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speak Japanese?

Know how to speak Japanese? Also able to read/write Hiragana/Kanji?
i wish
learning it now
once upon a time
im japanese, moron! of course i know!
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Post #150662 - Reply to (#150661) by Veltwolfsleer

12:36 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 1063

Quote from Veltwolfsleer
Quote from Dubby
Sorry, I'm starting to rant here. XD But this just shows how much these kind of people irritate me. No offense to anyone here who's like that [and from looking at the poll, I can tell a LOT of you are like that]

uhm i was just making a general statement about how knowing 2-4 languages can get you a decent job. srry for annoying you if i did
No you didn't annoy me. ;]

I just used your post an excuse to rant. Ahaha. *gets shot*

But to your post... Japanese can't really help you in America.

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2:00 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 9026

True, include Europe with that as well. =O

But it's handy to know alot of languages or to at least have a basic understanding of some languages ;D

source: animenewsnetwork

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Local Prig

2:16 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 1899

Japanese is definitely almost useless outside of Japan. If you actually intend to spend a significant amount of time in Japan, then yeah, maybe it'll be useful.

That said, I've been learning it for a while just because I find it interesting. Even so, my reading skills are still pretty low because I only know around 400-450 kanji. And no, I certainly don't go around using pigeon Japanese or calling people "baka".

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Post #150706 - Reply to (#150700) by Crenshinibon

2:28 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 1063

Quote from Crenshinibon
Japanese is definitely almost useless outside of Japan. If you actually intend to spend a significant amount of time in Japan, then yeah, maybe it'll be useful.

That said, I've been learning it for a while just because I find it interesting. Even so, my reading skills are still pretty low because I only know around 400-450 kanji. And no, I certainly don't go around using pigeon Japanese or calling people "baka".
Good for you. XD

Or I'd be force to go wherever you are and use this chainsaw in my hand.

Post #150708
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2:31 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 21

I've started to learn Japanese lately. I've mastered hiragana/katakana and I know 100+ words for now. Time to learn kanji and gramma what is worst. sad

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3:44 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 380

Trying to learn, but without much dedication. The only thing I'm consistent with is practicing katakana. The it's hiragana, while meanwhile picking up tiny driblets of kanji. I had this idea for learning kanji--make bookmarks with the kanji, its reading, and its meaning. cool So, like, the kanji for blood is now etched into my memory. How useful. bigrazz

They say it's the thought that counts, but then they tell you, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions......"

Will no one scanlate Takahashi Miyuki?! T_T
Post #150869
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The Final Cylon

10:58 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 334

I do notice that the people who actually know Japanese are the ones who never use it in an English conversation. I find it annoying when fangirls/boys use it for no apparent reason at all. One of the groups I translated for actually wanted to leave it untranslated. Something like "You BAKA!". ^^; *cringes*

Japanese is definitely almost useless outside of Japan. If you actually intend to spend a significant amount of time in Japan, then yeah, maybe it'll be useful.

Learning any language is never "useless". It's not just the language you learn. You learn discipline, dedication, culture, and you also begin to understand the workings of your own language better. You also get an edge on any job application if you say you're trilingual...doesnt' matter which language it is. bigrazz

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Post #150877 - Reply to (#150869) by Razril

11:16 pm, Apr 5 2008
Posts: 1063

Quote from Razril
I do notice that the people who actually know Japanese are the ones who never use it in an English conversation. I find it annoying when fangirls/boys use it for no apparent reason at all. One of the groups I translated for actually wanted to leave it untranslated. Something like "You BAKA!". ^^; *cringes*

Japanese is definitely almost useless outside of Japan. If you actually intend to spend a significant amount of time in Japan, then yeah, maybe it'll be useful.

Learning any language is never "useless". It's not just the language you learn. You learn discipline, dedication, culture, and you also begin to understand the workings of your own language better. You also get an edge on any job application if you say you're trilingual...doesnt' matter which language it is. bigrazz
Quit that group kthx

And that again brings up my question: Why Japanese? I'm sure French, Spanish and other European languages will look MUCH better in a resume. Again almost completely useless outside of Japan. ;P I'mstill looking for a reason as to how Japanese will benefit me, and others, in North America (and Europe).

Post #150896
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hoo ha

12:25 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 247

I've studied Italian for five years. >_> Io molto stupido con esso now (I am very stupid with it now. Molto male di mi...). I lost interest somewhere between the fourth year and fifth year. Since I haven't used it in awhile, most of the knowledge regressed. >D But the funny part with kana... It only took me a month to learn both hiragana and katakana out of the "Kana de Manga" book and only a few hours just to memorize over fifty kanji (meanings only. On-yomi and kun-yomi, forget about it) using an online kanji matching game. "Kanji de Manga" helped somewhat but that online matching game was more helpful.

At the same time, trying to learn basic Japanese grammar stuff which isn't easy. It's fun self-teaching myself a new language and it opened up my eyes to whenever I shop at any of the Japanese supermarkets/bookstores in my area. Just finding time to learn it is a bit tricky due to RL.

And yes, I was one of those ignorant kids back in the early 2000s era who use to put down random "otaku" phrases in my old fanfiction thinking it was cool. Geeze, now that I look at all the current "otaku" people who use those phrases without much understanding, I can only laugh and no at the same time.

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Post #150898

12:31 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 51

i can speak it read it understand it but u ask me to write it i fail...and kanji is not my friend lol

The last remnant of chivalry and a romantic till the end....too bad most people hate my sense of humor hahaha
Post #150901 - Reply to (#150877) by Dubby
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The Final Cylon

12:41 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 334

Quote from Dubby
And that again brings up my question: Why Japanese? I'm sure French, Spanish and other European languages will look MUCH better in a resume. Again almost completely useless outside of Japan. ;P I'mstill looking for a reason as to how Japanese will benefit me, and others, in North America (and Europe).

I didn't say the primary reason for my learning Japanese is for a resume. I'm just saying it's one of the advantages in the long run. And for the record, I'm also learning Spanish. I've been attending Spanish classes for more than a year now.

I learned japanese because I wanted to. I wanted to understand Japanese culture and Japanese music. Why does it matter that some people think it's useless? It's useful for me, and that's all that matters. It got me a job, it helped me earn a living, and it earned me a scholarship to Japan. I'd rather learn a language I'm interested in than learn a "useful" (in your own words) language that I'll never have the dedication to finish, like mandarin. And to answer your question, if you don't think Japanese benefits you, then I don't think you should learn it, simple as that.

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Post #150902 - Reply to (#150901) by Razril

12:46 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 1063

Quote from Razril
Quote from Dubby
And that again brings up my question: Why Japanese? I'm sure French, Spanish and other European languages will look MUCH better in a resume. Again almost completely useless outside of Japan. ;P I'mstill looking for a reason as to how Japanese will benefit me, and others, in North America (and Europe).

I didn't say the primary reason for my learning Japanese is for a resume. I'm just saying it's one of the advantages in the long run. And for the record, I'm also learning Spanish.
I learned japanese because I wanted to. I wanted to understand Japanese culture and Japanese music. Why does it matter that some people think it's useless? It's useful for me, and that's all that matters. It got me a job, it helped me earn a living, it earned me a scholarship to Japan. I'd rather learn a language I'm interested in than learn a "useful" (in your own words) language that I'll never have the dedication to finish, like mandarin. If you don't think Japanese benefits you, then I don't think you should learn it, simple as that.
One person finds it useful! Whoopie fuckidy doo!

Just writing "I earned a scholarship to Japan" was enough. Your motivation was... Let me guess! Anime and manga? Jackpot! A+ for me.

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1:07 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 217

I cannot at all... I would be nice though...

I've got to burn your eyes.
Post #150928
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5:08 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 15

I'm currently learning Japanese, and having a lot of fun. Went for JLPT 4 for last December and passed. Whew! I know hiragana, katakana, and a bit of kanji. Knowing Mandarin helps a lot in picking up Kanji! I'm trying to take most of my notes in Jap class using Kanji instead of relying on hiragana all the time. My ultimate aim is to be able to converse fluently in Japanese and pass JLPT 1. Haha.

Post #150936 - Reply to (#150657) by Dubby

6:59 am, Apr 6 2008
Posts: 75

Quote from Dubby
Quote from Veltwolfsleer
this is kinda off topic but being a translator gets you money think off all the things a translator is needed for. politics, entertainment, bussiness, it crazy how much you can make by knowing 3-4 languages
Why Japanese? =/ For that, italian, French, and Spanish would benefit me better here in North America. -_- NOT an Asian language.

I think it's stupid to praise a country and language just for manga, anime and sometimes video games. o_O; I mean, yea, it's enjoyable. But I sure as hell stay the fuck away from anime conventions because of the amount of weeaboos and Japanglish spoken.

"dewd that neko's so kawaii"

Sorry, I'm starting to rant here. XD But this just shows how much these kind of people irritate me. No offense to anyone here who's like that [and from looking at the poll, I can tell a LOT of you are like that]

eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes OH YES!
You can't know how happy I am to find someone else who feels the same about this quite pathethic display ... MAN WHEN YOU SUCK AT JAPANESE YOU DON'T BRAG ABOUT IT !
I'm disgusted and pissed off each time I hear my fellowstudent speaking a very low rate japanese.... I feel ashamed for them and also for me : I am a gaijin in japan and so are they . So its mean they are my representative in japan wherever they go . Just saying : shocku , nani , doshite and some other childish words is not speaking japanese !!! it's not even trying to improve.... you don't get better doing this. Sometimes I wonder if they have ever felt shame ? if not it's a pity... because shame according to a recent study I read on a language blog is the main factor of progress in language . It's because you feel really bad when you speak , that you're angry at yourself for the pathethic display you offer that you bust your ass to get better and never get humiliated again in front of natives .
I must say that as far as I'm concerned it's a big motivation for learning japanese ... I really want to kill someone after talking a while a japanese.... when i'm back home I dash on my notes and my SRS smile wink grin

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