

lets take it like this you are probably a facebook user, facebook would have to check each post u make for the content, maybe they would to be safe check the post first and then put it online

or youtube has to delete millions of videos cause the content might have a copyright, though they already check songs

Post #518076
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penguin king

3:10 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 758

Manga never had a chance in any kind of bill like this, and that sucks enough.... now its that + never seeing any parody ever again. Want to see the new none piece? Well too bad unless you take huge risks.... including jail time from what I've heard.......

Few favs
Kyou kara ore wa!!, Mx0, Angel Densetsu, Skip Beat, Ai Kora, The Devil King is Bored

Hana to Akuma, No bra, Shinigami Trilogy, kindan no koi de ikou, Usagi Drop, Threads of Time, Girl Friends

Most under rated:
Kindan no koi de ikou, kyou kara ore wa!.
m0r l83r... maybe >_>
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0n3 Winged

4:38 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 603

well, at least i don't live in the us...eih? laugh
Bugs me not...however I do fear whiplash, someone needs to assassinate whoever thought up this idea.

I just watched the video....and damn.

It goes as far as saying, that they only have to even "think" (just think, it could be bogus..*legal loophole for a translation of, I'll do whatever the F*&k I wan't!*) your affiliated to something illegal which could have been posted on a forum (like this one) for them to ban if they wanted to. No counter sue, even if you turned out legit and it was their mistake.

Plus if you hide stuff from them its considered illegal. Efficiently giving them access to all information on the net. No, I'm not ok with someone holding all the cards to everyone's personal stuff based on infringement.

This will really take any free will from the net away. (perhaps creating a fake sense of freedom maybe).

Last edited by fr33noob at 5:03 am, Jan 19 2012

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I believe in letting people do as they wish, as do I myself. Sometimes, of course, what I wish to do is kill them and they do not wish to die. This gives life interest.
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5:57 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 15

from what i heard were winning, (watching msnbc, morning joe) there losing momentum and support fast. (despite that they keep showing a comerical for sopa and pippa(?) ). some senator is working to make sure the 2 guys involved cant get re-elected. (wish i watched the debate, was half listening to the report >_>)

Post #518087
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6:18 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 445

This was a nice read, something like this happened in my country too. One of our politicans slandared people who worked for the komunist goverment, then his father told him that he was one of them.

Post #518088 - Reply to (#507714) by redlinks
Piss Ant

8:19 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 171

Quote from redlinks
I'm actually in favor of it for the most part. I'd be glad if we could get rid of internet bullying. Something in this world that we do not need.

Well, have fun not reading manga anymore. Censorship has nothing to do with internet bullying either laugh

Anyone who hasn't mailed their Senator and Representative needs to. Also, with all the fuss about it, it's almost guaranteed NOT to pass. So many sites would go under and that would negatively effect the economy. The few dollars that victims of internet piracy would gain back would not even be close the the amount lost from sites like YouTube going down.
The government likes to think that every piece of pirated software and entertainment would have been purchased otherwise, when, in fact, about half the people wouldn't have obtained it unless it was free. Say that $1,000,000 was lost to piracy in a given time by a group of people. If piracy was not existent, they would have been lucky to get half of that from those same people. Since 95% of pirated items are things we could do without, many people would rather just go without. Since it can be obtained for free, people will take it. These bills are beyond retarded. Nobody likes them except for the entertainment industry, which is the only industry that may gain from it. Lot's of other industries will suffer as a result. sad

-No longer do I quote great scholars, the famous, etc. Kids feigning wisdom ruined it.
--I wont type a post like a college report. If you don't read it just for that reason, you don't have to post why your hoity-toity ass refused to. I swear, so many people on this site are so full of themselves. A lot seem to think they always have an "intelligent and/or logical" point or show signs of a superiority complex. They never admit they're wrong. Maybe partially, but excuses abound! :\
-Stop mailing me about my comments. I don't read them.
Post #518090 - Reply to (#518088) by That3rdGuy

8:38 am, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 15

Quote from That3rdGuy
Since 95% of pirated items are things we could do without, many people would rather just go without. Since it can be obtained for free, people will take it. These bills are beyond retarded. Nobody likes them except for the entertainment industry, which is the only industry that may gain from it. Lot's of other industries will suffer as a result. sad

i really liked this! nice.

in terms of the industry, you have to remember they're not the type to think about the future, they only ever consider immediate gain, anything and everything they produce(fund/endorse) is about making as much gain as possible, even if its less then 5% gain from the amount of piracy that gain is all that matters. you also have to remember it allows them to block our eyes to advancements of rivalry products (from outside US)... say for instances hollywood just becomes worse and worse in comparison to everywhere else >_>.

for these reasons i love the people who started the freeware trend! made by the people for the people.

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Artificial Life

6:41 pm, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 1591

to be honest I have not been following this issue at all... when are they voting for this bill?

and regarding the whole Hollywood crap, I hate movies in general so they won't see a penny from me unless im going out with friends to chill at the theater, which is rare because they all know i dislike them OR there is a trailer that really caught my eye. and the shows that are good are canceled before they finish so I don't even bother anymore.

sites like mangaupdates and mangafox would affect me and i think i would seriously cry if they kill these sites.

and if the reason is piracy, i dont see why they need to aim for the internet. A huge Chinese mall an hour away from me have at least 20 stores that sell pirated DVDs of shows, movies etc. but there is no effort to shut them down. even though its a known issue.

As if handcuffed, I'm bound to the memories of you...

7:22 pm, Jan 19 2012
Posts: 430 ays-so-long-sopa-killing-controversial-internet-piracy-legislation/

Whooo!!!! Now for PIPA, Ten Strikes, and ATT/Comcast.

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A Person

8:29 am, Jan 20 2012
Posts: 2126

Both SOPA & PIPA have both been delayed! Woop! Although really, delaying them for a couple years on hopes everyone will forget about them is less of a win - they should've got rid of them altogether.

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Post #518294
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8:35 am, Jan 20 2012
Posts: 445

I think they gonna wait until the elections are over? They can loose their base voters otherwise.

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