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Quality vs. Speed (mangapirate case)

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Post #588826

5:21 pm, Feb 26 2013
Posts: 1

Speed, but with limitations.

I'm absolutely OK reading a bad quality scan, as long as it's not painfully bad, such as crooked pages, brown discoloration, or tear lines. As long as i can still read the text and see what the character are doing, i'm fine. This does not apply to action manga, though. I want to see every fine detail in an action manga. HQ or die. Anyways, the thing I cannot forgive whatsoever is bad grammar or typesetting, mainly the grammar part. (wild words font for the win!)

Post #588827
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The Yullenator

5:27 pm, Feb 26 2013
Posts: 122

Mangastream was perfect.

Reasonable watermarks, good translations, perfect quality scans, and great speed. Not to mention they deleted older chapters to encourage buying of volumes.

Ahh, how I miss them and Franky-House.

I can only say that mangapanda is very disatisfactory. Their translations are poor, and the quality is crap. Their watermarks are obnoxious and annoying, and destroys the mood.


6:25 pm, Feb 26 2013
Posts: 152

I would much rather go with quality vs speed. The hardest part for me is not 'spoiling' a chapter by reading a crappy release before the quality one is out. Same with raws for my absolute favorites.

There are certain groups that I will ALWAYS wait for because the quality is top-notch, such as:

Mangastream (best of the best IMO)
Red Hawk
Mahou-X & Yankee Goon
Webtoon Live
Easy Going Scans
For the Halibut
Simple Scans
[a decent number that specialize in shoujo that I can't remember]

However, I must admit that I will visit a site if a manga that I like is way behind due to whatever reason like 'Girls of the Wild' and 'Green Boy' (there hasn't been a non-MangaPirate release of Green Boy since last July). Some of MangaPirate releases are decent-to-good from time to time - besides sometimes it's the only option.

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6:59 am, Feb 27 2013
Posts: 32

Apparently the mangapirate site is down for maintenance~ just checked. (Since there were rumours here it was down for good). I didn't expect them to give up like that anyway.
But I read it's been down much longer than expected.

Post #588914 - Reply to (#588827) by Baniita

7:13 am, Feb 27 2013
Posts: 381

Quote from Baniita
Mangastream was perfect.

Reasonable watermarks, good translations, perfect quality scans, and great speed. Not to mention they deleted older chapters to encourage buying of volumes.

Ahh, how I miss them and Franky-House.

I can only say that mangapanda is very disatisfactory. Their translations ar ...

... why are you talking like mangastream died?

Post #589015 - Reply to (#588914) by HikaruYami
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The Yullenator

12:38 am, Feb 28 2013
Posts: 122

I'm talking about the good old days when they handled Naruto. OTL

Post #589367 - Reply to (#589015) by Baniita
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The H Emperor

2:16 am, Mar 3 2013
Posts: 501

Quote from Baniita
I'm talking about the good old days when they handled Naruto. OTL

lol the good old days were when there was no speedscanlating aka no mangastream either. biggrin

Post #589376 - Reply to (#589367) by T1
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Noblesse Forever!

4:24 am, Mar 3 2013
Posts: 1067

Quote from T1
lol the good old days were when there was no speedscanlating aka no mangastream either. biggrin

This plus no annoying watermarks by speed (& useless) groups roll eyes

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Eat Pudding Pop!

10:13 am, Mar 5 2013
Posts: 56

^agreed those watermarks yeah I get the point but they just serve to piss off the readers

Post #589686
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11:55 am, Mar 5 2013
Posts: 402

What's wrong with pissing off a few readers who don't care about scanlators?

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Post #589758
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The Yullenator

6:39 am, Mar 6 2013
Posts: 122

It's all a war for web traffic and ad revenue or something. = A= Which is reasonable, since, well, server costs.

I don't think mangastream should be lumped in with the speedscans you're referring to, though. The groups now doing the Big Three (well, technically Bleach isn't in the big 3 anymore) are all speed, no quality. The new chapter of Naruto had so many mistakes and over-levelled panels that my head span. At least the mangastream watermarks weren't nearly as distracting. Mangarule breaks into it half the page, and I want to throw things.

Well, at least mangastream dabbles in the Big 3~ Even if they're slower, it's so much more worth it.

Post #589766 - Reply to (#589758) by Baniita
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Noblesse Forever!

7:41 am, Mar 6 2013
Posts: 1067

Actually, Mangastream is a speed group if you check their quality. And well, they are trying to make profit and the ad-revenue they earn is more than enough to pay for both raws and servers.

Well readers don't care about anything as long as they get releases roll eyes

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Drowning in Manga

12:22 pm, Mar 8 2013
Posts: 133

Quality over speed for sure with the exception of extreme cases, which would be like taking a month to put out the latest chapter when 5-6 have been released unless it was a specific issue not just the scanner.

A really good case would be Wolf Guy - Ookami no Monshou I think it was Wolfy Scans were absolute crap, like seriously awful translations any person could QC and make better and truly terrible typesetting and raws vs Illuminati-Manga releasing volumes 07/30/11(10)-03/10/12(11)-05/01/12(12). In the case of 10-11 that was a ridiculous wait time but wolfy only put the chapters out 1-2 months ahead and for 11-12 I just had to bare with it because I couldn't be sure if anything was translated really accurately.

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Post #590029

1:58 pm, Mar 8 2013
Posts: 399

So is mangapirate dead?

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11:09 am, Mar 11 2013
Posts: 187

Quality! I don't mind waiting. I prefer to have the manga touch my heart, and a great way to do that is reading one with better quality.

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