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Worst SHOUNEN Cliche

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Fruit Salad

2:34 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 1353

Most annoying shounen cliches are:

- the entering the bathroom when someone's there and being beaten up or called a pervert cliche
- the panty shot cliche (eps. using bullying and harassment as "fanservice" - what are the Japanese telling the young minds?)
- the stealing (or buying from an online auction site) women's underwear cliche
- the porn magazine reading cliche
- the nosebleed cliche
- the blushing and saying "hentai" cliche (very childish and annoying but it seems to be the Japanese PROPER manners). I don't think childish is the proper word actually as children don't seem to say that unless they are impressionable by the dumb Japanese stuff.

I don't get why readers find the above funny. Damn. Can't those who draw manga think of anything that's really funny or characters who have a sense of humor and tell clever jokes? I have the feeling that the authors are treating the readers as idiots and maybe they are right. Those who like such stuff are idiots.

And, the misunderstanding cliche. I almost never found a well-handled misunderstanding situation in shounen (esp. romance) manga. They only make you think the characters have unbelievably bad communication skills and can't even say the easiest thing. Why on earth do readers want to read uninteresting stuff like that?

Last edited by base_coat at 7:24 am, Jan 6 2009

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Black Angel

2:45 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 336

For me it would be
-get beaten-stand-up-and-win roll eyes
Its just annyoing no matter how much the charcter get beaten in the and he has some super attack he never used bevore or just learnd and win.

Last edited by DarkBlade at 2:51 pm, Dec 24 2008

For the sane people I am insane,<BR>for me the sane people are insane!
Post #240562
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3:09 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 234

of all the things said i can stomach but the one thing i can't stand in the shounen category of cliches is the sissy main character!! damn! How can a pitiful character be a hero!! even though if he has a hidden/latent power that will usually emerge in dangerous situations... i still hate it coz remove those advantages and what he gets? a quick and untimely death. And furthermore it just signifies that the main characters wins are flukes!!

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Post #240622
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6:58 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 2342

Main characters who will never abandon their morals or dreams not matter how stupid or the situation, and are still able to go through life.

Post #240631
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7:16 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 340

I hate the "cherish your friendship" cliche. Take for example... Naruto. He always look for Sasuke despite the girl he likes is in love with with the guy, the guy is emo beyond saving, and has no remorse about killing Naruto. If it was me, I'll beat him into a bloody pulp. Going along with everyone, I hate the weak, sissy guy with latent powers/talent cliche. Light, Gatsu, Alucard, Munsu, and Spike are the type of protagonist I wanna see in a manga/anime.

Post #240640 - Reply to (#240631) by Lnc411
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8:09 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from Lnc411
I hate the "cherish your friendship" cliche. Take for example... Naruto. He always look for Sasuke despite the girl he likes is in love with with the guy, the guy is emo beyond saving, and has no remorse about killing Naruto. If it was me, I'll beat him into a bloody pulp.

No remorse? Durr.

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8:55 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 899

the whole "haa gotcha bitch, next chapter no didnt take that special, next chapter you've think you've won no way in hell power seal release, next chapter im not going down hidden power... 50 chapters later yes i've won.

that and the whole getting powered up through items coughbleachcough.

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that and when the next flight to japan

9:11 pm, Dec 24 2008
Posts: 258

1) the hero who's only talent is to fight, eat , sleep , Ex: luffy ,naruto , natsu , Kurohime/himeko, Itsuki "ikki" Minami , goku(the instigator of the cliche) and so on

2)the guy ending up in perverted situations with a girl who will beat the shit out of him because of a misunderstanding. Ex: girl bravo,Ai Kora, Ashita no Yoichi!,Love Hina and so on laugh

3) the girl who's chest is as flat as a cardboard and who's always super pissed + beat the shit out of the guy she likes because she can't admit her feelings for him ex zero no tsukaima, Shakugan no Shana, toradora and so on

not that i hate them but they sure apear a lot in shonen mangas

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4:00 pm, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 910

The main protagonist, who is almost always a guy, wins in the end after a crushing defeat

Post #242333
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4:30 pm, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 347

The indestructible pants, althou the shirt will be gone in 30 secounds the pants survive every blast imaginable ^^

"Sanity is for the weak"
Post #242359 - Reply to (#26964) by Nelo_Neko

5:26 pm, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 2

Quote from Nelo_Neko
The upward incline of seemly unbeatable foes that the hero does beat. I get so tired of that but some how I keep watching or reading.

AKA power escalation. That totally spoiled the latter half of Dragonball (DBZ) for me. I was reading it and was like, "What's the point anymore?" That was one of the first manga I ever read too. The only reason it lasted so long was because it was so popular and all these fans didn't want it to end. I'd rather that a good manga end prematurely or go on hiatus, at least that way there would be room for a possible sequel... anything other than a drawn-out ending.

Post #242552 - Reply to (#242359) by otakunate
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The Gorilla Killa™

10:53 pm, Dec 29 2008
Posts: 3229

Quote from otakunate
AKA power escalation. That totally spoiled the latter half of Dragonball (DBZ) for me. I was reading it and was like, "What's the point anymore?" That was one of the first manga I ever read too. The only reason it lasted so long was because it was so popular and all these fans didn't want it to end. I'd rather that a good manga end prematurely or go on hiatus, at least that way there would be room for a possible sequel... anything other than a drawn-out ending.

Don't say that around HunterXHunter fans. laugh

And the reason why Dragonball Z lasted so lon was because it was supposed to end after the Frieza Saga, but the higher-ups at Jump Comics and Shuiesha made Toriyama do the Cell Saga and Buu Saga. The reason why they weren't as good was because Toriyama was making it horrible on purpose so that Dragonball Z would be cancelled.

Last edited by loosecannon504 at 1:38 am, Jan 1 2009

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #243344

1:25 am, Jan 1 2009
Posts: 12

1. tournament

2. first girl to see ended up being main heroine *very cliche*

3. hero gets beat up first

3. hero train after being beat up and then in couple days he beat up the bad guy

4. love can cure all wound *dude you're bleeding... how can love can cure those blood loss*

5. get stronger if your friend got hurt *yea... rite..*

6. main character age between 14 - 16 *wtf? you're not even get a license and you get to save the world?!?*

7. strong but ended up being emo character *simply hate em*

8. main character going around the world... goddamn where is your parent ?(specially for point no. 6)

9. before fighting, the bad guys and main character usually talk for god-know-how-long-is-it

10. party group consist of : weak hero, strong willed heroine, cold-type-beautiful-guy, hyperactive kid.

there's actually lots of cliche in every manga and not just in shounen manga, the thing is "we cant avoid them"

Post #243355 - Reply to (#243344) by Delita
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The Gorilla Killa™

2:19 am, Jan 1 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from Delita
5. get stronger if your friend got hurt *yea... rite..*

6. main character age between 14 - 16 *wtf? you're not even get a license and you get to save the world?!?*

With #5, it's more like the main character has a stronger determination/reason to beat the villain because they hurt someone that was close to them. But I can understand what you mean if you're talking about a manga where people have powers.

And for #6, all shounen manga are aimed towards pre-teens and teenagers, so there will be a bunch of stories about teens as the main characters because it relates to them even more.

Thought of some more.

1. When they first show new characters that will be important to the story, they always show their silhouette (Though this could be said for other genres as well)

2. There will always be a character in the main group that has superhuman strength (Zoro, Chad, Sanosuke, etc.)

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #243403

4:58 am, Jan 1 2009
Posts: 12

and yet we still read em' biggrin

i guess cliche itself is what makes some manga popular ( or downright sucks... ) its inevitable

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