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Subs or dubs
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4:09 am, Oct 1 2011
Posts: 1

Both suck horribly.

Post #498782
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4:51 am, Oct 1 2011
Posts: 79

subs all the way!

Dubs are a bit off. i'm sure they are the same dialogue as the japanese version but there are always going to be some parts of the character's dialogue that has to be altered in order to fit with the timing.

japanese sounds so much better anyway. it's more easier to listen to than dubs and i find that most dubs sound quite monotone none

and i trust subs more than dubs.

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5:08 am, Oct 1 2011
Posts: 46

I prefer subs, mostly because I'm learning japanese and I love listening to the japanese voices. They're damn sexy ಠ‿ಠ
To me it feels like the jap voices are more true to the characters, in most cases...but I dunno. Once you hear the japanese voices then the dubs just sound weird for some crazy reason ._.

But I have to admit that some dubs do actually sound awesome. Like Kakashi and Jiraiya's dub voices, they actually suit the characters perfectly @‿@

Also Dragonball Z is a great example of how dubs are much better than subs x___x
I think I lasted about 5 seconds of the japanese before I died >____>

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Life Puzzler

12:35 am, Oct 4 2011
Posts: 152

Subs without a doubt. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good dubs out there but I like to hear the original character's voices and script.

Though there are a few shows where I actually prefer the dub over the sub, such as Ouran. Even though Vic is in it his voice actually fits the character so much better than the seiyuu. Same for everyone else in the dub.

Dubs are alright as long as it's a comedy, but anything else is no. More than seventy-five percent of the time, the original seiyuus can't be beat.

Nowadays, when an anime I like get's US licensed I don't even bother with the dub. Recent dubs have made me cringe so hard.

*cough* Black Butler *cough* *cough*

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Sam the Eagle

1:13 am, Oct 4 2011
Posts: 351

I prefer the subs myself. I prefer to hear the voices that the director or creators chose to voice the characters. I've watched a few anime on the internet that were subbed, then rented the same anime when they were was terrible. A little girl was given a grown woman's voice (High School of the Dead, if you were wondering) in one of them! I am not a professional voice actor, nor do I know how difficult it is for them, but I can make my deep masculine voice sound like a little girl if I want it to. Also, the anime that are dubbed always use the same actors to do everything, so I really get tired of it after a while. The Japanese, on the other hand, seem to use whichever idol is popular at the moment, so it's always different apart from the same "baby voice" songs that all of those idols seem to sing.

Plus, I always try to stay away from dubbed shows, because I get images of those old martial arts films that were so terribly dubbed.

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jail bait

5:36 am, Oct 4 2011
Posts: 1444

SUBS!!~! they almost never fail..
dubs.. is like 50-50 most of the time it just makes me wanna puke myself laughing and sometimes the characters tend to be.. well.. incredibly sexy because they have this english voice and so.. well.. laugh

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