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Last manga you dropped

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Post #373007 - Reply to (#364934) by Chocoroll
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4:03 pm, Apr 20 2010
Posts: 748

Quote from Chocoroll
Deep Love - Ayu no Monogatari, for quite some time now.

I'm waiting for the time to finish it when I'm psychologically ready, because the first volume had me pretty shaken up. AND I'm not weak, it just makes me really depressed.

Her mangas are just depressing as hell. She just offers words of hope at the end but the characters never ever are happy. I read all of her works because I loved the art and her way to keep you in suspense is awesome especially in the sequel. I just wish her characters would get some form of happiness at the end. Read it though but be prepared to be more depressed because well other than a few simple "words" of hope you won't find anything else but just sadness.

Last manga i dropped was Nanaco Robin--same mangaka as Lovely Complex but i just found it so boring. Very little romance even though there were hardly any cliches in her manga I just feel bored reading her mangas.

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
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5:40 pm, Apr 20 2010
Posts: 134

Watashi ni xx Shinasai!... I know many people like it, but the girl's just freaking annoying to me. The guy's annoying, too, and the plot's just... roll eyes

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Post #373092 - Reply to (#373032) by crossyuuki
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10:18 pm, Apr 20 2010
Posts: 748

Quote from crossyuuki
Watashi ni xx Shinasai!... I know many people like it, but the girl's just freaking annoying to me. The guy's annoying, too, and the plot's just... roll eyes

totally agree with you here. The girl is wayy too annoying with her following all these steps on love and stuff. talk about BS and the guy is your typical cliche who will be ultimately chosen by that annoying little girl. horrible art as well.

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
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7:49 am, Apr 22 2010
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For some reason... everything is a coincidence after coincidence, till I couldn't buy it no longer.

Post #373528
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off-hour sardaukar

8:38 am, Apr 22 2010
Posts: 60

I think it was 1/2 Prince. too shoujo for me. first few volumes was much more game oriented, and as ex-MMO-fag I was trying to figure out game mechanics. but then it just gets too predictable. one girl, two guys... gimme a break none

Paradise on my right, Hell on my left and the Angel of Death behind.
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9:07 pm, Apr 26 2010
Posts: 846

Quote from Iahel
I think it was 1/2 Prince. too shoujo for me. first few volumes was much more game oriented, and as ex-MMO-fag I was trying to figure out game mechanics. but then it just gets too predictable. one girl, two guys... gimme a break none

Oh yes... this series! I tried to stick around for a good while but then the plot started to drift all over the place and then it turned into some very very convoluted setting with all those battles and romance going on. Plus the characters weren't always that consistent.

Fruits Basket

A title I've picked up and dropped quite a few times.

It had quite a bit of depth actually and the cast was quite varied and interesting. However, the variety of the cast interactions and those moments of depth just weren't enough to make up for all that drama. I get that some people could've been secretive but most of the entire cast? Did they not learn anything from the "outsiders" they'd to mix with in school and other places or were they all cut from the same block(in terms of dealing with critical life issues and so on)?

Plus, the tragedic points of the entire cast felt too contrived.
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Yeah... it's a closed kinda family, or what someone told me. But almost everyone has some sort of horrible, horrible tragedy and for all of those sufferers, it must be traumatic enough to scar them and inflict some level of psychological damage. Their parents are all abusive or utterly freaky but it isn't really explained in-depth, so far either. And an issue I often have with most stories containing tragedy, is that in FB, the characters are unable to act so that terrible things can occur to them. I mean... considering that this is the 21st century and that you've got things like "therapy books" and so on... to read about, it seemed really depressing to read about a big bunch of people dwelling on their issues repeatedly.

Last edited by blakraven66 at 11:36 pm, Apr 26 2010

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10:13 pm, Apr 26 2010
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07-ghost I liked the bit that I read but for some reason don't care to know what will happen next.
Hug! (FUJIWARA Yuka) Yes, I dropped a oneshot. After reading through many bad ones against my own judgement I decided to trust my judgement for once.
Will most likely drop Hoshi wa Utau soon. I haven't read it in a while. It's trying too hard to be tragic.

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.
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The Gorilla Killa™

11:02 pm, Apr 26 2010
Posts: 3229

Though I'm thinking about picking it up again in the future, I dropped Medaka Box cause of this page.

My brain can only comprehend so much impossible retarded shit before it hemorrhages on its own.

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The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

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Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #374626
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11:05 pm, Apr 26 2010
Posts: 989

I dropped One Piece, Naruto and Bleach at the same time biggrin. It was because of different reasons though.
-Bleach: repetive, too much will power.
-Naruto: the main character suddenly becomes ridiculously strong(wth?)
-One Piece: I like this series very much but ever since White Beard appears to rescue Ace, it became quite boring(just a feeling). So I plan to wait until the release of chapter 600 to start reading this manga again.

its cold down here fam ~
Post #374739
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off-hour sardaukar

3:40 pm, Apr 27 2010
Posts: 60

Plus the characters weren't always that consistent.

they were utterly unrealistic. especially the main heroine.

and a one more recent drop шы Nononono.
I expected to read a manga about ski jumping, but got an Elfen Lied 2.0. the last straw was a page posted on futaba with something definitely explicit going on. so no more ski jumping, traumatic childhood and rapes are a way better... no
for future reference (for me) - do not hesitate to check out mangaka's name every once in a while. saves your time.

Last edited by Iahel at 1:59 pm, Apr 28 2010

Paradise on my right, Hell on my left and the Angel of Death behind.
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4:33 pm, Apr 27 2010
Posts: 838

Crazy for You toooo much dragging around going nowhere!!!!!!!! >_<* (dam u shoujos!)

<b>Reading</b> <!--m_gen--><a href='' title="Click for series info"><u>Love Lucky</u></a><!--m_gen_end--><BR><b>Recommended</b> <!--m_gen--><a href='' title="Click for series info"><u>B Gata H Kei</u></a><!--m_gen_end--> <3 <!--m_gen--><a href='' title="Click for series info"><u>Conveni-N</u></a><!--m_gen_end--> XD<BR><!--img--><img src='' border='0' alt='User Posted Image'><!--img_end-->
Post #375035 - Reply to (#374739) by Iahel
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6:01 pm, Apr 28 2010
Posts: 846

Quote from Iahel
Plus the characters weren't always that consistent.

they were utterly unrealistic. especially the main heroine.

Ehhh.. I see... I don't remember much about the series so I can't say anything about that.

Now, onto another series I dropped:
Yanki-kun to Megane-chan

I really really liked the first few volumes 'cos it was really funny and had a hilarious spin on the typical "student council' kinda setting. And if there were any issues with the characterization and so on, I could simply ignore it 'cos it was just slapstick comedy. ^^;;

But then, it turned all serious and the way it handled character development wasn't really what I'm into. I usually prefer serious stories about relationships(familial, platonic, romantic, etc.) to be far more thoughtful and with much better development.

Edit: Oh and something else I dropped a while ago:

07 ghost Too many, many characters... far too many details, erm... kinda predictable action and so on... and err, insufficient development for too much of the cast.
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The manga spent only a short amount of time on the supposed "good/best friend" and then killed off the poor sod ... and errr, that's supposed to be deep?
And... I prefer REAL development on how a military actually operates if a manga is going to actually revolve around that. Lack of security, poor operating procedures and so on... just took away all the realism. ^^;;
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Erm... unless a military institute really sucked, no one would be able to eavesdrop or even run away without encountering some resistance. And it's not just some militia's hideout but an institution run by the government, I recall.

Another one:

Itsuka Yume no Naka de I just suddenly got bored with the characterization and story halfway. To its credit, it was a bit funny.

Last edited by VampireBanana at 7:54 pm, Apr 29 2010

Post #375476 - Reply to (#374626) by MewMan
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8:03 pm, Apr 30 2010
Posts: 26

Quote from MewMan
I dropped One Piece, Naruto and Bleach at the same time biggrin . It was because of different reasons though.
-Bleach: repetive, too much will power.
-Naruto: the main character suddenly becomes ridiculously strong(wth?)
-One Piece: I like this series very much but ever since White Beard appears to rescue Ace, it became quite boring(just a feeling). So I plan to wait until the release of chapter 600 to start reading this manga again.

You missed out on some of the greatest moments of One Piece. That arc had some great moments toward the end. The arc is over now though. I guess you'll get to read them in a few months. Chapter 600 is coming fast.

I dropped Kuroshitsuji. So much boring talking about cooking and such. embarrassed

Post #375679
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4:03 pm, May 1 2010
Posts: 748

dropped Harem Lodge---i was looking for a good shoujo to start reading since i have been repeatedly disappointed by how wimpy and how much of a loser male leads are in shounen romance except a couple of them and i have been reading and completed a lot of good shoujos, so thought this was good considering it had like 8.3 rating.. Sadly it was utterly crap, i mean its ok to have cliches but to roll all the cliches into one chapter is wayy too much. First we find out male lead is mix of french and japanese, then he is a genius, then he comes from a really rich family which is too good for the girl, girl has to be saved by the dude who says that he has loved her like forever!! guy knows how to cook, is a good fighter...and so it goes on and on... and this kind of manga which has all these cliches just clustered into a chapter got a 8.2 rating??

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
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5:30 pm, May 1 2010
Posts: 846

Defense Devil

As always with a lot of shounen, the concepts sound great actually... yet when implemented, really disappoint. Btw, the entire main cast/story feels like Shin Angyo Onshi adapted for shounen tastes. Also, the art feels kinda like Death Note-ish. I think they're trying to replicate DN+ a ton of other manga: instead of someone who's supposed to be some "honor student/good kid" committing "evil deeds", you got someone who's supposed to be evil committing "good deeds".

Also, it frustrates me 'cos the 2 main leads were a direct copy from SAO but without the emotional/psychological depth found in SAO.

I think I'm going to try Belzebub instead. -_-;; I need to lay off serious manga for a while until my head heals up. dead I think I'll give Yankee a bit more time... to see whether it gets better. Hmmm...

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