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New Poll - Manga Hiatus

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1:47 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 10691

This week's poll is from Karonhioktha. You ever get tired of manga? Maybe you just got too busy due to school, work, or life in general? What's the longest break from manga that you've taken?

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Pokemon Go Team
Instinct (Yellow) - votes: 715 (8.3%)
Mystic (Blue) - votes: 1533 (17.8%)
Valor (Red) - votes: 991 (11.5%)
Used to play, but not playing anymore - votes: 227 (2.6%)
Want to play, but doesn't work on my phone - votes: 1104 (12.8%)
Not playing since not available in my country - votes: 932 (10.8%)
Not playing because I'm not interested - votes: 3102 (36.1%)
There were 8604 total votes.
The poll ended: July 23rd 2016

Mystic is pretty popular! And since the poll was made, the game came out for a bunch more countries, so I bet the results would be different if we did the poll again.

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Lone Wanderer

3:49 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 2127

A week, maybe two weeks, tops. Less than a month, though, definitely. There was a time when I got tired of reading series and only picked up single volumes or oneshots, and that phase lasted several months, but even then I read something at least every other week.

As of this comment, 'a month' and 'multiple years' options lead. Multiple years!? Wow. If I ever abandoned something for a year or more, I'd never come back to it, pretty much.

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4:15 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 225

If manga in general then a month or so...

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5:10 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 374

A few weeks at most. I haven't taken a break from manga because I got bored of it yet, I only reduce the amount I read when there's less free time.

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5:11 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 566

I think the longest hiatus I've taken from manga was about 2 weeks. Ideally, I'd read everyday if there were enough manga translated that interested me. Right now, I don't think I could take a month long hiatus from manga. It'd feel like something was missing

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6:28 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 838

About a month. Netflix binge watching got in the way of reading.

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8:09 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 421

My actual answer is Few Months. But, as it wasn't included I choose A Month, as it was is closer than a year.

@lambchopsil add Few Months as a option, you got a lot of space to do so. smile

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8:18 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 323

I think maybe 2.5 years

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8:32 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 334

I took a break for a year.
It was due to graduating university, studying for an exam that decided my career, and a big surgery. All happened consecutively too.

It was hard not checking manga releases everyday, but I boy am I having fun still catching up to everything!

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Seinen is RIGHT

9:52 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 2411

I don´t have a smartphone and freemium ain´t my speed, so no Poke-health-hazard for me. Going outside, jaiks. I will get Pokemon Sun (i finished all main entries) with Litten the fire cat and will review the game in that thread. About the game: Nintendoomed 2: Pokemon GO's Jaunty View

About 2 weeks in my adult life. I was incommunicado for that time during basic training for example. I never let my entertainment slide for more than a few days to not to be buried.

@lambchopsilI had the same idea later and suggest a version of I may have stopped for good and an identical anime version for the next week.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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10:39 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 7784

I've spent a few years without.

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10:40 am, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 1737

Two weeks due to a summer camp where Internet was not available to make the delegates bond. lol I spent a few days catching up to everything afterwards. It might have been a month if I had not configured Internet in China.

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2:18 pm, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 45

Well voluntary it would be a week or such like when I was on a 2 week holiday but then I was bored and went to an internet cafe and it only became one week smile or just being busy with work or other media like anime or books.

Due to an internet shut down fiasco of some (insert a lot of swearwords) company I could only read the ones I had saved on my pc for a month. The internet withdrawal was really serious with me.... well since I mostly follow ongoing stuff I'll mostly go for a week or so without any manga but I'll only spend a few mins reading the ones I'm following and not for hours.

Post #682362
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5:19 pm, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 155

A month, around when exams begin and I start binge-watching Korean dramas laugh

"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." - from Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Post #682363

5:51 pm, Jul 23 2016
Posts: 490

Few months, though I was just reading novels and watching movies, so it's not like I was doing something productive.

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